FF7 Rebirth

Red XIII Best Builds and Weapons

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Best Builds and Weapons

Red XIII (or Red 13) is a playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). See the best builds for Red XIII, list of weapons, their voice actors, and more about this character's background in this guide!

Red XIII Character Guides
Best Builds and Weapons Romance Guide

Red XIII Best Builds

Stage and Chapter List of Red XIII Builds
(Hard Mode)
Red XIII Endgame Build
Late Game
(Chapter 11)
Red XIII Late Game Build
Mid Game
(Chapter 7)
Red XIII Mid Game Build
Early Game
(Chapter 2-4)
Red XIII Early Game Build

Red XIII Endgame Build

Equipment Materia
FF7 Rebirth - Golden Collar Golden Collar
Weapon Lv. 8

Celestial BangleCelestial Bangle

Alternative Armor
Weapon Skills
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Opening ATB BonusOpening ATB Bonus
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Accessory Effect
Gi WarriorGi Warrior's Charm Increases the limit gauge fill rate by 10%.
Alternative Accessories

Red XIII's best endgame build for Hard Mode focuses mainly on increasing his survivability so he can tank more hits for the Vengeance Gauge. This build works even if you're not actively controlling Red.

Start by casting Chilling Roar for the extra Vengeance Gauge buildup whenever Red is hit followed by Darkside to increase the damage of Sidewinder, Crescent Claw, and his other attack abilities.

The health Red loses due to Darkside's effect and tanking hits can be recovered using Cure, Siphon Fang, and his Lv1 Limit Break, Bloody Fang. You can also make use of the damage he received to empower Reaper Touch before you let Red heal.

Gi Warrior's Charm allows Red to frequently use any of his Limit Break depending on his needs. It can be Bloody Fang to recover HP and MP, Howling moon to instantly trigger a longer Vengeance Mode, or Wrath of the Land to deal devastating damage.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills
Any Wild Charge
Lets Red XIII and an ally charge through attacks while closing gaps between their target.
Iron Defense
More of a protection for Red's allies, as he can quickly move to a safe spot and "pull" an ally from harm with this Synergy Skill while also bracing for other incoming attacks.
Synergy Abilities
Planetary Roar
Increases both members' limit levels, giving Aerith access to Planet's Protection that adds a layer to Red's tanking capabilities.
Call of the Wild
Extends the Stagger duration for Red's Vengeance Mode attacks.

Additional Build Notes

  • Alexander can be swapped with a summon of your choice.
  • Try to unlock Retaliation in Red's folio skill tree for a more powerful counterattack than Sentinel Stance! Take note that using this ability immediately ends Vengeance Mode, so only use it when the Vengeance Gauge is about to be depleted.

Red XIII Late Game Build

Equipment Materia
FF7 Rebirth - Golden Collar Golden Collar
Weapon Lv. 5

Garm BangleGarm Bangle

Weapon Skills
Opening ATB BonusOpening ATB Bonus
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Accessory Effect
Precision Defense Focus Materia Earrings ImagePrecision Defense Focus Materia Earrings Allows use of the highest level of precision defense focus materia, rendering enemies' binding attacks ineffective against perfectly timed blocks.
Alternative Accessories

This build for Red XIII can be followed during Chapter 11: The Long Shadow of Shinra onwards. Building up the Vengeance Gauge and having a reactive but speedy playstyle is still the priority for Red XIII.

Golden Collar provides a high attack damage for Red XIII. Garm Bangle is an easily accessible armor piece if you do not have access yet to equipment like the Valkyrian Bangle. When needed, Fire and Ice can be swapped out for any other element materia depending on the fight.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills
Any Wild Charge
Allows Red XIII to damage and close the distance between enemies. It also guards against attacks, helping you build up the Vengeance gauge faster.
Synergy Abilities
United Refocus
Temporarily partitions both Red XIII's and Barret's ATB gauges into three segments, making it easier to save up on command usage.
Savage Assault
Red XIII and Cloud pair up for a strong synergy attack. Raises Limit Levels.
Barret sends Red XIII flying at the enemy, doing big damage and raising their Limit Levels.

Additional Build Notes

  • Speed Up is rewarded from completing Gongaga Battle Intel: Rooted in the Planet.
  • The Valkyrian Bangle is obtained at the Nidhogg Grotto in the Nibel Region (far southwest island). This needs a Chocobo capable of using Chocojet (Chocobo Intel found from the side quest Esoteric Secrets of the Elders).

