Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

How to Get FF Tidal Residuum

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FF Tidal Residuum is a Development Material in Wuthering Waves. Check out where to find FF Tidal Residuum, maps for its location, how to use it, and other information in this guide!

How to Get FF Tidal Residuum

How to Get FF Tidal Residuum

Synthesize at the Synthesizer

Synthesizer Information
Location Jinzhou, Rinascita
Required Materials

FF Tidal Residuum can be synthesized at the Synthesizer provided that you have the necessary materials in the right amounts.

Dropped by Enemies

FF Tidal Residuum can sometimes be obtained as an enemy drop from the following enemies.

List of Enemies
Wuthering Waves - Fae Ignis IconFae Ignis Wuthering Waves - Nimbus Wraith IconNimbus Wraith Wuthering Waves - Questless Knight IconQuestless Knight
Wuthering Waves - Diurnus Knight IconDiurnus Knight Wuthering Waves - Nocturnus Knight IconNocturnus Knight Wuthering Waves - Abyssal Patricius IconAbyssal Patricius
Wuthering Waves - Abyssal Gladius IconAbyssal Gladius Wuthering Waves - Abyssal Mercator IconAbyssal Mercator Wuthering Waves - Vitreum Dancer IconVitreum Dancer

Obtained in Material Supply Chests

Material Supply Chest
Wuthering Waves- Premium Enclosure Tank Icon Premium Enclosure Tank

FF Tidal Residuum can be obtained by selecting it when using Material Supply chests through your Inventory in the Valuables category.

FF Tidal Residuum Effects and How to Use

Wuthering Waves - FF Tidal ResiduumFF Tidal Residuum Rarity 5
Type Development Material
Effect A material used for Weapon & Resonator Ascension and Skill Upgrade.
A unique formation resembling a tide-breaking vessel, found only on a few powerful Tacet Discords in Rinascita. Legend say Tacet Discords bearing this Residuum can chart the course to the Journeying Paradise.

Ascend Weapon Rank

Weapons That Use FF Tidal Residuum

You can use FF Tidal Residuum to ascend and upgrade your Weapons and its skills. Once a level cap is reached, you can increase the Ascension Rank of your weapon to increase the Max Level and Max Stats.

Used for Character Ascension and Skill Upgrades

Brant IconBrant Roccia IconRoccia

FF Tidal Residuum is used as a material to Ascend and upgrade the Forte of the characters shown above.

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