FF7 Rebirth

Combat Simulator Guide: How to Unlock and Win All Battles

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Combat Simulators

Chadley's Combat Simulator lets you fight enemies in virtual simulation battles, rewarding you with materia, accessories, and manuscripts in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn more about the combat simulator, including a full list of battles, their rewards, and how to unlock brutal and legendary battles.

Combat Simulator Guide

Unlocked During Chapter 2

FF7 Rebirth - Combat Simulator, show

You will automatically meet Chadley near Bill's Ranch Tower as part of the main quest in Chapter 2. After activating the nearby Remnawave Tower, you will gain access to Chadley's Combat Simulator.

Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Complete Requirements to Unlock More Challenges

FF7 Rebirth - Combat Sim Requirements

You can unlock more Combat Simulator challenges by completing certain requirements like defeating specific enemies, reaching a new region, or having certain Materia in your possession.

Make sure to check out the requirements for battles you want to unlock and explore the world to fulfill the objectives. Keeping pace with the simulator will give you extra rewards and Materia to tackle the main story with.

Brutal and Legendary Battles Unlocked After Beating Gilgamesh

FF7 Rebirth - Brutal Team

Once you've unlocked and beaten Gilgamesh, two new categories in the Combat Simulator called Brutal and Legendary will be unlocked.

These 15 challenges will automatically be on Hard mode and some of them will have special unlock requirements. These conditions range from finishing the game to defeating classified foes found in each region.

Brutal and Legendary Combat Simulator Guide

All Combat Simulator Battles and Rewards

List of Combat Simulators
Summon Entity Assignment Intel Regional Data
Biology Data Brutal Challenges Legendary Bouts
Combat Training

Summon Entity

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Summon Entity: Titan Unlock Conditions:
・Unlock the Combat Simulator
・Titan Materia
Summon Entity: Phoenix Unlock Conditions:
・Reach the Junon region
・Phoenix Materia
Summon Entity: Alexander Unlock Conditions:
・Reach the Corel region
・Alexander Materia
Summon Entity: Kujata Unlock Conditions:
・Reach the Gongaga region
・Kujata Materia
Summon Entity: Bahamut Unlock Conditions:
・Reach the Cosmo Canyon region
・Bahamut Arisen Materia
Summon Entity: Odin Unlock Conditions:
・Reach the Nibel region
・Odin Materia

Assignment Intel

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Grasslands Battle Intel: Horror on the Range Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Venorat and Enmidunk
・First Strike Materia ★
Grasslands Battle Intel: Plain Stalkers Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Mandrake and Thunderclaw
・Vitality Up Materia ★
Grasslands Battle Intel: Natural Order Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Mi and Aggrevrikon
・Provoke Materia ★
Junon Battle Intel: Conqueror of the Skies Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Enmidunk and Silver Chimera
・Spirit Up Materia ★
Junon Battle Intel: White Squall Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Fonadu and Whymzellet
・Elemental Materia ★
Corel Battle Intel: Oh, Skewer It Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Shankhalopod and Saberhawk
・Vitality Up Materia ★
Corel Battle Intel: Sand Slitherers Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Duneworm and Bladefin
・Strength Up Materia ★
Corel Battle Intel: Badlands Beasts Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Heliopora Terpsicolt and Silver Chimera
・AP Up Materia ★
Gongaga Battle Intel: Lethal Combo Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Pastel Amphidex and Fulvum Varanus
・Spirit Up Materia ★
Gongaga Battle Intel: Rooted in the Planet Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Brumeflower and Grandhorn Warden
・Speed Up Materia ★
Nibel Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 20 enemies in the Nibel region
・Time Materia ★★
Gongaga Battle Intel: Distant Tremors Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Savage Grandhorn and Maloceros
・Elemental Materia ★
Cosmo Battle Intel: Flower of Destruction Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Drohdroh and Bashfulisk
・First Strike Materia ★
Cosmo Battle Intel: Nature's Vengeance Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Pyrowire and Elder Golem
・Level Boost Materia ★
Cosmo Battle Intel: Antediluvian Memories Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Sahagin Warrior and Shirdal
・Magic Up Materia ★
Nibel Battle Intel: Death's Harbingers Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Pyretail and Carnifex
・VIT to SPR Materia ★
Nibel Battle Intel: Cthonian Rhondo Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Marquis Valron and Suevite Disgorgon
・AP Up Materia ★

Regional Data

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Grasslands Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 5/5 enemies in the Grasslands
・Healing Materia ★★
Grasslands Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 24 enemies in the Grasslands
・Ice Materia ★★
Junon Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Lightning Materia ★★
Junon Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 9/9 enemies in the Junon region
・Cleansing Materia ★★
Corel Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 20 enemies in the Corel region
・Wind Materia ★★
Corel Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 38 enemies in the Corel region
・Fire Materia ★★
Gongaga Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 12 enemies in the Gongaga region
・Poison Materia ★★
Gongaga Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 20 enemies in the Gongaga region
・HP Up Materia ★★★
Cosmo Canyon Region Intel: Level 1 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 15 enemies in the Cosmo Canyon region
・Barrier Materia ★★
Cosmo Canyon Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 22 enemies in the Cosmo Canyon region
・MP Up Materia ★★★
Nibel Region Intel: Level 2 Unlock Conditions:
・Battle 24 enemies in the Nibel region
・Revival Materia ★★

