FF7 Rebirth

How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament

FF7 Rebirth - How to Win the Queen
A guide to win the Queen's Blood Tournament on Chapter 5 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see how to win each round, recommended decks and alternatives, rewards, as well as tips to win the Queen's Blood Tournament.

How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament

Win up to 6 Rounds

FF7 Rebirth - Win 6 Rounds
To win the Queen's Blood Tournament, you will have to win six rounds of card duels. Each round has different opponents that you can choose to fight, where it is recommended to fight opponents that are disadvantaged towards your deck.

All Rounds in the Queen's Blood Tournament
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Round 4 Round 5 Round 6

Round 1

Starting the Tournament, Round 1 starts with relatively easy opponents for those who have not dabbled in Queen's Blood!

Wize 3.0

FF7 Rebirth - Wize 3.0 Queen
A robot built and programmed for Queen's Blood! Wize 3.0 focuses on building the mid-lane using cards from the starter deck such as Shinra Soldier. Focus on trying to grab early pawns from either the top or bottom lane to avoid getting your pawns eaten up.


FF7 Rebirth - Felix Queen
Felix focuses on building up a bottom lane with Grasslands Wolf and Queen Bee to set up his Rider in the middle for 4 points. Not much trouble if you set cards in the top and middle lane to prevent him from playing!

Round 2

Round 2 of the tournament pits you against most of your party members, each with their own unique deck and playstyle.


FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Queen
Aerith uses a buff deck that emphasizes playing for Quetzalcoatl. Always check spots that Aerith controls with two pawns as she can eat your pawns diagonally with Quetzalcoatl!


FF7 Rebirth - Barret Queen
Barret uses a standard blight deck, making him the easiest to duel in round 2 since he lacks enders through Midgardsormr.


FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Queen
Tifa uses a buff deck with a Chocobo & Moogle starter. Easy fight since she plays Emnidunk; focus on the lane that card is in to get initiative and get space as much as possible with the tempo swing!

Round 3

Round 3 shows you familiar faces from past adventures in Midgard. The difficulty ramps up from here!


FF7 Rebirth - Andrea Queen
Andrea uses a blight deck with Mythril Golem as a finisher. He will likely win one lane, so focus on pouring power over other lanes.

Madam M

FF7 Rebirth - Madam M Queen

Madam M focuses hard on pawn control. She pressures one lane to guarantee it by removing your pawns. Choose to duel her if you are using a Blight Deck!

Round 4

Round 4 only has one opponent, everyone's favorite cyborg, Chadley! Do not let his artificial intelligence get the best of you.


FF7 Rebirth - Chadley Queen
Chadley uses a buff deck similar to our recommended deck, which cements his difficulty. Chadley has a habit of removing your pawns, so counter by letting him have the initiative and then take their pawns afterward!

Round 5

After all the buildup and trash-talk, you will duel Regina in the 5th round!


FF7 Rebirth - Regina Queen
Regina uses a buff deck centered around Amphidex. Regina is easy despite her demeanor since her cards do not have push power for pressuring your lanes. Keep on building your pawns to prevent her from buffing her cards.

Round 6

Serving as an exhibition match, you will fight Red XIII for the last round. The duel will trigger immediately, but it will give you the chance to configure and choose your deck!


FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Queen
Red XIII actively pushes for advantage with Grasslands Wolf and Ogre, so he will dominate one lane. He will put Shinra Flamethrower in the middle to secure top and mid, so watch out for that and you should win the tournament!

Queen's Blood Tournament Recommended Decks

Buff Deck

Up until Chapter 5, buff decks remain the strongest deck to use due to their ability to stock up power and push pawns in enemy lanes. This deck will carry you throughout most of the tournament if piloted correctly!


If you are missing cards such as Titan and Chocobo & Moogle, you can replace them with Mandragora, Shinra Soldier, and Grasslands Wolves to emphasize on pawn pressure!

Blight Deck

Blight decks, while missing some key cards found later in the game, are a strong contender in this tournament for specific opponents. Having high power and the ability to burn opponent cards while buffing up Midgardsormr is a huge power swing!


If you are missing Midgardsormr, a strong finisher like Magic Pot can be slotted in.

Queen's Blood Tournament Rewards

Shinra-8 Tournament Trophy

FF7 Rebirth - Shinra-8 Tournament Trophy

After winning the tournament, you will be awarded with the Shinra-8 trophy as recognition for your victory! The trophy is found in the key items in your inventory for closer inspection.

Ifrit and Terror of the Deep Cards

FF7 Rebirth - Ifrit Card #95 | Ifrit
Raise power by 2 for each other enhanced allied card.
FF7 Rebirth - Terror of the Deep Card #115 | Terror of the Deep
Lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1 while this card is in play.

Along with the trophy, you will be rewarded with new cards for your Queen's Blood Decks. Ifrit and the Terror of the Deep, two legendary cards, will be available as soon as you finish the tournament!

Assess Materia Earrings

FF7 Rebirth - Assess Materia Earrings
Furthermore, you are rewarded with Assess Materia Earrings, which lets you scan all enemies during the battle without consuming a materia slot!

Card Royalty Achievement

Card Royalty TrophyBronze Card Royalty
Win the Queen’s Blood tournament held on board the Shinra-8.
How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament

You will also receive the Card Royalty Achievement Trophy for winning the Queen's Blood Tournament on board the Shinra-8.

How to Unlock All Trophies

Queen's Blood Tournament Tips and Strategies

Restart Before Losing

FF7 Rebirth - Restart
If you find yourself on the losing end, it is better to restart the battle than let yourself lose since you can restart indefinitely without punishment. You can also adjust your deck according to the opponent's playstyle. Furthermore, restarting does not lock you out of the trophy!

Stock Up on Cards

FF7 Rebirth - Stock Up on Cards
After registering for the tournament, you can approach the attendant on the left to buy card packs from Chapters 2-4. If you are missing some cards for the recommended decks, you will most likely get them here.

All Queen's Blood Card Locations

What Happens If You Forfeit in Queen's Blood Tournament?

Story Still Progresses

If you were to forfeit or lose in the Queen's Blood Tournament, the story will still progress but you will not be able to get the trophy.
Chapter 5: Blood in the Water Walkthrough

Reward Cards Can Still be Bought at Thorin's Card Shop

You will not be locked out of the rewarded cards during the Tournament. Ifrit and Terror of the Deep cards will be made available in Thorin's Card Shop for a price as soon as you are able to fast travel back to the Grasslands.
A Rare Card Lost Side Quest

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - Queen
Queen's Blood Card Locations and Guide

All Queen's Blood Guides

FF7 Rebirth Queen's Blood Guides
Best Cards Tier List Best Decks Tier List
Card Carnival How to Win the Queen's Blood Tournament
How to Beat and Get to the Shadowblood Queen All Queen's Blood Players and Rewards
All Gold Saucer Queen’s Blood Challenges -


3 Derpyabout 1 year

Regina has plenty of push power to go with her massive enhancements. Good luck

2 Anonymous@Game8about 1 year

Hi! If you are missing cards for the Queen's Blood Tournament, you can approach the vendor on the left where you first registered. If you are also missing Chocobo & Moogle, it is okay to use cards such as Mandragora to have more of a push-oriented playstyle rather than buffing. If you have any more concerns, please reply to this thread so we can provide more options!


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