Diablo Immortal

A Walk Through Westmarch Quest Walkthrough and Rewards

Diablo Immortal - A Walk Through Westmarch

A Walk Through Westmarch is a Main Quest in Diablo Immortal. Learn more about the objectives of A Walk Through Westmarch, rewards, as well as tips for completion!

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Delivering the Shards Rift of the Elders

A Walk Through Westmarch Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Main Quest
Recommended Level 28
Zone Westmarch

How to Unlock A Walk Through Westmarch

Unlocked immediately after completing the previous quest Delivering the Shards.

A Walk Through Westmarch Quest Walkthrough

1 Follow Charsi
Meet Charsi outside of Cain's workshop, and then follow her till you reach the Challenge Rift.
2 Enter Challenge Rift
Inspect the Challenge Rift, then hit Enter to take on the Challenge Rift solo.
3 Challenge Rift
Complete the Challenge Rift by defeating the Rift Guardian. You can summon the Rift Guardian by quickly defeating enemies and gaining Rift Progress.
4 When you've defeated the Rift Guardian, exit the Rift through the portal that appears, and talk to Charsi to end this quest.

Tips and Strategies

Look for Elite Monsters

Elite Monsters
One strategy players use is to ignore all regular enemies and only engage an enemy group if there are Elite Monsters present. They have a blue aura around them and they drop Rift Progress Orbs, which fills up the progress bar faster.

Gather Enemies

Gather Enemies
If your class has a Gather skill, use it to gather enemies into one spot. This will make it easier to kill all of them with a single skill.
List of All Gather Skills

Use Skills on Mobs

Skill for Mobs
When you've summoned the Rift Guardian, save your skills for when it summons mobs, so you can immediately get rid of them and focus on attacking the boss with your primary attack.
Skill Tree: List of All Skills

Use Health Wisely

Tip 3
When Health Globes appear, don't pick them up immediately. Only grab them when your health is getting low. Save your Health Potions for emergencies, as you want to rely on Health Globe drops to conserve your potions.

Previous and Next Quests

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Delivering the Shards Rift of the Elders

Diablo Immortal Related Guides

Diablo Immortal - Quests partial

Quest Guides and Walkthroughs

Quests by Type

Quest Types
Main Quests Side Quests
Bounties Elite Quests

Westmarch Main Quests

1 City of the Light
2 Legend of Eld
3 Braving the Rift
4 Bounties Abroad
5 Diamond in the Rough
6 Delivering the Shards
7 A Walk Through Westmarch
8 Rift of the Elders
9 Tools of the Trade
10 Trading at the Market
11 The Hilts Trader
12 Answers in the East
13 A Captain's Need
14 To the Docks
15 Docks of Westmarch
16 Shard Bearer
17 Fragments of the Past
18 The Cycle Begins
19 A New Challenge


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