FF7 Rebirth

Does Aerith Die? Aerith Death Explained

FF7 Rebirth Does Aerith Die.png

Does Aerith die in FF7 Rebirth, or does she survive Sephiroth's attack in a twist from the original game? Learn about all events related to Aerith's death, with an explanation of the how and why, if Aerith is really dead, and a video of all related scenes.

The article below contains heavy story spoilers for the final chapter. Don't read it unless you are really prepared to learn what happens at the end of FF7 Rebirth.

Header names in the table of contents are deliberately changed to avoid giving away the answer. Click at your own risk.

Does Aerith Die in FF7 Rebirth?

Aerith Dies

FF7 Rebirth Aerith is Dead

Despite changes in the story due to the introduction of Whispers and multiple worlds, Aerith dies by Sephiroth's sword just as she did in Final Fantasy 7.

A World Shift Reveals Aerith's Death

In a stunning turn of events, Cloud actually blocks Sephiroth's sword on his famous initial landing from above. However, after a surge of static implying a “world shift”, we see that Sephiroth's blade has pierced Aerith despite the game never actually showing the moment where it hits. This bait-and-switch understandably confused some players, so let's look into what happened.

Aerith Death Explained: How and Why Does Aerith Die?

Fate is Manipulated by Sephiroth

Due to the intentionally vague nature of the events, there are likely to be as many interpretations of the results as there are players. This is merely our interpretation, so please share your own idea about it in the comments.

Sephiroth tells Cloud earlier in the chapter that there are multiple worlds which he is seeking to combine in an event he calls the Reunion. This seems to be reinterpretation of the Reunion term used in the original FF7 to describe a phenomenon related specifically to Jenova.

Directly after Aerith dies, the first thing Sephiroth says is, “And so it begins; a confluence of worlds... and emotions.” This gives credence to the idea that Sephiroth has converged the worldlines, so although in this worldline Cloud has defied fate and saved Aerith, Sephiroth combines the worlds into a single path to ensure that Aerith dies. This is why directly after, Zack and Cloud are both able to fight Sephiroth together, as the worlds have converged; however, Sephiroth soon splits the worldlines again, separating the heroes but leaving the same result for Aerith's fate in both.

Is Aerith Really Dead?

We're Pretty Sure That Aerith is Dead

FF7 Rebirth Aerith is Alive

This isn't real.

The part that has caused the most confusion for players is that Aerith appears to be seemingly alive in scenes following her death, including even waking up in Cloud's arms following her death. Some might interpret this to say that Aerith is still alive in another worldline. However, from the way Cloud and Aerith interact, and the fact that no one else can see Aerith and can only vaguely sense her presence (such as when Red XIII says “Aerith?” when she walks nearby), it seems clear that Aerith has returned to the lifestream and is interacting with the party from a place outside of reality, and not an actual living being who has survived in another reality.

Aerith Acknowledges her Death and Wishes the Party Goodbye

The way that Aerith says that she will “see you off” to Cloud, and says “Goodbye” to the Tiny Bronco as it flies away, defy any possibility that she is alive. If Aerith were alive in any worldline, she would not stay behind in this forgotten place left by a dead civilization; she would leave and continue fighting Sephiroth, even from a different world. Aerith knows that this was her fate and has accepted it.

Aerith Death Scene and Ending Video

The video above shows all the scenes related to Aerith's death and the ending of the game (excuse the lack of sound). Did Aerith really die or did we (and Sephiroth) miss the mark? Let us know what you think happened in the comments!

What Did You Think of the Aerith Death Scene?

They handled it well 17
They messed it up 33
I'll wait for Part 3 to say 122

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1 Anonymousabout 1 year

she's alive what do you mean


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