Red XIII Mid Game Build

Equipment Materia
FF7 Rebirth - Renegade Renegade's Collar
Ice ImageIce

Abyssal BangleAbyssal Bangle
Weapon Skills
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Enduring VengeanceEnduring Vengeance
Accessory Effect
Hi-Power Wristguards ImageHi-Power Wristguards Increases strength by 5%. Increases max HP by 250.

This build for Red XIII can be followed during Chapter 7: Those Left Behind onwards. We focused on augmenting Red XIII's Vengeance gauge buildup by giving him defense-based materia such as Precision Defense Focus.

Renegade's Collar is the choice weapon for Red XIII since it provides him a high attack power stat and the ATB Charge Rate Up weapon skill. HP Absorption and Enemy Skill are paired to grant him HP whenever he uses the Enemy Skill ability.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills
Wild Charge
Allows Red XIII to damage and close the distance between enemies. It also guards against attacks, helping you build up the Vengeance gauge faster.
Synergy Abilities
United Refocus
Temporarily partitions both Red XIII's and Barret's ATB gauges into three segments, making it easier to save up on command usage.
Barret sends Red XIII flying at the enemy, doing big damage and raising their Limit Levels.

Additional Build Notes

  • HP Absorption can be developed at Chadley's Research in the Corel Region. Gathering Data Points from that region becomes available starting at Chapter 7.
  • Enemy Skill can be obtained as a reward from Biological Intel: Know Thine Enemy in Chadley's Combat Simulator.
  • Hi-Power Wristguards can be unlocked for transmutation by completing Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository (can be discovered by completing Expedition Intel) in the Grasslands.

Red XIII Early Game Build

Equipment Materia
FF7 Rebirth - Mythril Collar Mythril Collar
HunterHunter's Bangle
Weapon Skills
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Accessory Effect
Hi-Power Wristguards ImageHi-Power Wristguards Increases strength by 5%. Increases max HP by 250.

This is an early game build for Red XIII available before fighting Midgardsomr, the game's first open world boss in Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins.

Red XIII is exceptionally quick in battle, being able to cover lots of ground through both his dodges and attacks. Take advantage of Precision Defense Focus to make easier to time perfect blocks on enemies.

Best Team Synergies

Synergy Skills
Wild Charge
Allows Red XIII to damage and close the distance between enemies. It also guards against attacks, helping you build up the Vengeance gauge faster.
Synergy Abilities
United Refocus
Temporarily partitions both Red XIII's and Barret's ATB gauges into three segments, making it easier to save up on command usage.
Barret sends Red XIII flying at the enemy, doing big damage and raising their Limit Levels.

Additional Build Notes

  • Precision Defense Focus Materia and HP Up Materia can be bought from the Vending Machine at Oliver's Farm.
  • You can switch out the Lightning materia for another element when fighting a different enemy. Lightning when fighting the Mythril Golem boss alongside Barret in Chapter 3: Deeper into Darkness.
  • Hi-Power Wristguards can be unlocked for transmutation by completing Excavation Intel 2: Pipeline Depository (can be discovered by completing Expedition Intel) in the Grasslands.

How to Use Red XIII and Combat Guide

Red XIII Controls

Button / Action Description
PS4 - Square ButtonAttack Basic slash attack
Hold PS4 - Square ButtonWhirling Slash Spinning attack
PS4 - Triangle ButtonVengeance Mode Increases attack power and dodge speed
PS4 - Triangle ButtonSiphon Fang
(During Vengeance Mode)
Vertical slashes that can recover a portion of your HP.
PS4 - Circle ButtonDodge Dodge attacks
PS4 - X ButtonCommands Menu Access the Command Menu for Abilities, Spells, Items, and Synergy
PS4 - R1 ButtonBlock Block attacks
PS4 - R2 ButtonSprint General control for running

Red XIII Battle Tips

How to Use Red XIII

Best Against Multiple Ground Enemies

Red XIII excels at fighting multiple enemies on the ground, as most of his attacks and abilities cover a lot of space. Avoid using Red XIII against flying enemies, as he doesn't have aerial skills that can hit enemies hovering in the air.

Build Up Vengeance Gauge First

FF7 Rebirth - Build Up Vengeance
You can maximize Red XIII's full potential if you use his Vengeance Mode in combat. Build it up first by playing a bit defensively and guarding until you get enough gauge for the rest of the battle.

