FF7 Rebirth

Character Stats Explained

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained

Character stats in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) are parameters that affect a character's performance in battle. Read on to learn more about each character stat, what they're for, and how to increase them!

Character Stats and Explanations

Stat Summary
AttackAttack Modifiable stat that directly affects Strength.
Magic AttackMagic Attack Modifiable stat that directly affects Magic.
DefenseDefense Modifiable stat that directly affects Vitality.
Magic DefenseMagic Defense Modifiable stat that directly affects Spirit.
StrengthStrength Determines physical damage done by swords, fists, guns, and claws.
MagicMagic Determines magic damage done by spells and abilities.
VitalityVitality Determines physical damage resisted.
SpiritSpirit Determines magic damage resisted from incoming spells.
LuckLuck Modifiable stat that directly affects Critical Hit Rate and Steal success rate.
SpeedSpeed Modifiable stat that directly affects ATB Gauge charge rate.
Critical Hit RateCritical Hit Rate Determines the odds of scoring a critical hit.
Critical Hit DamageCritical Hit Damage Determines the increased damage done by critical hits.
ATB Charge BonusATB Charge Bonus Determines the amount of ATB recharged by normal attacks and blocking.
Initial Limit LevelInitial Limit Level The starting level of a character's Limit Break.
Max Limit LevelMax Limit Level The maximum level a character's Limit Break can reach.


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Attack

A character's Attack affects their Strength and can be modified by equipping them with weapons, accessories, and Materia that contribute to it. Some abilities like Bravery can also increase a character's Attack, albeit temporarily.

What Does Attack Do?

Magic Attack

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Magic Attack

A character's Magic Attack affects their Magic stat and can be modified by their weapons, armor, and Materia. Some abilities like Faith can also increase a character's Magic, albeit temporarily.

What Does Magic Attack Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Defense

A character's Defense affects their Vitality and can be modified by equipping certain accessories, armor, and Materia. Some abilities like Protect and can also increase a character's Defense, albeit temporarily.

What Does Defense Do?

Magic Defense

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Magic Defense

A character's Magic Defense affects their Spirit and can be modified by accessories, armor, and Materia. Some abilities like Shell and can also increase a character's Magic Defense, albeit temporarily.

What Does Magic Defense Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Strength

Strength is a passive stat that determines how strong one's physical prowess is and how much physical damage they can deal to enemies. The Strength stat usually affects damage done by swords, fists, guns, and claws.

A character's Strength increases as they level up and can only be activiely modified through their Attack stat.

What Does Strength Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Magic

Magic is a passive stat that determines one's proficiency in magic and how much magic damage they can deal to enemies via spells and abilities. Magic also affects the damage done by staves, which deal non-elemental magic damage.

A character's Magic increases as they level up and can only be actively modified through their Magic Attack stat.

What Does Magic Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Vitality

A character's Vitality is a passive stat determines how much physical damage they can negate. The higher it is, the less physical damage that character takes, making them harder to take down.

Vitality can be increased by leveling up or by modifying a character's Defense stat.

What Does Vitality Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Spirit

Spirit is a passive stat that determines how strongly a teammate can negate magic damage. The higher it is, the less damage that teammate takes from magic spells and abilities.

Spirit increases as characters level up, but can be modified through the Magic Defense stat.

What Does Spirit Do?


The Luck stat can be modified by equipment and Materia and directly affects a party member's critical hit rate. Additionally, it affects the likelihood of teammates stealing items successfully.

What Does the Luck Stat Do?


FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - ATB Gauge Filled

A character's Speed is modifiable and deternines how fast their ATB Gauge recharges over time. Speed can be increased by leveling up, certain equipment like the Whistlewind Scarf, and spells like Haste.

However, spells like Slow and Stop can do the exact opposite.

What Does Speed Do?

Critical Hit Rate

FF7 Rebirth - Critical Hit Explained

Critical Hit Rate determines the likelihood of your characters dealing critical hits on targets. This is directly affected by the Luck stat, and the higher it is, the more frequently you and your teammates can score critical hits.

Critical Hit Damage

Critical Hit Damage refers to how much increased damage critical hits deal. Normally, this would be 1.2x, but it can increase by other means. In essence, should a character's Strength be high, so too will their critical hits be, thanks to the Critical Hit Damage stat.

ATB Charge Bonus

FF7 Rebirth - ATB Gauge

Not to be confused with the Speed stat, the ATB Charge Bonus refers to the increased amount of ATB is restored to a character via normal attacks and blocking. Certain equipmment may be able to modify this.

Initial Limit Level

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Cross Slash

The Initial Limit Break stat refers to the starting level of a character's Limit Break. By default, this stat is at 1.

Max Limit Level

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Initial Limit Level

The Max Limit Level stat refers to the maximum level a character's limit break can reach. This may increase as your characters level up, leading to much greater effects should you opt to cast your Limit Breaks.

How to Increase Character Stats

All Tips and Tricks

Level Up to Increase All Stats

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Tifa Stats

The most natural and permanent way to increase your stats is by farming for EXP and leveling up.

Going up against formidable opponents such as Fiends, completing side quests, participating in minigames, and many other means can give considerable amounts of EXP! When in a new region, do not hesitate to try new things!

Equip Gear and Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Luck Stat Guide - Luck Materia

Gear such as weapons and armor have fixed amounts of stat increases to bestow upon teammates, and may even come with passive buffs. Other equipment like accessories and Materia can also help increase your stats.

Some of these equipment can be purchased from shops, others are exclusive rewards from quests and minigames, while a number of them can be found in chests all over Midgar. Keep your eyes peeled for new equipment and sieze them every chance you get!

Unlock Stat Increases in Character Folios

FF7 Rebirth - Folio Skill Trees

Apart from unlocking new abilities, Character Folios also have nodes you can unlock that increase character stats. Once you have accumulated enough Skill Point (SP), be sure to visit Maghnata Books to check onn your Folios!

Use Buffs and Abilities

FF7 Rebirth - Character Stats Explained - Use Buffs

Another useful and almost instantaneous way of increasing your stats is by using spells and abilities that do so. However, these buffs can only last for a certain duration, and will need to be re-cast.

When going up against powerful foes, be sure to keep spells like Bravery, Faith, Protect, Shell, and Haste in mind and cast them to even out your odds!

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Character Stats Guides
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What Does Vitality Do? What Does Speed Do?
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