FF7 Rebirth

Rude Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Rude - Banner

Rude is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Rude's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Rude Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Rude
A member of Shinra Company's General Affairs Department Investigation Division, Turks. Rude is an intimidating presence with his shaved head, sunglasses, and massive frame. He speaks only when absolutely necessary and carries out his duties professionally. He is on a mission to track down the black-robed figures with Elena, a newcomer assigned in place of Reno.
EN VA: William Christopher Stevens
JP VA: Taiten Kusunoki

Elite Member of the Turks

Rude is a part of Shinra's special task force called The Turks and often teams up with Reno who is another member and his best friend. Rude does not have a weapon of choice and fights with his fists.

Tried to Capture Aerith

During the events of FF7 Remake, Rude tried to capture Aerith for Shinra after Reno lost to Cloud. Rude tracked Cloud and Aerith back to her house and ended up fighting Cloud. However, it was interrupted by orders from Tseng, the leader of the Turks.

Dropped Sector 7 Plate

After failing to capture Aerith, Rude was given orders to drop the Sector 7 Plate to get rid of Avalanche once and for all. He joined Reno on this, where he convinced Reno by reminding him of their jobs.

At the top of the pillar, Reno once again fought Cloud and his friends while Rude provided air support. They still lost but thanks to the intervention of Whispers, Rude managed to drop the plate which led to Sector 7's destruction.

Rude's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Still Part of the Turks

FF7 Rebirth - Reno - Reno and Rude in Trailer
After the events of the FF7 Remake, Rude stood in for Reno in a mission to track robed men with Elena, a recruit. Rude also appears along with Reno in FF7 Rebirth's latest trailer where he fights Cloud's party once again.

It looks like he's still part of the Turks and still works for Shinra based on the trailer.

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