Practice perfect blocking attacks and use his Sentinel Stance to fill the Vengeance meter quickly!

Use Siphon Fang to Recover HP

Siphon Fang allows Red XIII to recover a portion of its HP for each hit. Mix it with different combos to maximize Red XIII's damage dealt during combat!

Note that you need Red XIII's Vengeance Mode up before you can use his Siphon Fang.

Don't Hesitate to Use Abilities

Most of Red XIII's heavy-hitting attacks come from his abilities. Don't hesitate to use them to defeat your enemies quickly, especially when they are staggered!

Utilize Red XIII's Speed

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Speed
Red XIII is a swift character in FF7 Rebirth. Use his speed to move around and get an advantageous position during combat!

Red XIII Best Combos

Attack Function
Standard Whirling Slash Combo
Square Button x4, Square Button Hold
Perform basic slash attacks and do a Whirling Slash as the finisher.
Siphon Fang Combo
(During Vengeance)
Square Button x4, Triangle Button
Do basic slash attacks and perform a Siphon Fang at the end during Vengeance Mode.

Names given to above combos are for descriptive purposes. The list above is subject to updates.

Red XIII Best Folio Skill Cores

Skill Core / Priority Type and Effect
・Great alternative for Sentinel Stance when Vengeance Mode is about to end and Red XIII has 2 ATB bars ready.
Ringmaster / Call of the Wild
Synergy Ability
・Allows Yuffie to setup her Ninjutsu and Doppelganger earlier in the fight.
Limit Gauge Guard
Stat Boost
・Increases limit gauge charge rate when blocking, allowing more Bloody Fang casts to recover HP and MP.
Speed Up
Stat Boost
・Increases ATB charge rate.
Enduring Vengeance
Stat Boost
・Makes Vengeance Mode last longer.
Vengeful Guardian
Stat Boost
・Extends staggered time and further increases damage dealt against staggered enemies during Vengeance Mode.
Wrath of the Land
Limit Break
・Deals massive damage, but only useful during battles where you can reach Limit Level 3 before the fight ends.
Iron Defense
Synergy Skill
・Pulls an ally to block an incoming attack together.
Wild Charge
Synergy Skill
・Close gaps between a target while blocking incoming attacks.
Max HP Up
Stat Boost
・Increases max HP.
Stat Boost
・Reduces damage received from magic attacks.
Elemental Defense Up
Stat Boost
・Reduces damage received from elemental attacks.
Enhanced Counterspin
Stat Boost
・Improves the effect of Counterspin (press the attack button after getting hit or blocking an attack).

Folio Skill Trees Guide

Red XIII Weapon Locations and Stats

Mythril Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Mythril Collar Mythril Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 24
・MATK + 20
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯-◯◯
Ability: Stardust Ray
Limit Gauge Charge Rate +10%Limit Gauge Charge Rate +10%
Attack Damage +5%Attack Damage +5%
Weapon Ability Damage +5%Weapon Ability Damage +5%
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Siphon Fang HP UpSiphon Fang HP Up
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
Enduring VengeanceEnduring Vengeance
Weapon Ability Damage +5%Weapon Ability Damage +5%
Enhanced CounterspinEnhanced Counterspin
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Red XIII starts with the Mythril Collar as his default weapon. You'll gain access to this weapon as soon as he joins you in Chapter 2.

Renegade's Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Renegade Renegade's Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 40
・MATK + 22
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯◯
Ability: Crescent Claw
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
Selfish Buff UpSelfish Buff Up
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Enhanced Physical GuardEnhanced Physical Guard
Selfish Recovery +25%Selfish Recovery +25%
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Siphon Fang HP UpSiphon Fang HP Up
Vengeful RevenantVengeful Revenant
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Enduring VengeanceEnduring Vengeance
After fighting Elena and Rude in the Mythril Mine

Silver Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Silver Collar Silver Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 37
・MATK + 37
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯◯◯◯
Ability: Chilling Roar
Magic Attack Power +20Magic Attack Power +20
Restorative MP SaverRestorative MP Saver
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20
Offensive MP SaverOffensive MP Saver
Attack Damage +5%Attack Damage +5%
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Get First Place in Run Wild Minigame

