FF7 Rebirth

Billy Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Billy - Banner

Billy is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Billy's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Billy Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Billy
Grandson of Bill, owner of a chocobo ranch in the Grasslands. Having lost his parents at a young age, he and his sister were raised by their grandfather. This young ranch hand kindly offers to teach Cloud and company the ropes of chocobo wrangling - on the condition that they patronize his sister's shop.
EN VA: Paul Castro Jr.
JP VA: Yusuke Shirai

Billy's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Lives at Chocobo Farm

Billy is a kid who helps his grandfather Bill manage Chocobo Farm, a farm that raises Chocobos. Billy's main job is to care for and board Chocobos in the stables. We'll find out more about him when the game fully releases!

Teaches Cloud Chocobo Wrangling

Billy offers to teach Cloud and his friends how to handle Chocobos, as long as they purchase some stuff from the ranch and his sister, Chloe.

This may change in FF7 Rebirth, so we'll update this section if it does!

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