FF7 Rebirth

How to Get the Nibel Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth - How to Get the Nibel Chocobo

The Chocobo of the Nibel Region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) can be found directly south of the Nibel Airstrip. Learn where to find the Nibel Chocobo, how to catch it, and what it does in this guide.

Nibel Chocobo Location

Southeast of the Nibel Airstrip

Upon reaching Chapter 11, the Nibel Chocobo can be found just a couple of meters southeast of the Nibel Airstrip. You can pinpoint the location of its Chocobo Intel by activating the Airstrip Remnawave Tower.

Chapter 11 Walkthrough

Nibel Chocobo Wrangling Mechanics

Lure the Chocobo to the Entrance

FF7 Rebirth - How to Get the Nibel Chocobo - Lure the Chocobo

This final Chocobo wrangling challenge is unlike any other. Instead of you moving towards the Chocobo, you have to make the Chocobo come to you. Use the Chocobo Baits located on the hill to the right of the clearing to lure Selena to the grass by the entrance.

Simply throw the bait near the Nibel Chocobo. A reticle will appear on her if the bait is in her detection range. Keep in mind that other Chocobos will not take interest in these baits and will still see you should you move in front of them.

Don't Get Hit by the Cacti

FF7 Rebirth - How to Get the Nibel Chocobo - Don

Make sure the Nibel Chocobo does not get hit by the cacti 3 times, or you will fail the challenge. A lot of these cacti will inflate and deflate in a certain pattern, so be sure to time your bait throws correctly and get Selena past them in time!

How to Catch the Nibel Chocobo

1. Go to the Hill on the Right

As the challenge starts, make your way to the top of the hill to the right of the entrance. This should be easy enough to do, thanks to the grass that will conceal you from the other Chocobos. Once you're there, grab the Chocobo Baits and position yourself above Selena.

Don't worry too much about running out of Chocobo Baits. After a few seconds, they will respawn and be available for you to replenish your stocks with.

2. Path to Borders

The starting area will be a path lined with cacti. Simply lure the Chocobo past them, being very careful not to let her touch any. If you're having trouble about which way Selena should go, check the Chocobo tracks.

Use the Chocobo Baits to guide the Chocobo to the cacti borders.

3. Get Past the Cacti Borders

Border 1 Wait for an opening in the first border and lure the Chocobo out.
Border 2 Finally, time it right wait for the cacti in front of Selena to deflate before guiding her past the second border.

This will be your first slew of inflating and deflating cacti. The first border will have the cacti inflate in threes. The second one will have the cacti inflate successively from left to right.

4. Get Past the First Patch of Cacti

We have separated the patches of cacti into two parts. The first one would be right after the cacti borders. The outer cacti will deflate first followed by those behind it. Wait for the other ones to deflate before making the Chocobo pass.

The outer cacti will not inflate immediately, so you will have time to make Selena move to the opening. Afterwards, wait for the backmost cacti to deflate before making the Chocobo move to the far corner of the clearing where it's safe.

5. Get Past the Second Patch of Cacti

Same drill as the previous patch, wait for the cacti closest to Selena to deflate, followed by the row in the center. Once both rows of cacti have deflated, lure Selena to the center of the patch, being very careful not to get hit by the cacti behind her as they inflate.

Wait for the final row of cacti to deflate and guide her past it and to the entrance.

6. Lure the Nibel Chocobo to the Grass

To make capturing the Nibel Chocobo significantly easier, lure her into the grass. That way, you can approach her without being seen by the other Chocobos.

Nibel Chocobo Type

Ocean Chocobo

The Nibel Chocobo is an Ocean Chocobo, which has the Chocojet ability that allows them to use sources of water to propel themselves upward.

To use Chocojet, simply hold down the L2 button when you're on top of a body of water. You can hold down L2 for as long as you desire. Using this ability on dry land will only have the Ocean Chocobo levitate at a low height.

All Chocobo Types and Locations

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