FF7 Rebirth

Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs Walkthrough

Chapter 9 Story Walkthrough Banner
A walkthrough for Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on for a detailed guide of Chapter 9, including item locations, rewards, bosses, as well as useful tips for completing this chapter!

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Chapter 8
All That Glitters
Chapter 10
Watcher of the Vale

Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs Walkthrough

Chapter 9 Main Objectives
1 Going to Gongaga
2 The Gongaga Reactor: Cloud
Boss Battle: Specimen H1024
3 The Gongaga Reactor: Tifa
Boss Battle: Crimson Mare Mk. II

Click on any of the links above to jump to the section!

Going to Gongaga Walkthrough

South—Far South
After the cutscene, follow the map marker south, heading to Gongaga region.
Jungles of Gongaga
Once you get into the Gongaga Region, you need to go to Gongaga Village on foot.
Tip: You'll unlock the Forest Chocobo later in this chapter by progressing the story.
How to Get the Gongaga Chocobo
3 The GYC's Captain
After arriving at the village, a cutscene will start playing introducing Cissnei. Then, follow Cissnei up Monument Hill.
The Village of Gongaga
Locate and talk to all five members of your party other than Cait Sith. Remember that your answers will affect your Relationship Level with each character.
Red XIII: Right behind you from the starting location.
Yuffie: In the house with the Rest Spot on the west side of the village.
Barret: In the yard just south of the house Yuffie is in.
Tifa: Next to the house with the Piano on the east side of the village.
Aerith: At the house in the southeast of the village, across the bridge from Tifa. You'll see her going into a house; follow her in.
Jump to Chapter 9 Romance and Relationship Guide
5 Recuperation and Confusion
Go to Cissnei's house and get some rest.
Bird of Prey: Open the chest near the bedroom entrance to obtain a weapon for Yuffie.
Red Megaphone: There is a small cave beneath the cliff, located east of the General Store. It can only be accessed by jumping into the water and swimming.
6 The Mysterious Road
Head outside and follow Yuffie to join the others. After the cutscene, head to the south gate of the village.
Cry of the Planet
From here, you will be playing as Cloud, Barret, and Cait Sith. Head south and follow the map marker to the Gongaga Reactor on foot.

Chapter 9 Romance and Relationship Guide

Character Dialogue Choices Results
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith They didn’t seem to mind.
You're too hard on yourself.
You mighta crossed the line.

FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret Mushrooms.
Black milly? Red shelly?

FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa Gonna go with the pot roast.
Pilat, I guess.
Soup's good.

FF7 Rebirth - Red XIII Red XIII The Right Patch
The Middle Patch
The Left Patch

FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie Nice song. Funny too.
I'd love an encore.
Quiet down, will ya?

◎ - Best Answer, 〇 - Good Answer, △ - Bad Answer

Romance and Relationship Guide

The Gongaga Reactor: Cloud Walkthrough

The Shadows Beckon
Proceed through the reactor until you reach a square room. From there, turn to your right, and you will see a small gap that you can pass through.
Crystal Sword: You can pick up a new weapon for Cloud in the next room before squeezing through the small opening.
Gate Generator
Proceed through the reactor until you reach a generator that needs to be activated. Then, locate a cord on the floor up the slope and plug it in.
Continue following the path until you reach an area filled with water. Jump into the water and then use the stairs to your left to reach Coolant Control - B2.
Restoring Power
Squeeze through the small gap to your right, where you'll find another generator with its cord being pulled by the cart. Move the cart and plug the cord into the generator. Then, activate the nearby terminal.
Golden Collar: You can use the cart to climb up the metal boxes which will lead you to a chest containing Red XIII's weapon
5 Return to the previous room, which has filled with water, and advance to the next area.
Magic MateriaSubversion Materia: Near the Rest Stop, you'll find a materia located at the end of the path..
Exit through the door and prepare to fight a couple of Amalgams, followed by a boss fight against Specimen H1024.
Recommended Party for Specimen H1024
How to Beat Specimen H1024
Tip: Take advantage of the Specimen H1024's weakness and use Ice.

The Gongaga Reactor: Tifa Walkthrough

1 Crisis
After the boss fight, you'll be back in the village playing as Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie. Leave the village, and Cissnei will give you a Grappling Gun and allow you to take the Forest Chocobo.
Race to the Reactor
Ride the Forest Chocobo to the Gongaga Reactor by jumping on mushrooms and sliding along tree branches.
Tip: Try not to fall down to a lower area, as the mushroom path to the Reactor is laid out in a way that the Forest Chocobo can proceed easily.
3 Upon arriving at the Reactor, you will have to fight a couple of enemies in the area.
TIp: Use Yuffie's Fire Ninjutsu to dispose of the enemies quickly.
Grappling Gun
Use the Grappling Gun to enter the Reactor. Continue inside until you reach an area where you are forced to swim.
Swim across to the platform, then turn around to see the Grappling Point above you. There is a series of Grappling Points in this area. Use these Grappling Points to move up to the generator room.
Tiger Fangs: Before heading up to the top, make sure to pick up the chest that contains Tifa's weapon.
When you reach the room with a generator, grapple up to the top floor of the room and find the cart which the cord is attached to. Push the cart to the end of the platform, then slide down the pole back to the generator.
7 Plug in the cord to the generator and then proceed through the gate where you will fight more groups of enemies.
Rescue Effort
Continue following the path until you reach a Rest Stop. Make sure to let your party to recover and prepare for the Crimson Mare Mk. II boss fight. Continue heading up and use the zipline to reach the Reactor Core.
Recommended Party for Crimson Mare Mk. II
How to Beat Crimson Mare Mk. II
Tip: The Crimson Mare Mk. II is weak to Lightning.
9 After the boss fight, you'll need to follow Scarlet to a crane above using your Grappling Gun.
Out of the Frying Pan
As soon as the cutscene ends, it will be followed up by another cutscene where you will relive Tifa's memories. You need to go through all of the memories by aiming and holding down the Triangle Button. Additionally, you will occasionally need to hold L2 and R2 to progress further.
11 Where She Belongs
There will be a short section where you have to control Cloud and move forward to save Tifa.
12 State of Things
After the cutscene, you will find yourself back in Gongaga. Head to the living room to regroup with the others. Here, you will return the Grappling Gun to Cissnei and automatically unlock the Forest Chocobo.
Freeflier Pilot
Ride the Chocobo and head to the map marker southwest of Gongaga Village.
Price for the Flight
Interact with the telephone booth and wait for Cid to arrive.
Resounding Megaphone: Before calling Cid, make sure to pick up Cait Sith's weapon near the bushes beside the Telephone Booth.
Note: You will have to pay 1,000 Gil to ride the Tiny Bronco to Cosmo Canyon.

