Diablo Immortal

Monk Mystic Strike Challenge Rift Build Guide: Gems, Items, and How to Play

Diablo Immortal - Mystic Strike Rifts Build

This is a guide to the Mystic Strike Challenge Rift Build, a PvE Monk Build in Diablo Immortal! Speed through and complete Elder and Challenge Rifts as fast as possible with this speed-oriented crowd-clearing build. Read on to learn how to play this solo or party build, which excels at general PvE in Dungeons and Rifts, and what gear, skill, and gem setups to use.

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Mystic Strike Challenge Rift Build Profile

Build Profile and Rating

Mystic Strike Challenge Rift
Class MonkMonk
Build Rating S Rank Icon
Preference Solo
Build Focus PvE: Dungeon, Elder Rift, Challenge Rift
Stat Priorities Strength
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Movement Speed
Attack Speed

Build Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
・Powerful AoE
・Several Offensive Skills
・Fast and Deadly
・Low Defense
・No Support Skills
・No Synergy with Team

Build Gear and Skill Summary

Main Hand Off Hand
Spirit's Reach Reaching Rebuke
Head Shoulder Chest Legs
Crippling Insight Discipline's Weight Harmony's Song Chastising Radiance
Set (Issatar Imbued & Windloft Perfection)
Neck Ring 1 Ring 2 Waist
Issatar At RestIssatar At Rest Issatar EnragedIssatar Enraged Issatar UndoneIssatar Undone Issatar ContainedIssatar Contained
Hands Feet
Hurtling SteelHurtling Steel Stump-StirStump-Stir
Paragon Trees
Vanquisher > Treasure Hunter
Fists of ThunderFists of Thunder (Primary)
Mystic StrikeMystic Strike Exploding PalmExploding Palm
Wave of LightWave of Light Seven-Sided StrikeSeven-Sided Strike
Charm Priority

Gem Setup

Normal Gems
Legendary Gems
Gem Name Effect
CitrineCitrine x2+ 8 Potency
SapphireSapphire x4+ 8 Armor Penetration
TopazTopaz x2+ 8 Resistance
TourmalineTourmaline x6+ 8 Damage
Gem Name Effect
Blood-Soaked JadeBlood-Soaked Jade Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% while at full Life, with a minimum bonus of 4% while at low Life. Increases your Movement Speed by 10%.
Take 2% decreased damage while below 50% Life.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Fervent FangFervent Fang Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes 0.80% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of 8% at 10 stacks.
All damage you deal to Elite monsters increased by 1.5%
Unlocks at Rank 3
HowlerHowler's Call Your Primary Attack has a 10% chance to summon a charging spirit wolf that inflicts 150% base damage + 1458 to all enemies in its path. Cannot occur more often than once every 20 seconds.
The spirit wolf has a 12% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Power and CommandPower and Command Power and Command alternates states every 9 seconds. Power increases your Primary Attack damage by 8%. Command increases all other skill damage by 8%.
You have a 7.5% chance to dispel a negative effect on you each time Power and Command states alternate.
Unlocks at Rank 3
SeledSeled's Weakening Gain 6.00% increased damage for 60 seconds after killing an Elite monster.
Increases all damage you deal to Elite monsters by 1%.
Unlocks at Rank 3
ZwensonZwenson's Haunting When you defeat an enemy, a dark beast attacks nearby enemies, dealing 50% base damage + 486 to all nearby enemies. Cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.
Gain a 7% chance to summon a dark dragon after using a skill against an enemy that causes loss of control. (Unlocks at Rank 3)
Unlocks at Rank 3

Indicated gem effects only display their base effect. Values will be higher depending on the gem's upgrade level.

Speedrunner's Grinding Rifts Build

Speedrunning Monk
This Mystic Strike build focuses on fast movement and swift kills in order to clear Elder Rifts and Challenge Rifts as fast as possible. Mystic Strike is there to dash through the stage while gathering enemies, while the rest of your skills are there to clear them out as fast as possible.

Set Items Boost Movement Speed

It is recommended to aim for two items from the Windloft Perfection Set as your first Set items, as this Set increases your movement speed when not in combat.

After that, aim to get four items from the Issatar Imbued Set. This Set will grant you a movement speed buff per enemy defeated, and increasing damage while that movement speed buff is active. This entire set-up will make you breeze through any Rift.

Legendary Gear Buffs Offensive Skills

As there are no Legendary equipment that buffs Mystic Strike, you will have to upgrade your two strongest skills Seven-Sided Strike and Wave of Light.

Spirit's Reach and Discipline's Weight will increase Seven-Sided Strike's damage and duration, making it an incredibly powerful skill against multiple enemies. On the other hand, Harmony's Song and Chastising Radiance turn Wave of Light into a knockout punch with greater range, effectively increasing the amount of enemies it can kill.

All Legendary Gems Increase Damage

The Legendary Gems Blood-Soaked Jade, Fervent Fang, and Power & Command and staples of a DPS build and all work to greatly increase the amount of damage you're able to do. Seled's Weakening is an absolute must for any build that does Rifts. Zwenson's Haunting and Howler's Call are there to augment your damage output by randomly summoning beasts to do some AoE damage for you.

Stats and Paragon Priorities

Attribute Priorities

Strength The more strength, the more damage you do, and the faster you can bring down enemies.
Critical Hit Chance Having higher critical hit chance would greatly increase your DPS, make defeating your enemies even faster.
Critical Hit Damage This is tied in with Critical Hit Chance. Deal even more damage when those crits land, so the hordes of enemies won't even know what hit them.
Movement Speed Movement Speed is crucial for this speedrunning build, as it relies on speed and zooming in and out of battle with Mystic Strike.
Attack Speed It's advisable to bump your Attack Speed to make taking down bosses that bit much faster.

Paragon Priorities

Vanquisher > Treasure Hunter

As this is a solo PvE build made specifically for speed-grinding, the only two Paragon skill trees you need are Vanquisher, in order to gain basic stat increases to HP and Damage, and Treasure Hunter, for increased EXP, Gold, and Equipment drop rates.

How to Play

Only Engage Elite Monsters

Only Engage Elite Monsters
Speed through the Rift and only engage when you've encountered Elite enemies, who have a colored aura around them. Once you've defeated all the Elite enemies, grab their Rift progress orbs and ignore all the regular enemies, and head on to locate the next Elite enemies.

You may use Mystic Strike to get around faster, but always leave one charge unused for your next encounter.

Mystic Strike Into Exploding Palm

Mystic Strike Into Exploding Palm
Use Mystic Strike to dash through enemies and gather them together. When they've all been gathered into one place, use Exploding Palm on them to inflict Bleed, which explodes when they die. Now, unleash the rest of your skills to get their HP down in order to trigger said explosions. Repeat this process with every batch of Elite monsters you see.

Alternate Between Seven-Sided Strike and Wave of Light

Alternate Between Seven-Sided Strike and Wave of Light
You always want to have an offensive skill ready to go when the other one is on cooldown, so it's good to alternate between uses of Seven-Sided Strike and Wave of Light to have at least one skill ready to use when you really need it.

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