FF7 Rebirth

Queen's Blood Best Cards

FF7 Rebirth - Queen
A list showing the best cards for Queen's Blood in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see a list of all best Queen's Blood Cards and the best early to mid-game Queen's Blood Cards.

Queen's Blood Best Cards

Jump Table
Early Game (Chapters 2-5) Mid Game (Chapters 6-10)
Late Game (Chapters 11-14)

Early Game (Chapter 2-5)

List of Cards for Early Game
FF7 Rebirth - Security OfficerSecurity Officer FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline CrabCrystalline Crab FF7 Rebirth - CactuarCactuar
FF7 Rebirth - J-Unit SweeperJ-unit Sweeper FF7 Rebirth - QuetzalcoatlQuetzal FF7 Rebirth - ToxiratToxirat
FF7 Rebirth - TitanTitan FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo & MoogleChocobo & Moogle FF7 Rebirth - Fat ChocoboFat Chocobo
FF7 Rebirth - ZemzelettZemzelett FF7 Rebirth - CapparwireCapparwire FF7 Rebirth - MidgardsormrMidgardsormr
FF7 Rebirth - IfritIfrit

Security Officer

FF7 Rebirth - Security Officer Card #1 | Security Officer
This card has no abilities.

Security Officer is a strong filler to include in your early decks. To play optimally, play it in the center to both push the center lane and set up the other sidelanes with 2 pawns. Look to mulligan for this card during your first games!

Crystalline Crab

FF7 Rebirth - Crystalline Crab Card #13 | Crystalline Crab
Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play.

Crystalline Crab is a great follow-up play for cards that are set up diagonally such as Quetzal and Toxirat since it lets you both push a lane and add a pawn before it. Furthermore, it provides a significant buff to the card above it which can secure the lane.


FF7 Rebirth - Cactuar Card #12 | Cactuar
Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play.

Cactuar can win the bottom lane through its buff if you set it up in the topmost lane. To ensure the lane with Cactuar's ability, contest the bottom lane early and then play Cactuar!

J-unit Sweeper

FF7 Rebirth - J-Unit Sweeper Card #4 | J-Unit Sweeper
This card has no abilities.

As a 2-cost, J-unit Sweeper provides early lane pressure by pushing the bottom and top lane if you play cards that set up the mid lane. Play this in conjunction with Grasslands Wolf or Cactuar, optimally with Titan!


FF7 Rebirth - Quetzalcoatl Card #14 | Quetzalcoatl
This card has no abilities.

Quetzal is one of the earlier cards that set up diagonally. You can play this card in any lane and it will provide pawns to other lanes apart from the lane it is in. Setting up diagonally lets you set up the middle lane for cards that buff such as Crystalline Crab!


FF7 Rebirth - Toxirat Card #6 | Toxirat
When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 3.

Toxirat is a key card for blight decks due to its pawn placement and ability to destroy cards. You can play this by setting up the top or mid lane with two pawns using cards such as Quetzal and Security Officer


FF7 Rebirth - Titan Card #98 | Titan
When played, raise position ranks by 2.

Titan, for its cost, provides massive value by quickly setting up 2-3 pawns on the board depending on your starting card. Doing so will let you use cards such as J-unit Sweeper or Quetzalcoatl to secure the bottom and top lanes.

Chocobo & Moogle

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo & Moogle Card #107 | Chocobo & Moogle
Raise power by 1 for each other ehanced allied card.

Chocobo & Moogle, during this stage of the game, can set up three pawns and carry a single lane with 2-3 buffs from Cactuar or Crystalline Crab. Buffing cards are the meta during this Chapter, so having this card is a must! Running Mu becomes viable with this card!

Fat Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth - Fat Chocobo Card #108 | Fat Chocobo
Creates a surfeit of positions around it when played.

Fat Chocobo is a complicated card to play, but it lets you push your pawns early to the opponent's side of the field. You can easily set up three pawns for Fat Chocobo in the middle by playing Cactuar at the top lane while playing a Crystalline Crab at the bottom!


FF7 Rebirth - Zemzelett Card #24 | Zemzelett
Raise the power of allied cards

Zemzelett boosts Buff decks by increasing their ability to push three lanes and buffs more cards. This card will likely be played in the middle, which lets you save lost lanes by reclaiming pawns after establishing the middle lane.


FF7 Rebirth - Capparwire Card #26 | Capparwire
When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1.

Capparwire, in most situations, is a better Security Officer due to having more power and the ability to add pawns to the top and bottom lanes. Capparwire is one of the main one-pawn starters of Blight decks and can sneakily blight opponents!


FF7 Rebirth - Midgardsormr Card #113 | Midgardsormr
When allied and enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 1.

As soon as you get Midgardsormr, Blight decks will feel like a proper deck during the game. Midgardsormr can single-handedly handle a lane with its scaling power with each destroyed card, which lets you dominate other lanes safely!


