FF7 Rebirth

Chapter 6: Fool's Paradise Walkthrough

Chapter 6 Story Walkthrough Banner
A walkthrough for Chapter 6: Fool's Paradise in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on for a detailed guide of Chapter 6, including item locations, rewards, bosses, as well as useful tips for completing this chapter!

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Chapter 5
Blood in the Water
Chapter 7
Those Left Behind

Chapter 6: Fool's Paradise Walkthrough

Chapter 6 Main Objectives
1 Find a Hotel
2 Win Cloud's Beachwear
3 Win Aerith and Tifa's Beachwear
3 Hit the Beach
Boss Battle: Grasptropod

Click on any of the links above to jump to the section!

Find a Hotel Walkthrough

A Moment's Rest
Upon arriving in Costa del Sol, look for the Tourist Information Center up ahead to learn the location of the two hotels. After that, hop on a Wheelie and follow the objective marker.
2 Paradise Awaits
Follow Johnny to his hotel. Then, leave your weapon inside your room.

Win Cloud's Beachwear

1 Beach Boys
You'll play as Cloud on his own. After going outside, you'll receive a ticket which you can use to play mini-games. Complete one of two mini-games to purchase an outfit.
Card Carnival Minigame Guide
Pirate’s Rampage Minigame Guide
You can optionally complete both minigames to purchase both outfits.
Card Carnival
A brain teaser in which you have to play Queen's Blood with the opponent's moves already completed and only 3 cards available to you. Win at 3 challenges to earn the companion card needed for an outfit.
Play this minigame if you prefer puzzles over action, or if you want to skip this section, as you can easily look up the answers.
Jump to Card Carnival Answers
Pirate's Rage
A shooting gallery where you'll aim and fire at targets within a limited time. 10,000 points are required to earn the companion card needed for an outfit.
Play this mini-game if you prefer action over puzzles. Aiming on a controller can be tricky, so it might be best to wait for a PC release to aim for a perfect score. Turn Adaptive Triggers Off to make the R2 button easier to press down.
You can begin raising your relationship level with Yuffie by talking to her in front of the red truck near the Surf and Suntan entrance on the northern side of the City Center.
Jump to Chapter 6 Romance and Relationship Guide
Purchase one of the outfits, change clothes, and go to the beach.
Tip: The outfit you choose to wear will affect your relationship level with Tifa or Aerith later on.
Jump to Which Beach Outfits to Choose?

Card Carnival Answers

If you're not interested in solving them yourself, click the button below to reveal the answers to all three required Card Carnival puzzles.


Which Beach Outfits to Choose?

If you are pursuing a relationship with either Tifa or Aerith, choosing the right swimsuit matters during this section. The correct choice of swimsuit shoud match either one of their own swimsuits, or perhaps even both at the same time. This rewards the player with Relationship points with the respective character.

Cloud's Swimsuit Matching Aerith's Swimsuit Matching Tifa's Swimsuit
Wild Surf Pink Mermaid Shining Spirit
Ocean Chocobo Floral Delight Majestic Glamour

All Beach Outfits (Swimsuits) and Which to Choose

Win Aerith and Tifa's Beachwear Walkthrough

Fun While It Lasts
Next, you'll play as Aerith, Tifa, and Red XIII. Again, you'll receive a ticket to play mini-games. Complete one of the following mini-games to get an outfit for Aerith.
Run Wild Minigame Guide
Cactuar Caper Minigame Guide
Note: You can do Aerith's minigames and Tifa's minigames in any order as long as you do one of each.
Run Wild
Kick a soccer ball into opponents' goals and don't let it get kicked into yours.
A bit of a grind, but less of a hassle than Cactuar Caper, so overall the best option for Aerith.
Cactuar Caper
Take a photo of the four hidden cactuars scattered across Costa del Sol to obtain a companion card.
Jump to Where to Find the Cactuars
3 Complete one of the following mini-games to get an outfit for Tifa.
Wheelie Rendezvous Minigame Guide
Piano Minigame Guide
Wheelie Rendezvous
Gather 2 red, 2 blue, and 2 yellow wheelies and bring them back to their respective parking lots.
This minigame is easier than Cactuar Caper, but not exactly fun, so fine to skip this one unless you dislike the Piano minigame.
Jump to Wheelie Locations Map
Piano Concerto
Play Tifa's Theme on piano in the same way as you (optionally) did in the Demo.
Note: The song is exactly the same as when it appeared in the Demo, so if you already practiced it then, you should have no trouble here.
4 Purchase one of the outfits for Aerith and Tifa, change clothes, and go to the beach.
Jump to Which Beach Outfits to Choose?

