FF7 Rebirth

List of All Armor

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - List of All Armor

Armor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth) grants you additional Materia slots as well as bonuses for your Defense and Magic Defense stats. Read on for a full list of all the available Armor in game, including their stats and available Materia slots.

Armor Guides
All Armor Best Armor

List of All Armor

Armor Stats and Materia Slots
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Metal BracerMetal Bracer DEF: 8 MDEF: 8
Materia Slots:

A simple bracer wrought from iron in the republic era.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Leather BangleLeather Bangle DEF: 14 MDEF: 7
Materia Slots:

A cheap bangle made from leather scraps.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Copper BracerEnhanced Copper Bracer DEF: 14 MDEF: 14
Materia Slots:
A souped-up version of the original copper bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Woodsprite ArmletEnhanced Woodsprite Armlet DEF: 11 MDEF: 11
Materia Slots:
A new and improved version of the woodsprite armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Copper BracerCopper Bracer DEF: 11 MDEF: 11
Materia Slots:
A bracer mass-produced during the war.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced HunterEnhanced Hunter's Bangle DEF: 22 MDEF: 11
Materia Slots:
A souped-up version of the original hunter's bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Bone BraceletEnhanced Bone Bracelet DEF: 11 MDEF: 22
Materia Slots:
A souped-up version of the original bone bracelet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - HunterHunter's Bangle DEF: 18 MDEF: 8
Materia Slots:
A thick bangle made with leather from locally hunted game. Available for purchase in the Grasslands.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Bone BraceletBone Bracelet DEF: 8 MDEF: 18
Materia Slots:
A smooth bracelet made from sanding down animal remains. Available for purchase in the Grasslands.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Woodsprite ArmletWoodsprite Armlet DEF: 8 MDEF: 8
Materia Slots:
An intricately carved armlet blessed by the spirits of the forest.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Orchid BraceletOrchid Bracelet DEF: 11 MDEF: 24
Materia Slots:
a bracelet crafted with such an inspiring design that anyone who wears it - no matter how timid - gains the courage to explore the world at large.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Beastman ArmbandBeastman Armband DEF: 11 MDEF: 24
Materia Slots:
An avant-garde armband made from the shavings of a beastman's club.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Owl BracerOwl Bracer DEF: 15 MDEF: 15
Materia Slots:
An ornate bracer crafted in honor of the hermit philosopher of the forest, Strix.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Wisefox BraceletWisefox Bracelet DEF: 12 MDEF: 26
Materia Slots:
a bracelet designed to ensure it's wearers survival in a dog-eat-dog world. Available for purchase in the Junon region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Gold Coral ArmletGold Coral Armlet DEF: 12 MDEF: 12
Materia Slots:
An enchanting armlet crafted with rare coral harvested from the depths of the sea.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Elphadunk BangleElphadunk Bangle DEF: 26 MDEF: 12
Materia Slots:
a sturdy bangle made from the armor-like hide of a huge herbivore. Available for purchase in the Junon region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - SailorSailor's Bracer DEF: 16 MDEF: 16
Materia Slots:
A resilient bracer made to withstand life on the high seas.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced SailorEnhanced Sailor's Bracer DEF: 18 MDEF: 18
Materia Slots:
A souped-up version of the original sailor's bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Elphadunk BangleEnhanced Elphadunk Bangle DEF: 29 MDEF: 14
Materia Slots:
A souped-up version of the original elphadunk bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Wisefox BraceletEnhanced Wisefox Bracelet DEF: 14 MDEF: 29
Materia Slots:
A souped-version of the original wisefox bracelet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Gold Coral ArmletEnhanced Gold Coral Armlet DEF: 14 MDEF: 14
Materia Slots:
A refined variant of the gold coral armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Queensguard BangleQueensguard Bangle DEF: 30 MDEF: 14
Materia Slots:
A silver bangle once worn by knights sword to protect their queen regnant
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Road Warrior BangleRoad Warrior Bangle DEF: 53 MDEF: 25
Materia Slots:
A stylish silver and leather bangle for bikers born to live free or die. Available for purchases in the Cosmo Canyon region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - CommanderCommander's Bracer DEF: 33 MDEF: 33
