FF7 Rebirth

All Command Materia and How to Get

Command Materia are Materia that provide passive postive effects on the wearer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to see a full list of all Command Materia, how to get each Command Materia in the game, and their effects!

List of Command Materia

Materia How to Get Effect
Command ImageChakra ・[1★] One of Tifa's Starting Materia
・[1★] Near the Piano in Cosmo Canyon
・[1★] Can be bought from stores after chapter 2 onwards.
1★ Use Chakra (Restores 20% HP of damage taken)
2★ Use Chakra (Restores 25% HP of damage taken)
3★ Use Chakra (Restores 30% HP of damage taken)
4★ Use Chakra (Restores 35% HP of damage taken)
5★ Use Chakra (Restores 40% HP of damage taken)
Command ImageAssess ・[★] One of Cloud and Yuffie's starting Materia
・[1★] Can be bought from stores after chapter 2 onwards.
1★ Use Assess on a single target.
2★ Use Assess on all targets.
Command ImagePrayer ・[1★] One of Aerith's Starting Materia
1★ Use Pray (Slight HP Restoration)
2★ Use Pray (Modest HP Restoration)
3★ Use Pray (Moderate HP Restoration)
4★ Use Pray (Great HP Restoration)
5★ Use Pray (Significant HP Restoration)
Command ImageSteal ・[1★] One of Yuffie's Starting Materia
・[1★] Can be bought from stores after chapter 2 onwards.
Allows you to use Steal.
Command ImageEnemy Skill ・[1★] Complete Biological Intel: Know Thine Enemy in Chadley's Combat Simulator.
1★ Use enemy skills as abilities
2★ Increase max HP by 5%
3★ Increase max MP by 5%
4★ Increase strength by 5%
5★ Increase magic by 5%
Command ImageMorph ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Grasslands. Purchase it using 10 Data Points.
Allows you to turn enemies into items with Morph. Enemies whose health has fallen below a certain amount can be defeated in this fasion.
Command ImageItem Economizer ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Junon. Purchase it using 30 Data Points.
1★ Use items without consuming ATB. Uses remaining until recharge: 3
2★ Use items without consuming ATB. Uses remaining until recharge: 2
3★ Use items without consuming ATB. Uses remaining until recharge: 1
Command ImageATB Boost ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Corel. Purchase it using 15 Data Points.
1★ Use ATB Boost (cooldown: 180s)
2★ Use ATB Boost (cooldown: 150s)
3★ Use ATB Boost (cooldown: 120s)
4★ Use ATB Boost (cooldown: 90s)
5★ Use ATB Boost (cooldown: 60s)
Command ImageLimit Siphon ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Gongaga. Purchase it using 40 Data Points.
Allows you to absorb an ally's limit guage to fill your own with Limit Siphon.
Command ImageJump ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Cosmo Canyon. Purchase it using 70 Data Points.
Allows you to leap into the air during battle with Jump. After disappearing into the sky for a time, you will drop down to deal damage.
Command ImageDarkside ・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Nibel. Purchase it using 40 Data Points.
1★ Increase ability potency by 7% and suffer 5% HP damage on each use
2★ Increase ability potency by 10% and suffer 5% HP damage on each use
3★ Increase ability potency by 15% and suffer 5% HP damage on each use
4★ Increase ability potency by 17% and suffer 5% HP damage on each use
5★ Increase ability potency by 20% and suffer 5% HP damage on each use
Command ImageGambler ・[1★] Finish Can't Stop Won't Stop Side Quest
1★ Use Gamble
2★ Use Gamble. Reduce MP cost of spells by 25%
3★ Use Gamble. Reduce MP cost of spells by 50%
Command ImageSpare Change ・[Chapter 1 Only][1★] Near the crooked tree after exiting the cave in Nibleheim
・[1★]Obtained via Chadley's Materia Development in Meridian Ocean. Purchase it using 5 Data Points.
Allows you to consume gil to damage enemies with Spare Change. The more gil you throw, the more damage you will deal to your targets.

What Are Command Materia

Provides Positive Effect Passively

FF7 Rebirth - Command Materia
Command Materia can be identified by their Yellow color. When equipped, Command Materia, unlike Magic, doesn't consume MP but they do not provide direct benefit in battle. They do consume ATB so be cautious on when to use these abilities!

Commands Provide Unique Options in Battle

Unlike Magic Materia that provides benefits such as dealing damage to enemies or healing your allies, Command Materia provides a much more unique and varied effect such as turning enemies to items, analyzing enemies and even consuming ally's ATB to fill your own!

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