Diablo Immortal

Best Barbarian Builds for PvE and PvP

Diablo Immortal - Barbarian Builds
These are the best Barbarian Builds for PvE and PvP in Diablo Immortal! Read on to see the best Barbarian builds for PvE and PvP content, including the best gear and gems for the class!

All Barbarian Guides
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List of All Barbarian Builds

Build Content Tier
Cleave Challenge RiftCleave Challenge Rift PvE
(Challenge Rift, Elder Rift, Dungeon)
S Rank Icon
Cleave PvPCleave PvP PvP A Rank Icon
Frenzy RaidFrenzy Raid PvE
A Rank Icon
Whirlwind DungeonWhirlwind Dungeon PvE
(Dungeon, Elder Rift)
A Rank Icon
Whirlwind Elder RiftWhirlwind Elder Rift PvE
(Elder Rift, Bounty)
A Rank Icon
Whirlwind PvPWhirlwind PvP PvP S Rank Icon

Best Barbarian Builds

Best Barbarian PvE Build
Best Barbarian PvP Build
Cleave Challenge Rift Build
Set Pieces Legendaries
Issatar At Rest
Issatar Undone
Issatar Enraged
The Gaoler
Issatar's Open Hand
The Tyrant
Svot's Reach
Virulent Fist
Bestial Threat
Hatred's Reach
Tracker's Rage
Screaming Fury
Normal Gems Legendary Gems
LacerateLacerate (Primary)
CleaveCleave Furious ChargeFurious Charge DemoralizeDemoralize SprintSprint
Essence Transfer Tips from Game8 This build focuses on a fast-moving burst damage playstyle using Cleave's high initial damage and Furious Charge's disruptive ability. Coupled with the mobility from Sprint and the added loss-of-control from Demoralize, this build is great for mowing through Challenge Rifts, Elder Rifts, and Dungeons in solo and party settings.
Cleave Challenge Rift Build Guide
Whirlwind PvP Build
Set Pieces Legendaries
Slit Throat
Broken Palm
Severed Thumb
Open Gut
Bloody Hand
Torn Sole
Eager Maelstrom
The Remembered
Second Breath
Broken Grasp
The Gathering
Screaming Fury
Normal Gems Legendary Gems
FrenzyFrenzy (Primary)
WhirlwindWhirlwind SprintSprint Hammer of the AncientsHammer of the Ancients Undying RageUndying Rage
Essence Transfer Tips from Game8 This build focuses on quickly dispatching your foes using Whirlwind's rapid AoE damage, modified Hammer of the Ancients' AoE utility, and Sprint's incredible mobility. These three abilities are further augmented by their respective Legendary effects, making for a build that turns Barbarians into constant fast-moving threats in PvP.
Whirlwind PvP Build Guide

Best Barbarian Build Gems

Gem Name Effect
BerserkerBerserker's Eye Increases all damage you deal by 5.00%, but increases all damage you take by 6%.
Increases your Critical Hit Chance by 1%.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Chained DeathChained Death Increases damage done by your attacks by 1.50% per target hit, up to a maximum of 4.5% with 3 targets.
Chained death bonus damage increases to a maximum of 4 targets.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Trickshot GemTrickshot Gem Your Channeled skills consume energy 8.00% slower.
Decrease all damage you take by 0.5% while using a Channel skill.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Blessing of the WorthyBlessing of the Worthy When you take damage, you have 20% chance to unleash retribution on all nearby enemies, dealing damage equal to 12% of your maximum Life. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
For 6 seconds after unleashing divine retribution, you take 4% decreased damage.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Blood-Soaked JadeBlood-Soaked Jade Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% while at full Life, with a minimum bonus of 4% while at low Life. Increases your Movement Speed by 10%.
Take 2% decreased damage while below 50% Life.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Fervent FangFervent Fang Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes 0.80% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of 8% at 10 stacks.
All damage you deal to Elite monsters increased by 1.5%
Unlocks at Rank 3

These are the six best Legendary Gems for the Barbarian due to their synergies with the class's most prominent builds and playstyles.

Trickshot Gem is core for all Whirlwind builds as it decreases energy consumption and reduces damage taken while using Channeled skills.

Blood-Soaked Jade, Fervent Fang, Chained Death, and Berserker's Eye all synergize with the Barbarian's fast-moving multi-hit playstyle, increasing the class's damage potential and clear times for each type of content in the game.

Blessing of the Worthy works well with the Barbarian due to the class's high Life total and melee playstyle. This Gem provides the class with a devastating AoE and significant damage reduction, which are both crucial to have as a Barbarian.

All Legendary Gems

Best Barbarian Build Skills

Lv Skill
1 CleaveCleave
Unleash a powerful attack that deals X damage to all enemies in front of you, and causes them to Bleed for Y damage over 3 sec. Maximum 3 charges.
1 Hammer of the AncientsHammer of the Ancients
Call forth a massive hammer which smashes enemies in front of you for X damage and shakes the earth itself, dealing Y additional damage over 2 seconds.
8 WhirlwindWhirlwind
Damage Channel
Become a whirlwind of steel, continually striking all nearby enemies for X damage while moving at 70% reduced speed. Using Whirlwind slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Whirlwind is not in use.
15 SprintSprint
Increase your movement speed by 50% for 4.5 seconds. While active, you may move unhindered through enemies and you are immune to movement impairing effects.
20 Furious ChargeFurious Charge
Dash Damage
Charge forward, knocking away all enemies in your path and dealing X damage. Maximum 3 charges. Players may only be affected once every 3 seconds by this skill.


