FF7 Rebirth

G-Bike Expert Mode Guide and Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards
G-Bike is a minigame available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn how to unlock G-Bike and its Expert Mode, how to play, tips to complete the minigame, and rewards for both Standard and Expert Modes.

How to Unlock G-Bike Minigame

Reach Chapter 8 in Main Story

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Map
You can unlock the G-Bike minigame by progressing the main storyline of the game and reaching Chapter 8. From there, proceed towards the Gold Saucer and head to Wonderment Square - 3F.

Chapter 8: All That Glitters Walkthrough

Unlock Expert Mode in Chapter 12

Once you reach Chapter 12 of the main story, you unlock Expert Mode for the G-Bike minigame. Expert Mode is a more challenging difficulty than Standard Mode, and offers better rewards when completed.

Chapter 12: A Golden Key Walkthrough

G-Bike Minigame Rewards

All Standard Mode Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Ranks and Rewards

Score Rewards
Rank 1
Ether Onion x5
Gold Saucer Point x100
Gold Saucer Point x50
Rank 2
Mythril Ore x1
Gold Saucer Point x150
Gold Saucer Point x75
Rank 3
Whistlewind Scarf x1
Gold Saucer Point x200
Gold Saucer Point x100

The rewards you acquire from completing the minigame will depend on the score you've collected throughout the race.

All Expert Mode Rewards

G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Expert Mode Rewards

Score Rewards
Rank 1
Astral Remnant x1
Gold Saucer Point x200
Rank 2
Dark Matter x3
Gold Saucer Point x270
Rank 3
Limit Booster x1
Gold Saucer Point x270

Additionally, Expert Mode provides a different variety of rewards when you choose this difficulty.

G-Bike Expert Mode Minigame Tips

G-Bike Expert Mode Tips

Avoid Helicopter Exploding Munitions

The Expert Mode will have an additional obstacle for you to overcome when you decide to enter it. A helicopter will be present throughout the minigame, firing exploding munitions while traversing through the course track.

Coming into contact with these flames will slow down your speed, so be sure to avoid them at all costs.

Prioritize Collecting Blue Panels

Your energy reserves deplete much faster during Expert Mode, so it is recommended that you collect Blue Panels on the road if you choose Expert Mode as your difficulty. Be sure to stay on the central lane of the road to collect Blue Panels much easier.

G-Bike Minigame How to Play and Tips

G-Bike Minigame Tips

Hold Down the R2 Button

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Accelerate

Controls Action
PS4 - R2 Button Accelerate

During the entire course of the minigame. just keep holding down the R2 button to accelerate and catch up to enemies on the track.

Attack an Enemy When They’re Near You

Controls Action
PS4 - Square Button Right Attack
PS4 - Circle Button Left Attack

Once you are near an enemy, press either the circle or square buttons to attack enemies depending on their current location. This will help you get rid of your enemies that are obstructing your progress.

Use Spinning Slash to Take Out Multiple Enemies

Controls Action
PS4 - Triangle Button Spinnish Slash

Use Spinning Slash by pressing triangle and laying waste to multiple enemies on the track. The Spinning Slash is a very convenient attack that helps get rid of surrounding enemies. Do note that the attack needs its gauge to be filled before it can be used.

Prioritize Collecting Gold Boost Panels on the Road

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Gold Panels

Controls Action
PS4 - X Button Nitrous Boost

It is recommended that you collect the Gold Panels you see on the road to increase your Nitrous Boost gauge. When the gauge is filled, press the X button and leave your enemies in the dust as you dash towards the race track.

Recover Energy by Collecting Blue Panels

FF7 Rebirth - G-Bike Minigame Guide and Rewards Blue Panels

Collecting the Blue Panels on the road will help keep your Energy Reserves maintained throughout the course. The Energy Reserves are indicated on the gauge bar located on the bottom right of your screen.

Avoid Red Target Projections

FF7 Rebirth G-Bike Minigame and Rewards Red Target
You will notice that some enemies on the track will project red targeting systems. You will need to avoid coming into contact with these targeting systems, given that they are projections for incoming munitions meant to obstruct you.

G-Bike Minigame Controls

All G-Bike Button Controls

Controls Action
PS4 - R2 Button Accelerate
PS4 - L2 Button Brake
PS4 - R1 Button Guard
PS4 - Square Button Right Attack
PS4 - Circle Button Left Attack
PS4 - Triangle Button Spinnish Slash
PS4 - X Button Nitrous Boost

These are the default controls of operating the G-Bike when you're playing the minigame. Some actions like the Spinning Slash and Nitrous Boost require their respective gauges to be filled in order for them to be used.

List of Controls

G-Bike Minigame Point System

All Target Points

Target Score Points
Motorcycle Soldier 1x Body = 500 Points
Senior Biker 1x Body = 600 Points
Road Panels 1x Panel = 50 Points

The score you've accumulated throughout the minigame will depend on how many targets you were able to catch or hit during the race.

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3 Anonymousabout 1 month

Got to agree this is low effort content.

2 Anonymousabout 1 year

agree garbage guide what a clown this person is. Unless


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