FF7 Rebirth

Captain Titov Voice Actor and Character Profile

FF7 Rebirth - Captain Titov - Banner

Captain Titov is a character appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn about Captain Titov's role in the story, background, voice actors, and more in this guide!

Captain Titov Character Profile and Background

Profile and Voice Actor

FF7 Rebirth - Captain Titov
Captain Titov
The captain of the Shinra-8, responsible for overseeing safe passage for all who travel between Junon and Costa del Sol. He’s earned a sterling reputation among his crew, thanks to his unerring devotion to his duties.​ This is most evident during the various festivities held aboard his vessel,​which he personally─and passionately─emcees.​
EN VA: Jonathan Lipow
JP VA: Takeshi Koyama

Captain Titov's Role in FF7 Rebirth

Captain of Shinra-8

Captain Titov is the captain of Shinra-8, a cruise ship that ferries travelers between Junon and Costa Sol, a coastal resort town. We don't know much about him yet, but it seems like he'll play a role in helping people travel along this route.

A Model Captain

Captain Titov has a great reputation amongst his crew, which means he is probably a model captain. This is further supported by the fact that he holds festivities on Shinra-8, which his crew and its passengers enjoy.

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