FF7 Rebirth - Ifrit Card #95 | Ifrit
Raise power by 2 for each other enhanced allied card.

Ifrit is considered the crowning jewel for Buff Decks due to its ability to scale throughout the duel with its ability similar to Chocobo & Moogle. Two or three buffs is enough to secure a lane with Ifrit, so position him properly!

Mid Game (Chapter 6-10)

List of Cards for Mid Game
SpearhawkSpearhawk Tonberry KingTonberry King CockatriceCockatrice
HeatseekerHeatseeker Chocobo JockeyChocobo Jockey Haunted Hote.Haunted Hotel
ThugThug Death ClawDeathclaw GrandhornGrandhorn
J-SquadJ-Squad Bahamut ArisenBahamut Arisen CavestalkerCavestalker
Insectoid ChimeraInsectoid Chimera GriffonGriffon MalocerosMaloceros


FF7 Rebirth - Spearhawk Card #31 | Spearhawk
Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play.

Spearhawk is an upgrade to early buff decks when Chapter 6 rolls around. Spearhawk acts as a push card like Crystalline Crab but excels in the mid and top lane instead!

Tonberry King

FF7 Rebirth - Tonberry King Card #35 | Tonberry King
When allied cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 2.

Tonberry King is the centerpiece of a new archetype, self-destruction! Tonberry King scales by +2 power every time you destroy an allied card, which will be evident as you obtain Sacrifice cards!


FF7 Rebirth - Cockatrice Card #39 | Cockatrice
When played, destroy allied and enemy cards on affected tiles.

Cockatrice is used in Destroy and Sacrifice decks due to its guaranteed to destroy ability. Cockatrice is also a push card since the card that is destroyed will be replaced by a pawn.


FF7 Rebirth - Heatseeker Card #40 | Heatseeker
When destroyed, add Heatseeker Minion to your hand.

Heatseeker is one of the earlier support cards for the self-destruct archetype! The goal of self-destruct decks is to establish board space first, which Heatseekeer can generate and provide fodder!

Chocobo Jockey

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Jockey Card #135 | Chocobo Jockey
When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 10.

Chocobo Jockey is arguably the best card in the game due to its ability to grant +10 points to the winning lane the card is in. Just slam high-power cards like Titan in the same lane as Chocobo Jockey, and you should secure the duel even with one lane!

Haunted Hotel

FF7 Rebirth - Haunted Hotel Card #137 | Haunted Hotel
Raise the power of allied cards on affected tilles by 2 while this card is in play.

Haunted Hotel is a buff deck's dream since it acts as a starter and a lane-wide buff. If Haunted Hotel is placed perfectly in the middle, it can give Ifrit or Chocobo & Moogle +4 points on play!


FF7 Rebirth - Thug Card #42 | Thug
This card has no abilities.

Thug lets you sneakily push either the top or bottom lane depending on its position. With its power, you can almost guarantee a lane while pushing an opposite lane.

Death Claw

FF7 Rebirth - Death Claw Card #43 | Death Claw
When enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 1.

Death Claw acts like Chocobo & Moogle but for blight decks. Death Claw is a premium 1-pawn card that can push a lane above it and scale by one power each time you destroy an enemy card.


FF7 Rebirth - Grandhorn Card #54 | Grandhorn
Destroy an allied card and replace it.

Grandhorn is your first introduction to cards that replace cards on the board to place them, activating destroy effects. It becomes easy to push because as soon as your opponent eats up a pawn, you can replace the unit before it takes the pawn back!


FF7 Rebirth - J-Squad Card #134 | J-Squad
When played, spawn Hype Johnnys—cards that enhance while in play—in your empty positions.

J-Squad is a strong addition to buff decks as he puts multiple copies of himself that enhances cards. Placing down this card can potentially buff majority of your board space, boosting Chocobo & Moogle to high levels.

Bahamut Arisen

FF7 Rebirth - Bahamut Arisen Card #105 | Bahamut Arisen
When played, spawn Elementals—cards that enhance when destroyed—in your empty positions.

Bahamut Arisen boasts decent power and adds in Elementals, which are tokens that will buff all cards in its vicinity if its destroyed. With Self-destruct's gameplan of pushing their cards hard, you will have a surplus positions that Bahamut Arisen can fill with Elementals.


FF7 Rebirth - Cavestalker Card #64 | Cavestalker
When first enfeebled, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 2.

Chimera, according to its pawn placement, acts almost as Quetzalcoatl but designed exactly for Enfeeble decks. Cavestalker has strong push power and the ability to secure frontal pawn placements due to its Enfeeble effect.

Insectoid Chimera

FF7 Rebirth - Insectoid Chimera Card #51 | Insectoid Chimera
Destroy an allied card and replace it.

