FF7 Rebirth

Battle Icons, Status Effects, and Ailments Explained

Different battle conditions such as Status Effects and Ailments make their return in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth), and learning how to use them to your advantage can dramatically turn the tides of battle! Read on to learn more about status effects, status ailments, and battle conditions!

All Battle Icons

Basic Battle Icons

Icon Explanation
PhysicalPhysical Attack ・Attack deals physical damage.
MagicMagic Attack ・Attack deals elemental or non-elemental magic damage.
Physical and MagicPhysical and Magic ・Attack deals both physical and magic damage
Ranged AttackRanged Attack ・Attack hits enemies from a distance.
・ Effective against flying enemies.
Direct AttackDirect Attack ・Attack is melee, or hits at close range.(#hs_1)
Proportional DamageProportional Damage ・Attack deals damage based on a certain percentage of the target's current HP.
・ The higher the target's HP, the more damage the attack will deal.
Fixed DamageFixed Damage ・Attack deals a guaranteed amount of damage that ignores resistances.
・ Effective against enemies bestowed with Shell.
Example skills: Cactuar's "10,000 Needles"
SilenceableSilenceable ・Spell is susceptible to Silence.
UnblockableUnblockable ・Attack cannot be blocked.
IrreversibleIrreversible ・Status cannot be cured or removed.
Example skills: Doom

Physical Attacks

Most normal attacks deal physical damage. Buffs like Bravery can increase the damage output of these attacks, while Protect and Barrier can negate incoming physical damage. However, status ailments like Debrave and Deprotect can have adverse effects.

Magic Attacks

While most normal attacks deal physical damage, Aerith's normal attacks deal non-elemental magic damage to targets, effectively bypassing Protect and Barrier. These attacks are also primarily ranged, which makes them effective for enemies who are far away.

Faith can increase any magic damage you deal, and Shell and Manaward can reduce any incoming magic damage. Inversely, Defaith and Deshell will have the exact opposite effects.

Physical and Magic Attacks

Some spells can infuse a melee weapon with magic, enabling these attacks to deal physical and magic damage simultaneously. This can also enable units who are primarily melee to exploit enemy weaknesses.

Ranged Attacks

Some enemies will fight strategically out of melee reach. To deal with these enemies, Ranged Attacks are your go-to option, which Barret and Aerith specialize in.

Direct Attacks

Direct attacks, or melee attacks, are skills that deal damage to opponents that are up close. These are perfect against aggressive enemies who like to charge at you whenever they attack.

Proportional Damage

A number of spells and skills can deal damage to opponents based on how much HP these targets have left. Essentially, the higher the target's HP, the more these attacks will cause damage.

Inversely, these attacks can be ineffective should the target be on its last legs.

Fixed Damage

There are also a number of attacks that will deal a certain amount of damage regardless of a target's resistances. A perfect example would be Cactuar's “10,000 Needles” attack, which is guaranteed to deal 10,000 damage.


Whenever you view an enemy's affinities, some of their skills may have th eSilenceable icon. This means that the enemy is not only susceptible to Silence, but the aforementioned skill will also be sealed.


The Unblockable icon will appear on the screen if an enemy is about to unleash an attack that cannot be blocked or parried. Should you see this symbol, be sure to dodge out of the way to prevent taking damage!


When a status has a yellow border, this means that it cannot be cured with any skill or item and will remain for either a specific duration or until the battle ends. A good example of an irreversible status ailment is Doom.


Icon Explanation
FireFire ・Deals fire-elemental DMG.
Spells: Fire, Fira, Firaga
BlizzardBlizzard ・Deals ice-elemental DMG.
Spells: Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga
ThunderThunder ・Deals lightning-elemental DMG.
Spells: Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga
AeroAero ・Deals wind-elemental DMG.
Spells: Aero, Tornado

Elemental Spells Can Stagger Enemies

Elemental attacks can be used to exploit an enemy's weakness and cause them to Stagger, which makes them vulnerable to any and all damage and may leave them momentarily incapacitated.

List of All Status Effects

Status Enhancements

Icon Explanation
BraveryBravery ・Physical Damage dealt is increased
FaithFaith ・Magic Damage dealt is increased
ProtectProtect ・Increases defense against Physical Damage.
ShellShell ・Increases defense against Magic Damage.
HasteHaste ・Accelerates ATB Gauge recharge rate.
Critical Hit Rate UpCritical Hit Rate Up ・Increases the odds of scoring a Critical Hit.
ReflectReflect ・Reflects Magic DMG back to the caster.
RegenRegen ・HP gradually restores over time.
BarrierBarrier ・Decreases any incoming Physical Damage.
ManawardManaward ・Decreases any incoming Magic Damage.
Auto-LifeAuto-Life ・Automatically revives the character after HP falls to 0.
DarknessDarkness ・Enshrouds ally in darkness, lowering accuracy of incoming attacks.
ReprieveReprieve ・Ally will survive an attack that will otherwise kill them with 1HP.
ResistResist ・Lowers the odds of ally contracting status ailments.
ShieldShield ・Nullifies any incoming Physical Damage.

Status Ailments

Icon Explanation
DebraveDebrave ・Physical Damage dealt is decreased.
DefaithDefaith ・Magic Damage dealt is decreased.
DeprotectDeprotect ・Reduced defense against incoming Physical Damage.
DeshellDeshell ・Reduced defense against incoming Magic Damage.
SlowSlow ・Decelerates ATB Gauge recharge rate.
StopStop ・Target is rendered immobile.
・ ATB Gauge stops recharging.
SleepSleep ・Target falls asleep and is rendered immobile.
・ ATB Gauge will remain charging.
・ Can be dispelled when target is hit.
PoisonPoison ・Target gradually loses HP over time.
VenomVenom ・ Applied when Poison is stacked.
・Target gradually loses a larger amount of HP over time.
SilenceSilence ・Target is unable to cast any magic spells.
・ Also seals off restorative spells.
StunStun ・Target is temporarily unable to move, but will recover after a short time.
・ ATB Gauge stops recharging throughout being stunned.
ToadToad ・Target is transformed into a toad.
・ All stats are significantly decreased, including Attack, Magic, and movement.
PetrifyPetrify ・Target will slowly turn into stone.
StoneStone ・Target is rendered immobile.
・ ATB Gauge stops recharging.
・ One hit will shatter the target and kill them instantly.
Instant DeathInstant Death ・Target is instantly slayed.
・ Commonly has a low success rate, but can increase depending on the character's level.
BerserkBerserk ・Target will deal increased Physical Damage at the expense of decreased Defense.
・ Causes target to ignore direct commands.
FuryFury ・Limit Break Gauge fills up faster.
Increases incoming damage.
SedateSedate ・Decreases incoming damage.
Slows ATB Gauge recharge rate.

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