FF7 Rebirth

Biggs Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Biggs - Banner

Biggs is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Biggs's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Biggs Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Biggs
After surviving the fall of the Sector 7 plate, Biggs awoke to find that he is the last remaining member of the ill-fated anti-Shinra rebels, Avalanche. Having recovered from his injuries, he now seeks revenge against the company that murdered his comrades.
EN VA: Gideon Emery
JP VA: Shūhei Sakaguchi

Member of Avalanche

In the events of FF7 Remake, Biggs was a part of Avalanche along with Jessie and Wedge. Avalanche is an organization that opposes the use of Mako energy and the Shinra Company.

Helped in Destroying Reactor 1

Biggs helped in the destruction of Mako Reactor 1 by opening sealed doors for Cloud, Jessie, and Barret. After the explosion, Biggs and his friends escaped through the tunnels and the train. They celebrated their victory back at the Sector 7 slums.

Defended Sector 7 Pillar

Biggs and Wedge helped defend the Sector 7 pillar against Shinra. Cloud found Biggs badly injured and talked to him for a bit. After their talk, Biggs passes out and awakens in the Leaf House Orphanage.

Biggs's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Alive and Well

After the events of FF7 Remake, Biggs recovers fully and thinks that he's the last surviving member of Avalanche. The other characters presume that Wedge has died but his death hasn't been confirmed.

Now Biggs seeks revenge against Shinra, the company who took out his comrades. We'll find out more about him and what his role in the story is when the game is fully released!

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