Insectoid Chimera is the premium replacement card due to its pawn placements. This means that it can be used in decks that are not inherently synergistic due to its ability to regain lost pawns caused by overpushing.


FF7 Rebirth - Griffon Card #59 | Griffon
Replace an ally and raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally's power.

Griffon is the replacement card exclusively made for buff decks. Given that buff decks like establishing board space, Griffon can essentially negate the weakness of buff decks getting contested in a lane while providing a buff to an allied card.


FF7 Rebirth - Maloceros Card #53 | Maloceros
When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 10.

Maloceros shares the same effect as Chocobo Jockey, wherein it doubles down on winning lanes by adding +10 Power. With Maloceros and Chocobo Jockey, you can essentially pressure 2 lanes for that game-winning effect

Late Game (Chapter 11-14)

List of Cards for Late Game
DisgorgonDisgorgon Black BatBlack Bat RictusRictus
Emerald WitchEmerald Witch Shadowblood QueenShadowblood Queen Tifa.Tifa
CidCid YuffieYuffie Anuran SuppressorAnuran Suppressor
Gi NattakGi Nattak BahamutBahamut Tseng


FF7 Rebirth - Disgorgon Card #69 | Disgorgon
When played, raise position ranks by 2.

Disgorgon is one of the best push cards since it enables early diagonal pushes with two-pawn cards and enables Enemy Destroy archetypes. When Disgorgon is played with Titan, it results in massive board space.

Black Bat

FF7 Rebirth - Black Bat Card #72 | Black Bat
When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1.

Black Bat alone acts as an enabler for a new playstyle of Queen's Blood, the self-enfeeble archetype. This card can enfeeble cards in a cross pattern by 1, safely activating their strong activation effects.


FF7 Rebirth - Rictus Card #74 | Rictus
Raise power by 1 for each other enfeebled allied and enemy card.

Rictus is the self-enfeeble archetype's scaling card. This card can grow to absurd levels, rivaling even three-pawn cards when perfectly set up!

Emerald Witch

FF7 Rebirth - Emerald Witch Card #144 | Emerald Witch
Raise the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play.

Emerald Witch, emulated perfectly with her story, is a two-cost card that sets cross pawns and buffs a myriad of positions. She is the premium buff card since she also buffs enemies, letting cards such as Dio scale along.

Shadowblood Queen

FF7 Rebirth - Shadowblood Queen Card #145 | Shadowblood Queen
Raise power by 3 for each other enfeebled allied card and enemy card.

Shadowblood Queen, the final boss, is the complete opposite of Emerald Witch and the crowning jewel of enfeeble decks. She selfishly scales as other cards are enfeebled on the board, possibly reaching ludicrous numbers.


FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Card #88 | Tifa
When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 5.

Tifa sets up all lower lanes with pawns while providing a 5-point bonus to a lane she is in if it is won. While she only receives a bonus of 5 points, her ability to set up other lanes makes decks that focus on one lane have more pawn pressure.


FF7 Rebirth - Cid Card #93 | Cid
When played, add The Tiny Bronco to your hand.

Cid, or specifically, The Tiny Bronco, is the strongest push card as it sets two pawns deep into the board. Tiny Bronco can make a total of 5 pawns that lead to set-ups for any decks relying on high-cost cards.


FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Card #91 | Yuffie
Replace an ally and lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally's power.

Yuffie is a strong support card for any enfeeble deck. Yuffie's effect enables self-enfeeble effects for low-power cards. For higher-power cards such as Jobberwock, it is essentially a board wipe.

Anuran Suppressor

FF7 Rebirth - Anuran Suppressor Card #120 | Anuran Suppressor
When enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 2.

Anuran Suppressor is a better scaling card for Blight decks when compared to Midgardsormr. Anuran Suppressor not only costs less, it scales the same with two power with every destroy and sets up two bottom lane pawns for pushes.

Gi Nattak

FF7 Rebirth - Gi Nattak Card #123 | Gi Nattak
Replace an ally and raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally's power.

Gi Nattak is essentially a power distributor for decks that set up high power cards in the middle lane. When played in conjunction with cards such as Shadowblood Queen, 20 or more power will be distributed to both the bottom and top lanes.


FF7 Rebirth - Bahamut Card #104 | Bahamut
When played, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 5.

Bahamut, when compared to destroy cards such as Barret and Dyne, is a more consistent card due to his pawn placement and range. Bahamut is optimally a 15-power card that wipes a lane and gives you pawns afterward.


FF7 Rebirth - Tseng Card #131 | Tseng
The first time this card is enhanced, raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 4.

Tseng makes activated buff decks more consistent as his pawn placement and buff are perfectly set up right in front of the opponent's space, making buff-activated effects that hinder enemy cards more reliable.

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