FF7 Rebirth

All Mounts and How to Unlock

FF7 Rebirth - Mounts

There are various mounts in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) that you can use to get around faster than on foot. Read on to learn all about FF7 Rebirth's Mounts, where to find them, and how to unlock them!

All Land Mounts


FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Ordinary Chocobo

The most common and prominent mount in FF7 Rebirth is the Chocobos—large adorable birds that can travel at high speed. They come in different variations, each with unique abilities that can help you traverse any terrain in Midgar.

Chocobos can be found in the wild or in Chocobo ranches which each region has. Chocobo ranches also have Chocoboutiques wherein you can customize your Chocobo with accessories and gear, which you can purchase with golden plumes.

All Chocobo Types

There are 5 types of Chocobos that you can encounter in FF7 Rebirth. These have different usages depending on the color of the Chocobo.

Chocobo Type Explanation
Chocobo ・Yellow color.
・Used for land transportation and for Chocobo Races
Mountain Chocobo ・Black color.
・Can scale cliffs and steep slopes.
・Unlocked by doing "Stuck in a Rut" side quest in Junon
Sky Chocobo ・Blue-green color.
・Can fly off at gliding points.
Ocean Chocobo ・Light blue color.
・Can swim on bodies of water.
Jungle Chocobo ・Green color.
・Can jump from giant mushrooms and large tree branches.

All Chocobo Types and How to Unlock


FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Buggy

The buggy is a land vehicle that is effective for navigating sandy terrain and can be driven across shallow waters. The buggy can travel faster than Chocobos, but can be too large for small passages.

It is also worth nothing that, unlike Chocobos, the buggy cannot be summoned anytime or anywhere. It is also exclusive to sandy areas like Under Junon.


FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Wheelie

The wheelie is a small one-person vehicle that can be used to explore Costa de Sol, a large seaside resort. Players can use the wheelie to tour around Costa de Sol and explore the resort at a faster pace without sacrificing much in the way of relaxation and scenery.

All Air Mounts

Sky Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Sky Chocobo

Sky Chocobos are a variant of Chocobos that can use their wings to glide long distances and over ravines, gorges, and valleys. After capturing a Sky Chocobo, find a gliding point and soar over the obstacles that stand in your way!

Tiny Bronco

FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Tiny Bronco

The Tiny Bronco is a seaplane that is the fruit of Cid Highwind's mind and can take you to distant locations quickly. The Tiny Bronco can also land on bodies of water and routinely makes landings on old airstrips all across Midgar.

All Sea Mounts

Ocean Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth - Mounts - Ocean Chocobo

Another variant of Chocobos is the Ocean Chocobo that live primarily in regions with large bodies of water. Ocean Chocobos can make use of water streams to cross vast areas of water, so be sure to keep an eye out for them whenever you're near rivers or seas.

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