Where to Find Cactuars

If you prefer not to look for the Cactuar Caper on your own, click on the button below to reveal the locations of all the hidden Cactuars.

Cactuar Caper Locations

It is located on the large store sign at the entrance to Surf and Suntan.

On the rock cliff behind the Tourist Information Center.

On the fire hydrant near the Ferry Docks, where you start in chapter 6.

It can be found on the rock near the pier beyond the Card Carnival.

Wheelie Locations Map

To learn the location of all the Wheelies and their return points, click the button below.

All Wheelie Locations All Wheelie Return Points

Hit the Beach Walkthrough

1 Hojo's Mojo
Interact with Hojo, and after a cutscene, you'll fight the Grasptropod.
Recommended Party for Grasptropod
▶︎ How to Beat Grasptropod
When Evening Comes
Talk with all the other characters in your party. What you say to them will affect your relationship level, so be sure to give positive answers to the character who you want to join you at the Gold Saucer.
Jump to Chapter 6 Romance and Relationship Guide
On the Road Again
Yuffie will join your party. You can try to reject her, but no matter what you say, she will join you regardless.

Chapter 6 Romance and Relationship Guide

Character Dialogue Choices Results
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith Everybody's got someone to hate
They're just thoughts
Then don't think

FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret You tried. That's all that matters
Can't save everyone
This is on Hojo

FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa Lot's happened since then
Hasn't been that long
Wanna go back?

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII Don't sweat it
We had no choice
Yeah, you should

FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie Nope
C'mon. Can't you take a hint?
Yeah. Obviously

◎ - Best Answer, 〇 - Good Answer, △ - Bad Answer

For Yuffie's special dialogue in Chapter 6, you will be able to unlock it after you've received the ticket to play minigames around Costa de Sol. You can find Yuffie standing near the red bus at the Surf and Suntan entrance.

Romance and Relationship Guide

Chapter 6 Boss Strategy Guide

How to Beat Grasptropod

Location Chapter Unlocked
Costa Del Sol Fool's Paradise
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
FF7 Rebirth - LightningLightning
FF7 Rebirth - IceIce
Greater Resistances Immunities
FF7 Rebirth - Proportional DamageProportional Damage
FF7 Rebirth - BerserkBerserk
FF7 Rebirth - SlowSlow
FF7 Rebirth - PoisonPoison
FF7 Rebirth - SilenceSilence
FF7 Rebirth - StopStop
FF7 Rebirth - StoneStone
FF7 Rebirth - PetrifyPetrify
FF7 Rebirth - Morphable ItemsMorphable Items
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Inflicting enough damage or landing synergy skills and synergy abilities will pressure it. After a certain amount of time, it will use missiles and drones to capture targets. After using Breakneck Spin, it will overheat, rendering it temporarily inoperative.

Found at the Costa Beach

You will fight the Grasptropod at Costa Beach in the Corel region near the end of Chapter 6.

Recommended Party Setup and Roles

Recommended Party Setup
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud 【Main Damage Dealer】
・Focus on survival in the early parts of the battle
・Punish the boss after its big moves, like Breakneck Spin
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret 【Ranged Damage Dealer】
・Hit the boss from a distance
・Use abilities to deal a lot of damage in a short time
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith 【Magic Damage Dealer】
・Better to put offensive spells on her to deal damage
・Always keep distance to avoid getting hit by AoE attacks

Grasptropod Boss Fight Tips

  • Expend ATB Gauge as soon as it becomes available.
  • Play defensively and wait for the Breakneck Spin to finish before attacking.

How to Beat Grasptropod

Chapter 6 Map and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Ferry Dock City Center Costa Beach

Obtainable Items

There are no treasure chests available during this chapter.

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

All Story Chapters
Chapter 1 Fall of a Hero
Chapter 2 A New Journey Begins
Chapter 3 Deeper into Darkness
Chapter 4 Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 5 Blood in the Water
Chapter 6 Fool's Paradise
Chapter 7 Those Left Behind
Chapter 8 All That Glitters
Chapter 9 The Planet Stirs
Chapter 10 Watcher of the Vale
Chapter 11 The Long Shadow of Shinra
Chapter 12 A Golden Key
Chapter 13 Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter 14 End of the World
How Long to Beat? Game Length
Post-Game Content and How to Get 100% Clear


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