Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Which Heroes Have the Skill Iron Bow? Evaluation and Skill Summary

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Rearmed Þjazi & Rearmed Lilina
☆ New Units - Elffin, Ogier, Rearmed Lilina, Þjazi, Bors
☆ Free Units - Zeiss

Inherit Skill, Evaluation, and Recommended Heroes for the skill Iron Bow from the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) can all be found here. Read on if you wish to teach this skill to your Heroes or learn about its strengths.

Can Iron Bow be learned through Inherit Skill?

Inherit Skill Details

Inheritable? Move Type that can Inherit this Skill
Yes All Move Types
Weapon Type that can Inherit this Skill
FEH Red Bow FEH Blue Bow FEH Green Bow FEH Colorless Bow

Evaluation and Basic Information about Iron Bow


Rating -/10.0 Ranking Unranked

Basic Information

Mt 4 Range 2
Effect Effective against flying units.
Required SP 50 (75 if inherited)
Sacred Seal None

Skill Family

Steel Bow Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSteel Bow Silver Bow+ Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSilver Bow+ Silver Bow Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSilver Bow
Iron Bow Fire Emblem Heroes FEHIron Bow

Heroes who Possess Iron Bow

Hero Name Learns At
FEH icon Pirate Hinoka
FEH icon Clarisse 3★
FEH icon Gordin 3★
FEH icon Jeorge 3★
FEH icon Niles 3★
FEH icon Jamke 3★
FEH icon Klein 3★
FEH icon Leon 3★
FEH icon Rebecca 3★
FEH icon Setsuna 3★
FEH icon Fallen Takumi 3★
FEH icon Virion 3★
FEH icon Tanya 3★
FEH icon Jorge 3★
FEH icon Sedgar 3★
FEH icon Winter Ignatz 3★
FEH icon Summer Elincia 3★
FEH icon Ninja Heath 3★
FEH icon Kiragi 3★
FEH icon Winter Annette 3★
FEH icon Etie 3★
FEH icon Young Rebecca 3★
FEH icon Dorothy 3★
FEH icon Cyril 3★
FEH icon Wind Tribe Catria 3★
FEH icon Ninja Reina 3★
FEH icon Wil 3★
FEH icon Winter Claude 3★
FEH icon Spring Linhardt 3★
FEH icon Castor 3★
FEH icon Candace 3★
FEH icon Groom Alcryst 3★
FEH icon Leonardo 3★
FEH icon Hoshidan Summer Takumi 3★
FEH icon New Year Corrin (M) 4★
FEH icon Takumi 4★
FEH icon Spring Loki 4★
FEH icon Bridal Louise 4★
FEH icon Norne 4★
FEH icon Rolf 4★
FEH icon Rath 4★
FEH icon Winter Felix 4★
FEH icon Plegian Raphael 4★
FEH icon Young Innes 4★
FEH icon Summer Leonie 4★
FEH icon Spring Henry 4★
FEH icon Faye 5★
FEH icon New Year Fjorm 5★
FEH icon Summer Gaius 5★
FEH icon Bow Hinoka 5★
FEH icon Innes 5★
FEH icon Halloween Jakob 5★
FEH icon Legendary Lucina 5★
FEH icon Brave Lyn 5★
FEH icon Legendary Lyn 5★
FEH icon Halloween Niles 5★
FEH icon Nina 5★
FEH icon Summer Noire 5★
FEH icon Valentine's Roy 5★
FEH icon Summer Takumi 5★
FEH icon Sue 5★
FEH icon Legendary Alm 5★
FEH icon Wolt 5★
FEH icon Summer Lyn 5★
FEH icon Claude 5★
FEH icon Soiree Nephenee 5★
FEH icon Python 5★
FEH icon Legendary Leif 5★
FEH icon Igrene 5★
FEH icon Winter Marth 5★
FEH icon New Year Anna 5★
FEH icon Eleonora 5★
FEH icon Valentine's Faye 5★
FEH icon Legendary Chrom 5★
FEH icon Bernadetta 5★
FEH icon Midori 5★
FEH icon Summer Joshua 5★
FEH icon Brigid 5★
FEH icon Shamir 5★
FEH icon Shinon 5★
FEH icon New Year Plumeria 5★
FEH icon Ronan 5★
FEH icon Bridal Cordelia 5★
FEH icon Legendary Claude 5★
FEH icon Spring Inigo 5★
FEH icon Ullr 5★
FEH icon Scion Leif 5★
FEH icon Wolf 5★
FEH icon Ninja Shinon 5★
FEH icon Astrid 5★
FEH icon Ascended Laegjarn 5★
FEH icon New Year Dagr 5★
FEH icon Neimi 5★
FEH icon Valentine's Chrom 5★
FEH icon Ascended Florina 5★
FEH icon Ninja Laegjarn 5★
FEH icon Valentine's Leo 5★
FEH icon Spring Bernadetta 5★
FEH icon Rearmed Tana 5★
FEH icon Bridal Anna 5★
FEH icon Legendary Hinoka 5★
FEH icon Summer Shamir 5★
FEH icon Alcryst 5★
FEH icon Febail 5★
FEH icon Nabata Igrene 5★
FEH icon Summer Petra 5★
FEH icon Niðavellir 5★
FEH icon Brave Bernadetta 5★
FEH icon Fogado 5★
FEH icon Ashe 5★
FEH icon Ninja Lucina 5★

Heroes who should Inherit Iron Bow

There are no Heroes that we currently recommend passing on this skill to. If this is a prerequisite skill, please use the following link to see the final skill in this chain.

Related Links: Skills

Skills by Type

weapon skillWeapon Skills assist skillAssist Skills special skillSpecial Skills
Passive APassive A Skills Passive BPassive B Skills Passive CPassive C Skills

Other Information on Skills

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