FF7 Rebirth

How to Beat Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi

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This is a guide on how to beat Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi in the Combat Simulator of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Check out the unlock requirements and rewards, a list of enemies and bosses in each round, and the best build for Barret to beat this challenge.

Barret's Best Build

Equipment and Materia

FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret
Weapon Armor
Barrage Blaster Cetran Bracer
Accessory Summon Materia
Gotterdammerung Phoenix
Weapon Materia Armor Materia

Weapon Skills
Selfish Recovery +25%Selfish Recovery +25%
Overcharge ProtectionOvercharge Protection
Overload OverchargeOverload Overcharge

This is a more defensive Barret build that revolves around constantly spamming Cura and Reraise to stay alive when enemies aren't using Fire attacks to heal him with Elemental-Fire.

Try not to use Curaga and only use Cura when needed so that you can conserve MP for Reraise and offensive spells since you'll be reliant on MP Absorption-Fire and Ice spells alongside Trade-Off to restore your MP.

Do note that with this build, the first few rounds will be slightly more difficult, but it makes up for it by making the last three rounds much more manageable.

How to Beat All Rounds

Round 1

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Enemies Thug x6

Open the fight with a Limit Break to deal massive damage spread between all 6 Thugs. From there, slowly pick them off one by one by spamming Overcharges and Maximum Furies. You can also use Fire spells, but make sure you don't use too much of your MP.

Also, be careful of the melee Thugs that use Slice and Dice since this is the highest damage move this round.

Round 2

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Enemies Modded Sweeper

Prioritize destroying the Modded Sweeper's Arms first with Limit Breaks and Maximum Furies to minimize its damage output. You can also use Point Blank if it gets close, but don't rely on this move because the robot likes to move around a lot, making the attack miss.

Play this fight slowly and safely by blocking and healing when necessary. As soon as it gets staggered, run in and use Point Blank to deal massive damage.

Stay Away during Emergency Defense Mode

When it gets low enough, it will use Emergency Defense Mode, letting loose a barrage of missiles. Run away as far as possible, and as soon as you see the missiles, hold block to survive its final attack before blowing up.

Round 3

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Enemies Gigant Bomb

This fight is made trivial since most of the Gigant Bomb's attacks heal Barret thanks to Elemental-Fire equipped on his armor. Just make sure that you're blocking its melee attack since you won't be able to out-heal the damage without casting Cure spells.

Stay Away during Massive Explosion

Similar to the Modded Sweeper from the last round, Gigant Bomb will use Massive Explosion when it gets low on HP. Make sure to run as far away from it as possible to avoid the damage radius.

Round 4

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1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Moss-Grown Adamantoise

Start by using Turbulent Spirit, followed by Fira on the Adamantoise to pressure it and cast Reraise on Barret for safety. Once pressured, get Bonus Round active as soon as possible and use two Focus Shots to stagger it or a single Fira if it's no longer pressured. Once staggered, get close and unleash a Point Blank followed by a Limit Break if it's available.

Repeat Process to Constantly Pressure and Stagger It

When it gets back up, repeat the process of casting Fira to pressure, followed by Bonus Rounds and Focus Shots to stagger. The goal is to create a constant pressure into stagger loop, with the help of the Skill Master Materia, to minimize the amount of homing attacks it unleashes.

Make sure that you're also paying attention to Barret's health, and only cast Cura if you know you won't be able to immediately cast Reraise again when Barret gets back up after going down.

Summon Phoenix for More Fire and Reraise

As a note, you can also summon Phoenix this fight for extra Fire damage and Reraises if you're running low on MP, but it's recommended to prioritize maintaining the pressure and stagger loop before the Adamantoise gets out of control.

Round 5

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1 2 3 4 5
Enemies Hell Rider II

This round should be a bit easier than the last one because Hell Rider II's flame breath attack heals Barret thanks to the Elemental-Fire equipped on his armor.

Block Infernal Cannon

When it uses Gravity Well it will turn yellow and it can use strong attacks like Infernal Cannon which can stun Barret. Make sure to block this attack to avoid the stun.

Use Point Black If It Has Reflect

If Hell Rider II has Reflect active, just spam Point Blank to deal as much damage as possible. However, if it doesn't, use Blizzara to pressure it followed up by Bonus Rounds and Focus Shots to stagger it. Once downed, let loose a powerful Blizzaga before you can't cast spells on it anymore due to Reflect being reactivated.

Prioritize Casting Cura and Reraise

Remember to prioritize casting Cura and Reraise when needed so that you don't accidentally die to the boss, forcing you to start from Round 1 again.

Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi Unlock and Rewards

Basic Information
Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi

A series of solo fights for Barret. Defeat a variety of fiends who draw upon their strange and mechanical might to tear their opponents asunder.
・Items cannot be used
・Only available on Hard difficulty
Level 70 Rounds 5 Team 1
Rewards ・Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. XVI
Unlock Requirements
・Defeat the classified foe in the Junon region
・ Complete the main scenario

To unlock Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi in the Combat Simulator, you will first need to defeat the Mindflayer and complete all Chapters of the main story. Once you've done these two things, you'll be able to attempt this Combat Simulator challenge.

How to Beat Mindflayer

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1 Anonymous12 months

Just wanna say thanks for the guide. Was stuck on the adamantoise, it was tough lol


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