Whirlwind is one of the Barbarian's signature skills. This ability is a mobile channeled AoE that efficiently wipes out mobs and also allows Barbarians to deal damage while moving. It can be further enhanced by Legendary items to improve its radius, damage, and utility.


Cleave is the Barbarian's strongest single-target ability, sporting a high-damage initial hit and a potent 3-second bleed. Coupled with items like Virulent Fist, it can also become an effective AoE ability, rivaling Whirlwind in damage and efficiency.

Hammer of the Ancients

Hammer of the Ancients is a simple but effective AoE skill that works well alongside the Barbarian's other abilities. Once modified by The Remembered, it instead becomes a powerful Spirit that stuns on summon and provides incredible single-target damage.


Sprint is the Barbarian's best movement ability, providing excellent mobility in PvE and PvP. Providing the ability to phase through foes and ignore movement-impairing effects makes it useful both inside and outside of combat.

Furious Charge

Furious Charge is another great movement skill in the Barbarian's kit. This ability allows you to charge unhindered through your foes, making it great for both initiating and retreating from combat. When paired with Screaming Fury, it becomes even more precise.

Barbarian Class Guide: All Skills and How to Play

Best Barbarian Build Gear

Equipment Slot Rarity Affected Skill & Effect
The RememberedThe Remembered Off Hand Legendary Hammer of the Ancients: Hammer of the Ancients now summons a Spirit of the Ancients who stuns all nearby enemies and then fights beside you for you for a while.
Eager MaelstromEager Maelstrom Main Hand Legendary Whirlwind: Whirlwind radius increased, but Whirlwind movement speed decreased.
The GatheringThe Gathering Chest Legendary Whirlwind: Whirlwind pulls in all enemies it damages.
Screaming FuryScreaming Fury Legs Legendary Furious Charge: Furious Charge now charges to a location, damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them into the air. Also increases maximum charges to 2.
Second BreathSecond Breath Head Legendary Sprint: Sprint duration increased by 30%.
DavinDavin's Legacy Chest Legendary Hammer of the Ancients: Hammer of the Ancients maximum charges increased by 1.
BattlemasterBattlemaster's Helm Head Legendary Demoralize: Demoralize is replaced with a war cry that increases all damage you and nearby allies inflict
SwiftwingSwiftwing Legs Legendary Sprint: Sprint now also increases movement speed of nearby allies.
YdamaYdama's Cyclone Shoulder Legendary Whirlwind: Whirlwind damage increased by 10%.
Broken GraspBroken Grasp Shoulder Legendary Sprint: Sprint also increases your dodge chance by 20%.

These are the absolute best weapons and armor for Barbarians in the current meta as they significantly improve each of the Barbarian's core skills and are crucial for their respective builds.

Eager Maelstrom, The Gathering, and Ydama's Cyclone are all core items for Whirlwind builds. These three items combined turn Whirlwind into a wide high-damage skill that pulls enemies in, providing Barbarians with amazing AoE and disruptive ability in both PvE and PvP.

The Remembered and Davin's Legacy both augment Hammer of the Ancients. These two items provide the basic AoE ability with more utility by providing a summoned Spirit that stuns and another charge.

Screaming Fury is the core piece for all Cleave and Furious Charge builds, providing it the loss-of-control and mobility necessary to make the two-ability combo work. It also provides great mobility in Raids and PvP, being great at both initiating combat and retreating from battles.

Second Breath and Broken Grasp both augment the Sprint skill. These two are core items for high speed and evasion in PvE and PvP, allowing you to speed through Rifts and Battlegrounds while efficiently dodging attacks.

Swiftwing and Battlemaster's Helm are the support duo for Barbarian, allowing the class to provide powerful damage and movement speed buffs to their allies in Dungeons and Rifts.

All Barbarian Weapons and Equipment

Best Barbarian Build Stats

Attribute Effect
Attack Speed Increases the speed of your skills and primary attacks.
Critical Hit Chance Increases chance of your attacks doing a critical hit (double damage)
Critical Hit Damage Improves the damage of your critical strikes by a flat rate (1% critical hit damage increases our critical hit from 200% to 201%)
Strength Increases the damage of Barbarians, Crusaders, Demon Hunters, and Monks. Provides little benefit to the classes not mentioned.
Vitality Increases HP.

Strength is the most important stat for a Barbarian as it directly affects the class's Damage and Combat Rating. Improving Strength is key to improving your clear speeds in PvE and increasing damage of your skills in PvP.

Vitality is the next crucial stat, contributing to both Life total and Combat Rating. With the Barbarian being in constant enemy range in both PvE and PvP, investing into Vitality is a must.

Critical Hit Change and Critical Hit Damage are the most important secondary attributes for Barbarians,as they synergize extremely well with both Cleave and Whirlwind builds, vastly improving their damage potential.

Attack Speed is another important stat for Barbarians, but not as crucial as the others. Investing into this stat enhances the Barbarian's primary attacks and hastens the hit frequency of Whirlwind.

List of All Stats and Attributes

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