Materia Slots:
A high-quality bracer customarily worn by Shinra officers.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Spiritbound ArmletSpiritbound Armlet DEF: 25 MDEF: 25
Materia Slots:
An armlet taken from a warrior whose tribe, even in death, cannot escape the fetters which robbed them of their freedom in life.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Spiritbound ArmletEnhanced Spiritbound Armlet DEF: 26 MDEF: 26
Materia Slots:
An augmented reproduction of the spiritbound armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Road Warrior BangleEnhanced Road Warrior Bangle DEF: 56 MDEF: 26
Materia Slots:
A revised rendition of the road warrior bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Snailshell BraceletSnailshell Bracelet DEF: 25 MDEF: 53
Materia Slots:
An unassuming yet beautiful bracelet fashioned from shells unearthed in old ruins. Available for purchase in the Cosmo Canyon region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Snailshell BraceletEnhanced Snailshell Bracelet DEF: 26 MDEF: 56
Materia Slots:
A refined variant of the snailshell bracelet,
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced CommanderEnhanced Commander's Bracer DEF: 35 MDEF: 35
Materia Slots:
A revised rendition of the commander's bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Oldebeast BraceletOldebeast Bracelet DEF: 15 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots:
A bracelet made from the fossilized remains of an ancient fiend. Available for purchase in the Corel region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Fortress BracerFortress Bracer DEF: 20 MDEF: 20
Materia Slots:
A stout standard-issued bracer worn by Shinra riot troopers.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Abyssal BangleAbyssal Bangle DEF: 32 MDEF: 15
Materia Slots:
A highly sought-after bangle, every piece of the same design was handcrafted by a single goldsmith. Available for purchase in the Corel region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Fortress BracerEnhanced Fortress Bracer DEF: 26 MDEF: 26
Materia Slots:
A new and improved version of the fortress bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Beguiling ArmletBeguiling Armlet DEF: 15 MDEF: 15
Materia Slots:
A curious armlet said to have been the treasured keepsake of a fairy-tale witch
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Beguiling ArmletEnhanced Beguiling Armlet DEF: 20 MDEF: 20
Materia Slots:
A revised rendition of the beguiling armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Abyssal BangleEnhanced Abyssal Bangle DEF: 42 MDEF: 20
Materia Slots:
A refined variant of the abyssal bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Oldebeast BraceletEnhanced Oldebeast Bracelet DEF: 20 MDEF: 42
Materia Slots:
A new and improved version of the oldebeast bracelet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - IllusionistIllusionist's Armband DEF: 20 MDEF: 43
Materia Slots:
A perfectly unassuming armband that proves the wearer has nothing to hide.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Swallowsong BracerSwallowsong Bracer DEF: 27 MDEF: 27
Materia Slots:
A finely crafted bracer that evokes the beauty of a bird in flight.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - WitchWitch's Armlet DEF: 21 MDEF: 21
Materia Slots:
An armlet legend holds was imbued with the witch of the wood's magic.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced WitchEnhanced Witch's Armlet DEF: 23 MDEF: 23
Materia Slots:
A revised rendition of the witch's armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Outlaw BangleOutlaw Bangle DEF: 45 MDEF: 21
Materia Slots:
A bangle for rebels and ruffians eager to flaunt their disreputable status. Available for purchase in the Gongaga region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Outlaw BangleEnhanced Outlaw Bangle DEF: 50 MDEF: 23
Materia Slots:
A refined variant of the outlaw bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Crocodile BraceletCrocodile Bracelet DEF: 21 MDEF: 45
Materia Slots:
A striking bracelet crafted with the claws of a bloodthirsty predator. Available for purchase in the Gongaga region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Crocodile BraceletEnhanced Crocodile Bracelet DEF: 23 MDEF: 50
Materia Slots:
A new and improved version of the crocodile bracelet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Crucible BracerCrucible Bracer DEF: 28 MDEF: 28
Materia Slots:
A reinforced bracer forged with a mixture of metals including icon, copper, and silver.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Crucible BracerEnhanced Crucible Bracer DEF: 31 MDEF: 31
Materia Slots:
A refined variant of the crucible bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Sage ArmbandSage Armband DEF: 24 MDEF: 51
Materia Slots:
