FF7 Rebirth

3D Brawler Minigame Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - 3D Brawler Minigame Guide and Rewards
3D Brawler is a minigame available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock 3D Brawler and Sephiroth as an opponent, how to play, tips to complete the minigame, controls of the game, opponent's attack patterns, and rewards for all Standard and Hard Mode opponents.

3D Brawler Minigame Rewards

All Rewards

Opponents Rewards
Saucer Brawler First Clear:
Mega Potion
Gold Saucer Points x100
Gold Saucer Points x25
Fat Moogle First Clear:
Dry Ether
Gold Saucer Points x150
Gold Saucer Points x50
Dio First Clear:
Silver Brawler Gloves
Gold Saucer Points x200
Gold Saucer Points x75
Shiva First Clear:
Dark Matter
Gold Saucer Points x270
Gold Saucer Points x135
Ifrit First Clear:
Golden Brawler's Gloves
Gold Saucer Points x350
Gold Saucer Points x175
Sephiroth First Clear:
Gold Saucer Points x400
Gold Saucer Points x200
Yuffie First Clear:
Increase relationship level with Yuffie

These are the rewards you acquire from completing the minigame. The rewards will be different when you attempt to complete them again.

Trophy Reward

FF7 Rebirth - 3D Brawler Minigame Guide and Rewards Bronze TrophyBronze Polygonal Prizefighter
Defeat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler

You can unlock the Bronze Trophy: Polygonal Prizefighter if you defeat Sephiroth in the 3D Brawler Minigame.

How to Unlock All Trophies

Queen's Blood Card Reward

FF7 Rebirth - Queen Ultimate Party Animal
If this card is in play when the round ends, the loser of each lane's score is added to the victor's.

You can unlock the Ultimate Party Animal Card after you've completed all Queen's Blood Challenges in Wonderment Square, and finished all Side Quests and Minigames in the game.

This means that you will need to complete the 3D Brawler minigame in order to unlock the Ultimate Party Animal Card.

Ultimate Party Animal Card

3D Brawler Minigame Controls

All Button Controls

Button Control Action
PS4 - L2 Button Left Hook
PS4 - R2 Button Right Hook
PS4 -  Left Stick or PS4 - Right Stick
PS4 - L2 Button + PS4 - R2 Button
Limit Break

These are the default controls for brawling when you're playing the minigame. Some actions require the ATB and Limit Break gauges to be filled to be used.

List of Controls

How to Play 3D Brawler Minigame

How to Play

Use Analog Sticks to Avoid Attacks

You can dodge attacks by moving the Analog Stick at the same time the opponent throws their attack. The timing requirement is generous, so you do not have to be precise with dodges.

Where the Attacks Come From Determines Where You Have to Dodge

FF7 Rebirth - 3D Brawler Minigame Guide and Rewards Opponent Attacks

The direction of your opponent's attacks will play an important part in where you have to dodge. Incoming attacks from the left side of your opponent will require dodging toward the right direction, and vice versa.

Pause the Game Before Opponents Strike

When fighting an opponent during a match, try pausing the game as your opponent readies an attack. You could pause the game by pressing the start button on your controller.

This will give you an idea of what kind of attack the opponent will unleash, which helps you anticipate the incoming move and respond accordingly to where you can dodge and counterattack.

Attack to Where the Opponent’s Arm Is Lowered

Try checking to where the opponent is lowering their arm, since the direction of the lowered arm reveals where the opponent can be attacked. This instance can usually be observed when the opponent radiates a blue aura during the match.

First to Fill LB Meter And Use It Wins

To win in 3D Brawler, a fighter has to use their Limit Break by filling up their LB Meter. Connecting attacks is the only way to fill it up for both players, so try to evade the opponent's attacks, while yours constantly connects.

3D Brawler Standard Mode Opponents

All Standard Mode Opponents

Checkmark Dio

Saucer Brawler

Enemy Attack Solution
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)

The Saucer Brawler have standard attacks that can be easily dodged after some proper anticipation on your part.

Fat Moogle

Enemy Attack Solution
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)
Right Straight PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Straight PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)

The Fat Moogle have additional attacks that can be overcome by proper dodging and countering.


Enemy Attack Solution
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)
Right Upper PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Straight PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)

Dio is more versatile than both the Saucer Brawler and Fat Moogle. You will have to be ready for more versatile punches and execute the right timing for your dodges.

Dodge Red Combo Attack, Then Counterattack

Dio will execute a combo attack that can be anticipated when he emits a red aura around him. If you've dodged the combo attack with the correct timing and proper direction, you will be able to land a counterattack that can lead to his defeat.

3D Brawler Hard Mode Opponents

All Hard Mode Opponents


Enemy Attack Solution
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Right Upper PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Down)
Right Straight PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Up)

Shiva is categorized as a Hard Mode opponent for 3D Brawler. She can be unlocked after acquiring Hard Mode.


Enemy Attack Solution
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Right Upper PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Down)
Left Upper PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Down)
Left Straight PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Up)

Ifrit is the hardest opponent in 3D Brawler after you've acquired the Hard Mode difficulty.

