Wuthering Waves (WuWa)

How to Get Basic Resonance Potion

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Basic Resonance Potion is a Development Material in Wuthering Waves. Check out where to find Basic Resonance Potion, maps for its location, how to use it, and other information in this guide!

How to Get Basic Resonance Potion

How to Get Basic Resonance Potion

Explore Huanglong

Basic Resonance Potion can be found as you continue your exploration of Huanglong. While there are no exact locations that can be given at the moment, Basic Resonance Potion will randomly spawn as you explore.

Rewarded from Quests

Basic Resonance Potion can be collected as a reward for completing different kinds of Quests.

List of All Quests

Rewarded from Simulation Training

Simulation Training Information
Location Jinzhou, Rinascita
Cost 40 Waveplates

Basic Resonance Potion is given as a reward for completing a challenge in Simulation Training. Waveplates are consumed in attempting challenges, but don't worry because they recover after a certain amount of time so you can keep coming back to Simulation Training to farm for items and EXP.

Basic Resonance Potion Effects and How to Use

Wuthering Waves - Basic Resonance PotionBasic Resonance Potion Rarity 2
Type Development Material
Effect Provides 1000 Resonator EXP

Level Up Resonators

You can use Basic Resonance Potion to level up and upgrade your Resonators. Once a level cap is reached, you can increase the Ascension Rank of your Resonator to increase the Max Level and Max Stats.

How to Ascend Resonators

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