Diablo Immortal

All Crusader Items & Gear: Exclusive Legendary and Set Items

This is a guide listing all Crusader Items & Gear in the game Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn more about each weapon's rarity and affected skill!

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All Crusader Items & Gear

All Legendary Crusader Items

Equipment Slot Affected Skill & Effect
Air SplitterAir Splitter Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword instead unleashes a shock wave that can be charged up to increase range and damage.
BonebearerBonebearer Off Hand Shield Glare: Shield Glare now consumes energy to reflect a beam of light that continually damages enemies in a direction, but no longer Blinds enemies.
BowyerBowyer's Remorse Off Hand Spinning Shield: Spinning Shield now explodes when it strikes an enemy instead of returning, damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them away.
Closing-JawsClosing-Jaws Main Hand Sweep Attack: Sweep Attack now pulls all enemies it strikes to you.
Constant ScrutinyConstant Scrutiny Off Hand Shield Glare: Shield Glare now Blinds and damages all enemies around you.
Gimcrack BucklerGimcrack Buckler Off Hand Punish: While Punish has granted you Hardened Senses, your blocks will trigger an explosion dealing x damage to all nearby allies.
Karawan's Catch Main Hand Sweep Attack: Sweep Attack now consumes energy to continually damage all nearby enemies while you move.
Little LanceLittle Lance Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword instead causes you to surge forward with your sword up to three times, damaging all enemies in your path.
LongpalmLongpalm Main Hand Sweep Attack: Sweep Attack now strikes all nearby enemies.
Pavise of Ten WingsPavise of Ten Wings Off Hand Spinning Shield: Spinning Shield now spirals around you and does not return.
Pouncing ShieldPouncing Shield Off Hand Spinning Shield: Spinning Shield now bounces between several enemies instead of returning to you.
Proof From on HighProof From on High Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword now chains enemies to a location, and pulls them to you when activated again.
Sinkhole CrossSinkhole Cross Off Hand Spinning Shield: Spinning Shield hovers at a location, damaging enemies and reducing their movement speed.
The BristleThe Bristle Main Hand Sacred Fire: Sacred Fire now also hurls waves of flame, dealing x damage to all enemies in their path.
TumultTumult Main Hand Falling Sword: Falling Sword now summons a storm of blades around it, continually damaging all nearby enemies, but can no longer be activated again for movement.
ZaynulaZaynula's Last Hymn Off Hand Consecration: Consecration also slows enemy movement by 30%.

All Legendary Crusader Gear

Equipment Slot Affected Skill & Effect
Arrowkeeper Head Holy Banner: The inspiration from Holy Banner now moves with you.
Barbed CouncilBarbed Council Shoulder Judgment: Judgment now implodes after a short delay, drawing all nearby enemies to its center, but it no longer Slows movement or Stuns.
Besieger Chest Draw and Quarter: Draw and Quarter periodically calls down a bombardment for X damage to nearby enemies.
Bladed JambeauBladed Jambeau Legs Draw and Quarter: Draw and Quarter's mount becomes a fiery steed that Burns the ground and enemies, but no longer drags enemies.
CavalierCavalier's Courtwear Legs Draw and Quarter: Draw and Quarter now damages enemies when you run over them and knocks them away, but it no longer drags enemies.
Cradle of PebblesCradle of Pebbles Shoulder Judgment: Judgment instead summons a Guardian of Justice to fight for you.
Faith AscendantFaith Ascendant Shoulder Falling Sword: Deal 10% increased damage for a few seconds after using either stage of Falling Sword.
Feathermail Coat Chest Judgment: Judgment damage increased by 10%.
Fortress HermeticFortress Hermetic Chest Consecration: Consecration radius increased by 20%
Glower of the Recluse Head Sweep Attack: When an enemy is Blinded, Immobilized, or Stunned, your Sweep Attack deals 15% more damage.
Hungerfire ChitonHungerfire Chiton Chest Shield Charge: Shield Charge also unleashes a shock wave at its destination, dealing X damage to all nearby enemies.
Inhumed PlateInhumed Plate Chest Conjuration of Light: Sanctuary: Conjuration of Light lasts longer and protects you and your allies within an area,
Iron SuzerainIron Suzerain Chest Condemn: Condemn now continuously drags enemies toward you.
Justice Without FavorJustice Without Favor Chest Conjuration of Light: Conjuration of Light surrounds you and your allies with holy fire that continually damages all nearby enemies, but no longer prevents damage.
Leggings of the ConsignerLeggings of the Consigner Legs Conjuration of Light: Damage you deal during Conjuration of Light grants you an absorb shield when it expires, equal to x% of all damage you dealt but no more than 20% of your maximum Life.
Many-Eyed AegisMany-Eyed Aegis Head Consecration: Your Consecration now moves with you.
Permanent Reproach Legs Condemn: Condemn radius increased by 20%
PillagerPillager's Greaves Legs Shield Charge: Shield Charge damage increased, and Shield Charge can be charged up to further increase damage.
Pride is BaitPride is Bait Head Sacred Chain: Enemies affected by your Sacred Chain are pulled together.
Public PenancePublic Penance Shoulder Sacred Chain: Sacred Chain now throws frozen chains that deal more damage and do not break from damage, but have a shorter duration.
QuestorQuestor's Mien Head Shield Charge: Shield Charge maximum charges increased by 1
RedeemerRedeemer's Mettle Head Shield Glare: Shield Glare radius increased by 20%
Retribution Ornament Head Holy Banner: Holy Banner is replaced with a holy status that forces all nearby enemies to attack it.
ShieldswatheShieldswathe Legs Shield Charge: Shield Charge now charges to a location where it forms a shielded circle that enemies and their projectiles cannot cross.
SivketSivket's Advantage Shoulder Draw and Quarter: Draw and Quarter duration increased by 30%
Spine of the AdversarySpine of the Adversary Shoulder Sacred Chain: Sacred Chain now also causes chained enemies to take a percentage of all damage taken by any other chained enemy, but no longer Stuns.
Springback ChainSpringback Chain Chest Spinning Shield: Spinning Shield damage increased by 10%.
SquireSquire's Trews Legs Draw and Quarter: You can now carry a passenger during Draw and Quarter.
Sudden VallationSudden Vallation Head Holy Banner: Holy Banner instead plants a holy beacon that continually damages enemies with holy light.
Tactics and SecretsTactics and Secrets Legs Shield Glare: Shield Glare damage increased by 10%.
The Folly of ZakarumThe Folly of Zakarum Shoulder Holy Banner: Holy Banner duration increased by 30%.
Wind-Blessed Pauldrons Shoulder Conjuration of Light: Conjuration of Light duration increased by 30%.

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