Throne and Liberty (TL)

Snowdrift Island Event Guide (Snowball Fight)

Throne and Liberty Snowdrift Island PvP

Snowdrift Island is a limited PvP Snowball Fight Event during the Startree Solstice Winter in Throne and Liberty (TL). Learn how to play the game mode, its rewards, and some tips on how to win here.

How to Play

Queue In The Arena

Queue Winter PvP Arena
Open your menu and click the Arena option. Once there, select the Amitoi Snowball Fight Festival option on the left and select Request Matchmaking.

Three Amitoi to Choose From

Three Amitoi To Choose From
There are three Amitoi to choose from, each with their own set of skills and roles.

Amitoi Description
Snow Prince Yeddy The Tank Amitoi. Can dash toward enemies to knock them back, or launch themselves in the air to slam down on enemies. Can also create walls to block enemy attacks.
Giant Startree Grover The DPS Amitoi. They can dash around the battlefield while dealing tons of damage with their Snowball Bombs and Packed Snowball.
Winter Festival Percy The Healer Amitoi. They can heal and revive nearby allies, as well as pull enemies towards themselves to become easy targets. Can also stealth behind enemy lines to knock them back into death pits.

It's important to note that there can only be a maximum of three of a particular Amitoi in each team.

Defeat your Enemies

Kill Enemies
Once you have your team, enter the battlefield and defeat the opposing team. Once either team reaches the maximum points, the game ends.

Tips to Win

Replenish Your Snowballs and HP Constantly

Cake and Snowballs
All of your skills requires Snowballs to cast. Piles of Snowballs can be found scattered around the map, so walk up to them and replenish your Snowballs when able.

Additionally, you will find slices of Recovery Cake around the arena. Pass by them heal your Amitoi. You can also go to your Opponent's side of the arena to pick these up and deny them healing.

Take Advantage of Death Drops

Death Drops
You can fall off the sides of the arena, as well as down some pits in the center. Take advantage of these and use Pull or Knockback skills to push enemies to their deaths.

Reversely, mind these holes as you yourself can die to them if the enemy pushes or pulls you into them.

Protect and Revive Downed Allies

Protect Downed Teammates
When an ally receives fatal damage, they will turn into a Snowman. You can revive your Snowman allies using Winter Festival Percy's skills. You can also protect them from damage using Snow Prince Yeddy's Frozen Stiff skill.

Execute Enemies

Execute Downed Enemies
When the enemy becomes a Snowman, you can use any of your damaging skills (besides Snowball Blast) to execute them. Make sure to do this to prevent the enemy from reviving their downed allies.

Focus on One Enemy

Focus on One Enemy
Focusing on one enemy allows you and your team to deal huge bursts of damage when all of your skills are chained together. This lets you take care of enemies quickly, cutting off any chance for them to retreat and recover.


Startree Wreaths and Startree Orb Decorations

You don't directly get rewards from winning a round of Snowdrift Island PvP. You do, however, receive Weekly Milestone Rewards depending on how many victories you have achieved.

Missions Rewards
1 Event Arena Victory Startree Wreath x20
3 Event Arena Victories Startree Orb Decoration x10
7 Event Arena Victory Startree Orb Decoration x4

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