Amethyst Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Amethyst Collar Amethyst Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 45
・MATK + 70
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯-◯◯-◯
Ability: Supernal Fervor
Enhanced Magic GuardEnhanced Magic Guard
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Limit Break Damage +10%Limit Break Damage +10%
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20
Enhanced CounterspinEnhanced Counterspin
Enduring VengeanceEnduring Vengeance
Complete Of Robed Men and Ransoms Sidequest

Golden Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Golden Collar Golden Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 106
・MATK + 29
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯-◯◯◯◯
Ability: Watcher's Respite
Weapon Ability ATB RecoveryWeapon Ability ATB Recovery
Max HP +200Max HP +200
Enemy Parts Damage UpEnemy Parts Damage Up
Magic Attack Power +20Magic Attack Power +20
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Opening ATB BonusOpening ATB Bonus
Magic Attack Power +20Magic Attack Power +20
Vengeful RevenantVengeful Revenant
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
On a Broken Platform in Gongaga Reactor

Mystic Collar

FF7 Rebirth - Mystic Collar Mystic Collar
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 97
・MATK + 59
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯◯◯◯◯◯
Ability: Watcher's Spirit
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20
Stagger RecoveryStagger Recovery
Weapon Ability ATB RecoveryWeapon Ability ATB Recovery
Magic Attack Power +20Magic Attack Power +20
Attack Damage +5%Attack Damage +5%
Weapon Ability Damage +5%Weapon Ability Damage +5%
Invigorating VengeanceInvigorating Vengeance
Enduring VengeanceEnduring Vengeance
Siphon Fang HP UpSiphon Fang HP Up
Obtainable on the Fetch Sequence in Cave of Gi


FF7 Rebirth - Brisingamen Brisingamen
Stats and Ability Weapon Skills
・ATK + 79
・MATK + 97
・DEF + 0
・MDEF + 0
Slots: ◯-◯◯-◯◯◯
Ability: Reaper Touch
Altruistic Buff UpAltruistic Buff Up
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Altruistic Buff UpAltruistic Buff Up
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20
Max MP +3Max MP +3
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
Attack Damage +5%Attack Damage +5%
Enhanced CounterspinEnhanced Counterspin
Vengeance Gauge Charge Rate UpVengeance Gauge Charge Rate Up
Found After Doing Life Vessel in Hall of Life

All Weapons and How to Get Them

Red XIII Manuscript Locations

Tale of the Red Warrior Locations

Volume Difficulty Req. How to Get
Vol. 1 Easy / Normal Moogle Shop
Can be purchased at Merchant Rank 2 for 6 Moogle Medals.
Vol. 2 Easy / Normal Side Quest: Of Robed Men and Ransoms
Reward for completing the Of Robed Men and Ransoms Side Quest in the Corel region.
Vol. 3 Easy / Normal GP Exchange
Purchase at the GP Exchange for 100 GP.
Vol. 4 Easy / Normal Musclehead Colosseum
Reward for clearing Two-Person Bout: Ghoulish Delights.
Vol. 5 Easy / Normal Moogle Shop
Can be purchased at Merchant Rank 5 for 6 Moogle Medals.
Vol. 6 Easy / Normal Side Quest: Bonds of Trust
Reward for completing the Bonds of Trust Side Quest in the Cosmo Canyon region.
Vol. 7 Hard Side Quest: Livestock's Bane
Reward for defeating the White Terror during the Livestock's Bane Side Quest, in the Grasslands region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 8 Hard Boss: Mythril Golem
Reward for defeating Mythril Golem in Chapter 3 Hard Mode.
Vol. 9 Hard Side Quest: The Hardest Sell
Reward for defeating the White Mousse during the The Hardest Sell Side Quest, in the Junon region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 10 Hard Side Quest: Of Robed Men and Ransoms
Reward for defeating the Dark Claw during the Of Robed Men and Ransoms Side Quest, in the Corel region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 11 Hard Side Quest: O Chicken, Where Art Thou
Reward for defeating the Levridon during the O Chicken, Where Art Thou Side Quest, in the Gongaga region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 12 Hard Side Quest: From Whence Life Flows
Reward for completing the From Whence Life Flows Side Quest, in the Cosmo Canyon region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 13 Hard Side Quest: Promises to Keep
Reward for defeating the Irasceros during the Promises to Keep Side Quest, in the Grasslands region while playing in Hard Mode.
Vol. 14 Hard Boss: Gi Nattak
Reward for defeating the Gi Nattak in Chapter 10 Hard Mode.
Vol. 15 Hard Boss: Red Dragon
Reward for defeating the Red Dragon in Chapter 13 Hard Mode.
Vol. 16 Hard Combat Simulator: Red XIII vs. The Beasts
Reward for completing the Legendary Bout: Red XIII vs. The Beasts in Combat Simulator.