Chapter 9 Boss Strategy Guide

Chapter 9 Bosses Guide
Specimen H1024 Crimson Mare Mk. II

How to Beat Specimen H1024

Specimen H1024
Location Chapter Unlocked
Gongaga Reactor The Planet Stirs
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
FF7 Rebirth - IceIce
FF7 Rebirth - SleepSleep
FF7 Rebirth - StopStop
Greater Resistances Immunities
FF7 Rebirth - FireFire
FF7 Rebirth - LightningLightning
FF7 Rebirth - Proportional DamageProportional Damage
FF7 Rebirth - BerserkBerserk
FF7 Rebirth - SlowSlow
FF7 Rebirth - PoisonPoison
FF7 Rebirth - StoneStone
FF7 Rebirth - Morphable ItemsMorphable Items
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Strengthens itself by ingesting mako, then unleashes a powerful attack after a certain amount of time has passed. Inflicting damage after Mako Ingestion will both interrupt the subsequent attack and pressure it.

Found at the Gongaga Reactor

You will fight the Specimen H1024 at the Gongaga Reactor during Chapter 9 using Cloud, Barret, and Cait Sith.

Fixed Party Setup Party Setup and Roles

Fixed Party Setup
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud 【Punisher / Magic Caster】
・Best used after applying pressure or staggering the boss
・Can cast Ice spells as he has the highest amount of MP on the team
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret 【All-Rounder / Tank】
・His Lifesaver ability can let him tank all the damage
・Can inflict decent damage with abilities
・Can also act as a support for the team, providing heal or cure poison
FF7 Rebirth - Cait Sith Cait Sith 【Support】
・Summon an ally to fight during battle
・Best used as a support for the team to heal allies or cure poison.

Specimen H1024 Boss Fight Tips

  • Use Offensive Abilities During Mako Ingestion
  • Use Ice to Exploit Weakness
  • Pressure or Stagger Before it Uses Memento Mori

How to Beat Specimen H1024

How to Beat Crimson Mare Mk. II

Crimson Mare Mk. II
Location Chapter Unlocked
Gongaga Reactor The Planet Stirs
Weaknesses Lesser Resistances
FF7 Rebirth - LightningLightning
Greater Resistances Immunities
Absorbed Elements When Triggered
Pressure Conditions
Destroying the weapons on both of its arms will allow you to target Scarlet. Knocking her out will pressure the battle armor.

Found at the Gongaga Reactor

You will encounter the Crimson Mare Mk. II at the Gongaga Reactor near the end of Chapter 9, controlling Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie.

Fixed Party Setup Party Setup and Roles

Fixed Party Setup
FF7 Rebirth - Tifa Tifa 【Punisher】
・Focus on attacking the boss if pressured or staggered.
FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie 【Ranged Attacker / Healer】
・Deal ranged damage against this flying boss
・Has the ability to infuse Lightning to its ranged attacks
・Can charge ATB quickly, allowing her to provide healing to allies if needed
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith 【Spellcaster / Healer】
・Cast powerful Lightning spells to damage the boss
・Use Limit Break or Healing Spells to heal all allies

Crimson Mare Mk. II Boss Fight Tips

  • Use Lightning to Deal More Damage
  • Avoid its Rotating Rail Laser and Impact Eruption
  • Destroy Both Arms to Expose Scarlet

How to Beat Crimson Mare Mk. II

Chapter 9 Map and Obtainable Items


List of Maps
Gongaga Village Gongaga Reactor (Part 1) Gongaga Reactor (Part 2)
Gongaga Reactor (Part 3) Gongaga Reactor (Part 4) Gongaga Airstrip

Obtainable Items

Gongaga Village
Bird of Prey Red Megaphone -
Reactor - B1
Tiger Fangs - -
Reactor - B2
Crystal Sword Golden Collar -
Reactor - B3
Sapphire x1 - -
Reactor - B4
Hazardous Material x3 Sage Armband
Magic MateriaSubversion
Gongaga Airstrip
Resounding Megaphone - -

This list does not include the items that you get from destroying the wooden crates.

Materia List and How to Get All Materia

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

All Story Chapters
Chapter 1 Fall of a Hero
Chapter 2 A New Journey Begins
Chapter 3 Deeper into Darkness
Chapter 4 Dawn of a New Era
Chapter 5 Blood in the Water
Chapter 6 Fool's Paradise
Chapter 7 Those Left Behind
Chapter 8 All That Glitters
Chapter 9 The Planet Stirs
Chapter 10 Watcher of the Vale
Chapter 11 The Long Shadow of Shinra
Chapter 12 A Golden Key
Chapter 13 Where Angels Fear to Tread
Chapter 14 End of the World
How Long to Beat? Game Length
Post-Game Content and How to Get 100% Clear


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