Diablo Immortal

Sandstone Golem Boss Guide: Location and How to Beat

Sandstone Golem
This is a guide about the Sandstone Golem World Boss in Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn more about the Sandstone Golem including its location, associated event, and all notable rewards in defeating the world boss!

Sandstone Golem Location and Rewards

Sandstone Golem Overview

Boss Reward
Sandstone Golem Sandstone Golem Diablo Immortal - Guilt of the NamelessGuilt of the Nameless
Location Library of Zoltun Kulle
Event Kulle's Hidden Chambers

Guilt of the Nameless Effects

Vessel Effect
Guilt of the NamelessGuilt of the Nameless Grants permanent buffs to Resistance once returned to Iben Fahd's Sanctum.
How to Get
Reward for defeating the Sandstone Golem in the Library of Zoltun Kulle (Hell I).
Vessel Description
Betrayal lasts beyond death. Its effects linger and perpetuate through the ages.

Sandstone Golem Location

Map Location World View

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The Sandstone Golem's spawn point is at the top-right most of the Kulle's Library. If the Sandstone Golem spawns, you'll recieve an Auto-Navigation prompt which will immediately bring you to the Sandstone Golem's location.

How to Summon the Sandstone Golem

Complete Kulle's Hidden Chamber Event

Kulle's Hidden Chamber is the area's main Zone Event. This involves finding 5 Lost Pages around the area which can be obtained by everyone in the area which makes farming 5 pages difficult depending on the player density in the area.

Kulle's Hidden Chambers Zone Event Guide: Location & How to Complete

Use Portal Tomes

Portal Tome

Once you collect five Lost Pages, they will automatically turn to a Portal Tome. You can then use these Portal Tomes by going to the event menu by clicking/tapping the quest icon on the quests section. Tap the “Use” button to open up a portal then clear the objective inside. Every time this is done, there is a chance of making the Sandstone Golem or the Fleshcraft Hydra spawn in the zone.

How to Beat the Sandstone Golem

Wait for a Big Player Group

Diablo Immortal - Sandstone Golem Fight.gif

Taking down a world boss alone is likely an impossible feat. Wait for other players to appear and do not engage if you're alone in fighting the boss after it spawns on the map!

Use Your Health Potions Sparingly

The Sandstone Golem doesn't have any strong attacks that can easily decimate players from full health but the fight's duration together with its AoE attacks can slowly whittle down each player's HP pool in time. Try to avoid using Health Potions unless needed and rely on Health Globes as well to keep your HP up during the fight.

Sandstone Golem Attack Patterns

AoE Stomp

Golem Stomp
Makes a stomping animation which causes a huge shockwave that damages all players hit in a wide radius. It deals a decent amount of damage and is considered unavoidable.

Long Dash

Sandstone Golem Dash
The Sandstone Golem will dash in a straight direction which damages all players and knocks them sideward.

Debris Slam

Debris Slam
The Sandstone Golem slams the ground. After a few seconds, two sets of debris will fall which will damage players that stay in the area where the debris will fall.

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