Elden Ring

Godwyn the Golden

Godwyn the Golden Elden Ring.png

Godwyn the Golden was Queen Marika's firstborn child and his death was the catalyst that began the Shattering. Read on to learn about Godwyn and his various connections to many of the characters in Elden Ring!

About Godwyn the Golden

Queen Marika's Firstborn

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Godwyn the Golden was the first born son of Godfrey and Queen Marika who fought against the dragons that attacked Leyndell. It is said that his death was the catalyst that set The Shattering into motion.

Befriended Fortissax

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During the battles with the dragons, he defeated the great dragon Fortissax. However, instead of killing him, he forged a friendship, ushering peace between the citizens of the Lands Between and the dragons.

This led to dragons being accepted in Leyndell, with Fortissax's sister Lansseax taking the form of a human in order to communicate with the Leyndell knights as a priestess.

Godwyn's Death and the Shattering

The Death of Godwyn the Golden

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In an event known as the Night of Black Knives, Queen Marika's firstborn son Godwyn the Golden was assassinated. This was orchestrated by Ranni the Witch in order to strip herself of the influence of the Greater Will.

After this event, Queen Marika shattered the Elden Ring herself, weakening the influence of the Greater Will over the Lands Between. Radagon, Queen Marika's consort, attempted to mend the Elden Ring, but failed.

Godwyn as the Prince of Death

Godwyn Lives as the Prince of Death

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Godwyn the Golden, however, still exists in the Lands Between. Due to Ranni's ritual, his soul was destroyed, but his body remains and is nestled in the Deeproot Depths, where he is sought by Fia and Those Who Live in Death. They seek to resurrect Godwyn and to reintegrate Death back into the Elden Ring.

The Prince of Death's Influence

Godwyn's influence is felt through the Lands Between. Because his body is entwined with the roots of the Erdtree, there are signs of his presence, like a cancer growing and affecting all life.

The Secret of Stormveil Castle


For instance, his face can be found at the depths of Stormveil Castle. This is the secret that Rogier finds, leading to his eventual death.

Godwyn's Eyes

Godwyn Eyes Roots.png

Treelike growths can be found all over the Lands Between and these resemble Godwyn's eyes. It's one of the signs that his presence is seeping and changing the Lands Between.

Many of these growths can be found in places inhabited by Those Who Live in Death, such as the Skeletons in Catacombs or where you can find the Tibia Mariners.

The Basilisks that are found deep underground as well have eyes that resemble his.

They are even found in Crumbling Farum Azula, where the Erdtree does not reach. This may mean that the roots of the Erdtree don't need to physically reach this place for Godwyn to spread his influence. Crumbling Farum Azula is populated by undead Beastmen, so this is perhaps where the connection lies.

Godwyn's Face on Crabs

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Godwyn's influence isn't limited to the growths, however. Crabs found feeding at a lake above where his body rests seem to also sport his face on their shells, as if what they are eating is being affected by him.

These crabs are found in the lake outside Leyndell, Royal Capital, to the left of the gate where the Draconic Tree Sentinel is fought.

The Deathroot

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The Deathroots can be obtained after defeating the various Tibia Mariners in the Lands Between. These are another manifestation of the death that Godwyn carries.

This is a tangible form of the Rune of Death and Gurranq the Beast Clergyman seeks these to devour. Retrieving all the Deathroot and giving them to Gurranq will earn you various rewards.

Where to Get Deathroot: All Locations and Rewards

Fia's Questline

Rebirth Godwyn as the Prince of Death

How to Complete Fia Questline.png

Fia as a Deathbed Companion absorbs the vigor and warmth from different Champions before lying with the remains of an exalte noble to grant them another life. She sympathized with Those Who Live in Death and became their guardian.

Because of this, she sought to resurrect Godwyn as the Prince of Death. This leads those who serve the Golder Order like D, Hunter of the Dead to seek to kill her.

If you do Fia's questline, she will sleep beside Godwyn and birth a new Rune of Death. However, if you had given D's brother D's armor set, he will kill Fia, leaving Godwyn's fate unknown.

Fia Questline and Location

Godwyn's Future

Currently Unknown

Due to how Fia's questline ends, it is unknown what will happen to Godwyn. Perhaps in a future DLC his fate will be explored, but for now his body remains in the roots of the Erdtree.

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