How to Unlock Sephiroth in 3D Brawler

Reach Chapter 12 of the Main Story

You will need to reach Chapter 12 of the main story as one of the prerequisites to unlocking Sephiroth. After you've reached the end of the chapter, you will need to complete a side quest in the region.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

Complete Can't Stop, Won't Stop Side Quest

FF7 Rebirth - Can
The Can't Stop, Won't Stop side quest must be completed in order to unlock Sephiroth. In order to begin this side quest, you will need to complete all available side quests in the game.

Can't Stop, Won't Stop Walkthrough

How to Beat Sephiroth in 3D Brawler

All Sephiroth Attacks and Combos

All Sephiroth Attack Patterns

Enemy Attack Solution
Left Hook PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Right)
Right Hook PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Left)
Left Upper PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Down)
Right Upper PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Down)
Left Straight PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Up)
Right Straight PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Up)

Sephiroth can be unlocked after completing the Can't Stop, Won't Stop side quest. He has a larger moveset than all the previous opponents you've fought in the minigame.

All Sephiroth Combo Attack Patterns

Combo Attack Pattern 1

Dodge Pattern
PS4 - Right Stick (Up) + PS4 -  Left Stick (Left) + PS4 - Right Stick (Right) + PS4 -  Left Stick (Up) + PS4 - Right Stick (Down)

This combo attack always begin with a Left Straight from Sephiroth.

Combo Attack Pattern 2

Dodge Pattern
PS4 -  Left Stick (Down) + PS4 - Right Stick (Right) + PS4 -  Left Stick (Up)

This combo attack always begin with a Right Uppercut from Sephiroth.

Combo Attack Pattern 3

Dodge Pattern
PS4 -  Left Stick (Left) + PS4 -  Left Stick (Left) + PS4 - Right Stick (Up) +PS4 -  Left Stick (Down)

This combo attack always begin with a Right Hook from Sephiroth.

The First Red Combo Attack Is Always Pattern 1

Sephiroth has a total of 3 red combo attacks, all of which can be indicated when he emits a red aura before he begins.

The first red combo attack is always Pattern 1, which is the longest of all his combo attacks. Carefully telegraph his attacks, and do not rush when performing counterattacks.

The Second Combo Attack Can Be Determined by Observing the First Attack of the Combo

First Attack Combo Pattern
Left Straight Pattern 1
Right Uppercut Pattern 2
Right Hook Pattern 3

The following combo attacks after the first one are usually random, and can only be determined by the first attack of the combo.

If you were able to check the first attack during the combo, then you should be able to tell what combo he'll unleash and what dodges you'll need to perform.

How to Unlock Yuffie in 3D Brawler

Reach Chapter 12 of the Main Story

FF7 Rebirth - 3D Brawler Interact with Yuffie
You will need to reach Chapter 12 of the main story in order to unlock Yuffie as a 3D Brawler opponent. From there, head to Wonderment Square and challenge Yuffie in 3D Brawler so you could fight her as an opponent.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

How to Beat Yuffie in 3D Brawler

All Yuffie Attacks and Combos

All Yuffie Attack Patterns

Enemy Attack Solution
Left Straight PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Up)
Right Straight PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Up)
Left Uppercut PS4 - Right Stick
(Turn Down)
Right Uppercut PS4 -  Left Stick
(Turn Down)

Yuffie can be unlocked as a 3D Brawler opponent after reaching Chapter 12 of the main storyline in the game and interacting with Yuffie at the Wonderment Square.

All Yuffie Combo Attack Patterns

Combo Attack Pattern 1

Dodge Pattern
PS4 -  Left Stick (Up) + PS4 - Right Stick (Up) + PS4 -  Left Stick (Up) + PS4 - Right Stick (Up) + PS4 - Right Stick (Up)

This combo attack always begin with a Left Straight from Yuffie. She unleashes this combo attack after emitting a red aura during the fight.

Do note that the red aura does not guarantee that the combo attack will happen, given that Yuffie also uses this opportunity to execute a quick Left Straight.

Yuffie’s Red Attacks Are either Left Straights or Combo Attacks

When Yuffie emits a red aura during the fight, she will either unleash a quick Left Straight or begin her Combo Attack Pattern 1.

It is recommended that you anticipate to dodge her Left Straight after she emits a red aura, given that she begins all her red attacks and combos with it.

How to Unlock 3D Brawler Minigame

Unlock the Gold Saucer in Chapter 8

FF7 Rebirth - Location of 3D Brawler Minigame

The 3D Brawler Minigame can be accessed as soon as players reach the Gold Saucer in Chapter 8.

Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough

Unlock More Enemies in Chapter 12

Opponents How to Unlock
Shiva and Ifrit Unlocked in Chapter 12
Shinra Middle Manager Fought during the Can't Stop Won't Stop quest.
Sephiroth Unlocked after completing the Can't Stop Won't Stop quest.
Yuffie Unlocked in Chapter 12

You can unlock more opponents in 3D Brawler once you reach Chapter 12. Sephiroth can be unlocked after completing Can't Stop Won't Stop.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

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8 SEPHIROTH10 days

This guide is very nice, however, the sephiroth portion is incorrect as there is a missing combo which is in my case the last combo.. Please add it for future players, the 3d brawler game is hard and stupid enough and I know you made this to facilitate people life. !! Good luck and thank you for the guide !!!

7 IxAMxNIGHTMARE9 months

For Yuffie simply know that you want to use the stick that is the same side as the fist she cocks back. Besides that, move the stick up if she is leaning back with her head up; move the stick down if she is leaning forward with her head down.


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