FF7 Rebirth

Galactic Saviors Expert Mode Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - Galactic Saviors Minigame Guide and Rewards

Galactic Saviors is a minigame available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock Galactic Saviors and its Expert Mode, tips to complete the minigame, and rewards for both Standard and Expert Modes.

How to Unlock Galactic Saviors

Unlocked in Chapter 8 of the Main Story

The Galactic Saviors minigame can be accessed during Chapter 8 of the Main Story. You can find the Galactic Saviors minigame in the 3rd Floor of the Gold Saucer.

Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough

Unlock Expert Mode in Chapter 12

Once you reach Chapter 12 of the main story, you unlock Expert Mode for the Galactic Saviors minigame. Expert Mode is a more challenging difficulty than Standard Mode, and offers better rewards when completed.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

Galactic Saviors Rewards

All Standard Mode Rewards

Rank Rewards
Rank 1
・ Mega Potion x1
・ Gold Saucer Point x100
Replay Reward:
・ Gold Saucer Point x50
Rank 2
・ Dry Ether x1
・ Gold Saucer Point x150
Replay Reward:
・ Gold Saucer Point x75
Rank 3
・ Space Ranger Service Medal x1
・ Gold Saucer Point x200
Replay Reward:
・ Gold Saucer Point x100

After collecting the rewards for the first time, you can play Galactic Saviors again to get more Gold Saucer Points!

All Expert Mode Rewards

Rank Rewards
Rank 1
・ X-Potion x1
・ Gold Saucer Point x200
Rank 2
・ Dark Matter x3
・ Gold Saucer Point x270
Rank 3
・ Space Ranger Medal of Honor x1
・ Gold Saucer Point x350

Expert Mode provides a different variety of rewards when you choose its difficulty.

Galactic Saviors Expert Mode Tips

Galactic Saviors Expert Mode Tips

Use Proton Bombs Decisively

In Expert Mode, a large number of airships can appear during the course of the minigame. Additionally, red airships with high health will also appear alongside these airships you'll encounter.

It is best to use proton bombs during these scenarios, given that your normal artillery will not suffice in disposing them. When given the opportunity, use Proton Bombs to take enemies down.

Hold Down Square Button to Shoot

FF7 Rebirth Galactic Saviors Minigame and Rewards Hold Square
The increased difficulty in Expert Mode will require you to engage evasive maneuvers when facing enemy ships, dodging their countless munitions and retaliating with your own firepower.

It is recommended that you hold down the square button to continuously shoot down enemies, which can help you can focus on pressing the R2 button to barrel roll and dodge from enemy attacks.

Galactic Saviors Minigame How to Play and Tips

Galactic Saviors Minigame Tips

Get Squad Kills for Bonus Points

FF7 Rebirth - Galactic Saviors - Squad Kill

You can get bonus points for shooting down a squad of enemy ships without letting any of them escape. A squad of enemies usually show up together at the same time.

Use Proton Bombs on Red Ships

Red Ships have a larger amount of HP compared to regular ships. Use your Proton Bombs on the red ships so they can be taken out before they manage to escape.

Do Barrel Rolls to Dodge Attacks

Do Barrel Rolls to easily avoid attacks from enemy ships. Moving the ship as it is slower compared to using the Barrel Roll.

Destroy the Mothership Turrets

FF7 Rebirth - Galactic Saviors - Destroy the Turrets

When the Mothership's engines show up, take out the turrets around it first to get some extra points before taking down the final ship.

Galactic Saviors Minigame Controls

All Galactic Saviors Controls

Controls Action
PS4 - Square Button Shoot
PS4 - Circle Button Restorative Charge
PS4 - Triangle Button Proton Bomb
PS4 - R2 Button Barrel Roll

These are the default controls of operating the fighter ship when you're playing the minigame. The Proton Bomb requires its gauge to be filled in order for it to be used, while the Restorative Charge can only be used five times.

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