FF7 Rebirth

Stuck in a Rut Walkthrough and Driftwood Locations

FF7 Rebirth - Stuck in a Rut Side Quest Guide

Stuck in a Rut is a Side Quest that can be unlocked during Chapter 4 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Read on to learn more about how to unlock Stuck in a Rut, where to find all the pieces of dried driftwood, how to complete it, as well as the available rewards for completing the side quest.

How to Unlock Stuck in a Rut

Accessible After Reaching the Junon Region

FF7 Rebirth - Junon Region
Stuck in a Rut is automatically unlocked after reaching the Junon Region. The client, Gabe, will be located by the bay south of the Remnawave Tower.

How to Complete Stuck in a Rut

  1. Speak to Gabe and offer help.
  2. Capture Belle the Chocobo.
  3. Head to the Wainright.
  4. Gather materials for the Wainright.
  5. Return to Gabe.

Speak to Gabe and Offer Help

Speak to the ranch owner, Gabe. He will tell you that his business has been down ever since his carriage broke. Offer your services and help Gabe get his business back up!

Capture Belle the Chocobo

The first thing to do is capture Belle the Chocobo. You will need her to get to the Wainright. She will be located west of Gabe's ranch.

To capture Belle, you will need to sneak around her and the other Chocobos in the area. Do this by either throwing rocks to distract them or using the carts in the area to hide from their gaze. When you're too far, you can throw rocks at switches and levers to make the carts move.

Once you're close to Belle, press the triangle button to capture her.

Do This Chocobo Intel Before Speaking to Gabe.

FF7 Rebirth - Chocobo Intel Location for Belle

Capturing Belle the Chocobo is a type of Chocobo Intel. This means that if you do this before speaking to Gabe, you can head straight to the Wainright after talking to him.

World Intel Guide

Head to the Wainright

Wainright's Shack Map Guide
In-Game Guide

The Wainright will be located at the top of the mountain, which only Belle can scale up to. Head straight up and keep moving until you reach a shack. Inside is the craftsman that can help Gabe restore his ranch.

Gather Materials (Driftwood) for the Wainright

FF7 Rebirth - Gather Materials for the Wainright
Before the Wainright helps you, he needs the materials buried around the area. He will give you a map on where these are. Follow the map, collect the materials, then return to the Wainright. He will then give you the parts needed to restore Gabe's carriage.

Driftwood Location

The locations of the materials needed by the Wainright will be marked by the X in the illustration. You can always refer to it by pressing the Left Directional button.

Then use the Chocobo's Scent and Scour to unearth these buried items.

No. Location
Hidden behind the large building north of Gabe's ranch.
Located west of the first part, by the ruined house.
Located south of the second part, before the slope that leads back to Gabe's ranch.

Return to Gabe

Return to Gabe with the carriage parts and wait for him to fix everything. Completing this quest unlocks the option to travel between Junon and the Grasslands without entering the mines.

Stuck in a Rut Rewards

Unlocks Fast Travel Between the Grasslands and Junon

Completing this quest will unlock the option to fast travel across regions thanks to the Chocobo Carriage Feature. This will make it more convenient to explore the world!
How to Fast Travel Between Regions

List of Rewards

Rewards for Completing Stuck in a Rut
▸ Queensguard Bangle
▸ Condor Cedar x10
▸ Mellow Oak x10
▸ 10 Party EXP
▸ Player EXP (based on current level)

Increase Favorability With Aerith

FF7 Rebirth - Increase Relationship with Characters

Completing Stuck in a Rut will also increase your friendship with Aerith. This will affect the events that will occur when you visit the Gold Saucer later in the game.

Romance and Relationship Guide

Stuck in a Rut Information

Information and Overview

Basic Information

Recommended Level: 20
Availability Region Side Quest Giver
Chapter 4 Junon Gabe
Unlock Requirement Unlocks After Getting to the Junon Region

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