Biology Data

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Biological Intel: Know Thine Enemy Unlock Conditions:
・Unlocked by default
・Enemy Skill Materia ★
・ Enemy Skill: Sonic Boom
Biological Intel: Blinded by Light Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Grasslands
・ Assess 16/16 enemies in the grasslands
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★
・Enemy Skill: Plasma Discharge
Biological Intel: Breath of Life Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Grasslands
・ Assess 10/10 enemies in the Junon region
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★
・Enemy Skill: Soothing Breeze
Biological Intel: At Any Cost Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Junon Region
・ Assess 25 enemies in the Corel region
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★
・Enemy Skill: Self-Destruct
Biological Intel: Head Case Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Junon Region
・ Assess 14 enemies in the Gongaga region
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★★
・Enemy Skill: Mind Blast
Biological Intel: That's the Smell Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Gongaga Region
・ Assess 16 enemies in the Cosmo Canyon region
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★★★
・Enemy Skill: Rancid Breath
Biological Intel: Stony Stare Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Cosmo Canyon Region
・ Assess 16 enemies in the Nibel region
・ Enemy Skill Materia ★★★★★
・Enemy Skill: Gorgon Shield

Brutal Challenges

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Brutal Challenge: Army of the Damned Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat Gilgamesh
・Binding Materia Earrings
Brutal Challenge: Requiem for the Scorned Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: Army of the Damned
・Elemental Materia ★
Brutal Challenge: Unending Nightmare Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: Requiem for the Scorned
・Prayer Materia Earrings
Brutal Challenge: Hellions' Intonement Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: Unending Nightmare
・ Defeat the classified foe in the Corel region
・Magnify Materia ★
Brutal Challenge: The Seventh Seal Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: Hellions' Intonement
・ Complete the main scenario
・MP Up Materia Earrings
Brutal Challenge: Rulers of the Outer Worlds Unlock Conditions:
・Complete Brutal Challenge: The Seventh Seal
・ Complete the main scenario

Legendary Bouts

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Legendary Bout: Cloud vs. The Warriors Unlock Conditions:
・Complete the main scenario
・The Art of Swordplay Vol. XV
Legendary Bout: Barret vs. The Colossi Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Junon region
・ Complete the main scenario
・Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Tifa vs. The Martialists Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Cosmo Canyon region
・ Complete the main scenario
・Way of the Fist Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Aerith vs. The Magi Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the grasslands
・ Complete the main scenario
・Telluric Scriptures Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Red XIII vs. The Beasts Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Gongaga region
・ Complete the main scenario
・Tale of the Red Warrior Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Yuffie vs. The Wronged Unlock Conditions:
・Defeat the classified foe in the Nibel region
・ Complete the main scenario
・Secrets of the Ninja Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Cait Sith vs. The Abominable Unlock Conditions:
・Complete the main scenario
・Fortunes Untold Vol. XVI
Legendary Bout: Bonds of Friendship Unlock Conditions:
・Complete All Legendary Solo Combat Courses
・ Obtain the corsair's compass accessory
Legendary Bout: To Be a Hero Unlock Conditions:
・Complete All Legendary Solo Combat Courses
・ Obtain the corsair's compass accessory
・The Art of Swordplay Vol. XVI

Combat Training

Name How to Unlock and Rewards
Combat Training: Beginner’s Hall Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・HP Up Materia ★
Combat Training: Cloud Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Fire Materia ★
Combat Training: Barret Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Lightning Materia ★
Combat Training: Tifa Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Ice Materia ★
Combat Training: Aerith Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Wind Materia ★
Combat Training: Red XIII Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・MP Up Materia ★
Combat Training: Yuffie Unlock Conditions:
・Unlock Yuffie in Chapter 6
・Precision Defense Focus Materia ★
Combat Training: Cait Sith Unlock Conditions:
・Complete the main scenario
・Luck Up Materia ★
Combat Training: Zack Unlock Conditions:
・Unlock Legendary Bout: Bonds of Friendship
・HP Up Materia ★
Combat Training: Synergy Unlock Conditions:
・Automatically unlocked by default
・Steadfast Block Materia ★
Combat Training: Sephiroth Unlock Conditions:
・Unlock Legendary Bout: To Be a Hero
・MP Up Materia ★

What is the Combat Simulator?

Optional Battles with Extra Rewards

FF7 Rebirth - How to Beat the Phoenix Combat Simulator

Combat Simulators are optional VR missions that are given by Chadley around the world. These fights are optional but they reward you with useful items like Accesories, Materias, and Manuscripts that can help you on your future battles.

Do note that some of Materias, Accessories, and the final 16th Manuscripts are exlusive to the Combat Simulator, so make sure that you're completing these alongside the story and side quest missions.

Using Items are Prohibited

Unfortunately, players cannot use any items as these missions challenge players to utilize their Skills and Materia to defeat enemies without being reliant on items. While it may be annoying, it's good training for Hard Mode since items will be automacially disabled.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth Wiki

FF7 Rebirth Complete Guide

All FF7 Rebirth Guides

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FF7 Rebirth - Combat Simulator PartialCombat Simulator FF7 Rebirth - Materials Partial Crafting Materials
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2 Anonymous10 months

For me, Elemental Materia was reward for "Conquerer of the Skies" (Requirements: Defeat Fonadu and Stormwing). The guide says it's "White Squall" but that rewarded me with Spirit Up, rather than Elemental which is stated in the guide.

1 Anonymous12 months

Chadley isn't registering battles or asseses for me ever since I completed the game. I've checked everything and there is no reason why it won't register. Fu Square Enix for corrupting my save file.


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