Diablo Immortal

Hydra Location and Boss Guide

DI - Fleshcraft Hydra

The Hydra, also known as Fleshcraft Hydra, is one of the World Bosses in Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn how to summon and find the Fleshcraft Hydra, its location, associated zone event, and all notable rewards in defeating the world boss!

Fleshcraft Hydra Location and Rewards

Fleshcraft Hydra Overview

Boss Reward
Fleshcraft Hydra Fleshcraft Hydra Diablo Immortal - Zoltun KulleZoltun Kulle's Ingenuity
Location Library of Zoltun Kulle
Event Kulle's Hidden Chambers

Defeating the Fleshcraft Hydra completes one of the Realm of Damnation's Achievements that will reward you with Hilts.

Achievements Guide: All Rewards and How to Unlock

Fleshcraft Hydra Location

Map Location World View

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The Fleshcraft Hydra world boss can be found in the Library of Zoltun Kulle. Fleshcraft Hydra spawns at Hell I Difficulty or higher. Once the Fleshcraft Hydra is available to fight, the Auto-Navigation prompt will appear when you're in Zoltun Kulle's library.

How to Change Difficulty In Dungeons | Unlocking Hell Difficulties

How to Summon the Fleshcraft Hydra

Complete Kulle's Hidden Chamber Event

Library of Zoltun Kulle Lost Pages Map

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Kulle's Hidden Chamber is the area's main Zone Event. This involves finding 5 Lost Pages around the area which can be picked up by anyone in the area, making it difficult to get pages depending on the player density.

Remember that this is only possible after setting your world's difficulty to at least Hell I.

Kulle's Hidden Chambers Zone Event Guide: Lost Page Locations

Use Portal Tomes

Portal Tome

Once you collect five Lost Pages, they will automatically turn to a Portal Tome. You can then use these Portal Tomes by going to the event menu by clicking/tapping the quest icon on the quests section. Tap the “Use” button to open up a portal then clear the objective inside.

Every time this is done, there is a chance of making the Fleshcraft Hydra or the Sandstone Golem spawn in the zone.

How to Beat the Fleshcraft Hydra

Wait for a Big Player Group

Diablo Immortal - Fleshcraft Hydra Fight.gif

Taking down a world boss alone is likely an impossible feat. Wait for other players to appear and do not engage if you're alone in fighting the boss after it spawns on the map!

Stick to Its Back or Sides

The Hydra has devastating acid attacks that deal damage to its front. The best place to stay while dealing damage would be to its back, or to its sides.

Use Your Health Potions Sparingly

The Fleshcraft Hydra doesn't have any strong attacks that can easily decimate players from full health but the fight's duration together with its AoE attacks can slowly whittle down each player's HP pool in time. Try to avoid using Health Potions unless needed and rely on Health Globes as well to keep your HP up during the fight.

Fleshcraft Hydra Attack Patterns


A random tackle attack that slightly pushes characters back and deals moderate damage. Avoided by staying behind the Hydra or by its sides.

Tail Swipe

The Hydra spins around and does a tail swipe that deals moderate damage within a short range. Melee fighters can easily tank this move. Ranged characters should best keep their distance.

Acid Spit

Hydra Acid Spit Diablo Immortal
The Hydra spits our Acid in quick succession which will deal minor damage to enemies hit in the area. While its damage per hit is light, it uses the attack in quick succession so caution is advised.

Acid Spray

Acid Spray Diablo Immortal
The Hydra's second acid attack. As opposed to Acid Spit, Acid Spray is a long duration attack but it has a long animation as well. It is highly recommended to stay away from the vicinity immediately once the Hydra starts channeling this attack.

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