An armband crafted by a wise man of the woods who prayed that the will of the planet would guide him true.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Big Horn BraceletBig Horn Bracelet DEF: 32 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots:
An imposing bracelet fashioned with a horn taken from a large beast.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Chocobo ArmbandChocobo Armband DEF: 16 MDEF: 16
Materia Slots:
An armbrand crafted in the image of the beloved bird whose golden feathers would brighten anyone's day. Triples amount of AP earned for all materia set into this armor.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Backbone BraceletBackbone Bracelet DEF: 27 MDEF: 58
Materia Slots:
A bracelet which incorporates the vertebrae of a fearsome fiend to bolster one's defense.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Celestial BangleCelestial Bangle DEF: 58 MDEF: 27
Materia Slots:
A mystical bangle that evokes the boundless majesty and wisdom of the heavens.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Resplendent BracerResplendent Bracer DEF: 37 MDEF: 37
Materia Slots:
A bracer of such surpassing quality that an appraiser declared it to be beyond compare.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Resplendent BracerEnhanced Resplendent Bracer DEF: 39 MDEF: 39
Materia Slots:
A reimagining of the resplendent bracer.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Yggdrasill ArmletYggdrasill Armlet DEF: 28 MDEF: 28
Materia Slots:
A superb armlet said to have been carved from the very wood of the world tree.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Yggdrasill ArmletEnhanced Yggdrasill Armlet DEF: 30 MDEF: 30
Materia Slots:
An augmented reproduction of the Yggdrasill armlet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Garm BangleGarm Bangle DEF: 59 MDEF: 28
Materia Slots:
A bangle purportedly made with a pelt of a fearsome fiend who commanded the packs of hell. Available for purchase in the Nibel region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Garm BangleEnhanced Garm Bangle DEF: 62 MDEF: 29
Materia Slots:
A reimagining of the Garm bangle.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Varvados BraceletVarvados Bracelet DEF: 28 MDEF: 59
Materia Slots:
A stout bracelet that once graced the thewy arm of the Dragon King himself. Available for purchase in the Nibel region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Enhanced Varvados BraceletEnhanced Varvados Bracelet DEF: 29 MDEF: 62
Materia Slots:
A revised rendition of the Varvados bracelet.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Hades ArmletHades Armlet DEF: 32 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots:
A terrible armlet created by a conjurer at the behest of a conqueror who sought triump over death itself.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Valkyrian BangleValkyrian Bangle DEF: 64 MDEF: 30
Materia Slots:
A stunning bangle crafted to capture the glory and divinity of the goddesses drawn to the fires of war.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Cetran BracerCetran Bracer DEF: 42 MDEF: 42
Materia Slots:
A bracer that embodies the ethos of the Ancients and confers incredible benefits.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Cetran ArmbandCetran Armband DEF: 32 MDEF: 67
Materia Slots: TBD
An armband that embodies the vast knowledge of the Ancients and confers supreme magical defense.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Cetran ArmletCetran Armlet DEF: 33 MDEF: 33
Materia Slots:
An armlet that embodies the hopes and dreams of the Ancients and unlocks the full potential of materia.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Cetran BangleCetran Bangle DEF: 67 MDEF: 32
Materia Slots: TBD
A bangle that embodies the resolute will of the Ancients and confers supreme physical defense.

What is Armor?

Increases Defense Stats, and Materia Slots

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - What is Armor

Armor is a piece of equipment that can give you bonus Defense and Magic Defense stats, while also providing Materia slots. This type of equipment is not specific to a single character, which allows you to swap different types of armor for your party members depending on what you need for the situation.

Defense Reduces Incoming Physical Damage

DEF is your character's defense stat which reduces incoming Physical Damage you would receive. This stat would be great to increase against enemies or bosses who mostly use only Physical based attacks.

Magic Defense Reduces Incoming Magic Damage

MDEF, on the other hand, is your magic defense stat which reduces incoming Magic Damage. Similarly, this would be good to increase when you are fighting foes that primarily use Magic based attacks.

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