List of All Manuscripts Guide

Red XIII Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII
Voice Actors
EN: Max Mittelman
JP: Kappei Yamaguchi
Chapter Unlocked
Chapter 2
A New Journey Begins
Official Introduction
Red XIII is a beast with a flaming tail, crimson fur, ​deadly claws, and the ability to speak. Cloud and ​company help him escape Professor Hojo's clutches,​ and he decides to join them on their journey. ​His species is known for their long life spans, ​and he is no exception. As this Cosmo Canyon ​native is the eldest member of the party, he offers ​its members words of wisdom from time to time.

Dr. Hojo's Beast Captive

Red XIII is a beast capable of human language that is held captive by Dr. Hojo for his experiments. Red XIII joins Cloud and his party after getting saved by them and helps them with their journey, but not as a playable character.

Red XIII Abilities

List of Red XIII Abilities

Ability Effect / Source
Sidewinder Leap into the air to deliver a punishing blow from above.
Unlocked from the start
Sentinel Stance
Guard against attacks to greatly increase Vengeance Gauge. Press Square Buttonto deliver a counterstrike.

Unlocked from the start
Stardust Ray Unleash a devastating attack over a wide area. Costs 2 ATB.
Weapon: Mythril Collar
Crescent Claw Slash at a foe. Deplete the gauge while in Vengeance Mode to increase potency and range.
Weapon: Renegade's Collar
Chilling Roar Retaliate with ice shards whenever hit by an attack. Charges the Vengeance Gauge when a counterstrike lands.
Weapon: Silver Collar
Supernal Fervor Grant Haste on all party members. Can only be used during Vengeance Mode. Costs 2 ATB.
Weapon: Amethyst Collar
Watcher's Respite Deplete the Vengeance Gauge to heal allies. Potency proportional to amount expended.
Weapon: Golden Collar
Watcher's Spirit Deplete the Vengeance Gauge to increase allies' ATB. Potency proportional to amount expended.
Weapon: Mystic Collar
Reaper Touch Deliver a deadly strike. Potency is inversely proportional to current HP.
Weapon: Brisingamen

Red XIII Limit Breaks

List of Red XIII Limit Breaks

Limit Break Effect / How to Get
Bloody Fang Limit Level 1
Charge forward in an animalistic rage, bathing in foes' blood and restoring your HP and MP.
Available from the start of Dawn in a New Era of Junon.
Howling Moon Limit Level 2
Howl to the moon above, activating a longer-lasting Vengeance Mode
Available in Dawn in a New Era of Junon.
Wrath of the Land Limit Level 3
Call upon the might of the planet and rend the enemy with deadly fangs.
Unlocked through the Folio Skill Tree at party level 8.

Red XIII Synergy Skills

List of Red XIII Synergy Skills

Synergy Skill Synergy Skill Folio Level
Wild Charge Partner(s): Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith
Team up with your partner to charge forward while guarding against incoming attacks.
Phantom Fang Partner(s): Cloud, Barret
Team up with your partner to dodge and deliver a counterstrike. Dodge at the right time to perofrm a follow up attack.
Iron Defense (Red XIII) Partner(s): Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie
Team up with your partner to take a strong defensive stance.

Red XIII Synergy Abilities

List of Red XIII Synergy Abilities

Synergy Ability Description Buff
Savage Assault Cloud and Red XIII channel their burning anger as they tear into an enemy. Raises their limit levels. Limit Level Increase
Planetary Roar Aerith channels her magic through Red XIII's howl, unleashing a ranged attack across a wide area. Raises their limit levels. Limit Level Increase
Overfang Barret sends Red XIII flying toward an enemy at high velocity. Raises their limit levels. Limit Level Increase

Red XIII's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Supporting Playable Character

Red XIII is a playable character that has a supporting role in FF7 Rebirth. Aside from aiding the party using his deadly claws and sharp fangs, he also impart words of wisdom to their members as they look for Sephiroth in their journey!

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List of Playable Characters

All Characters
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret FF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith Cait Sith FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud
FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII FF7 Rebirth - Sephiroth Sephiroth FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie
FF7 Rebirth - Zack Zack


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