Diablo Immortal

Demon Hunter Smoke Screen PvP Build Guide: Gems, Items, and How to Play

DI - Demon Hunter Smoke Screen PvP Build

This is a guide to the Smoke Screen PvP Build, a PvP Demon Hunter Build in Diablo Immortal! This build allows you to break enemy formations using the Smoke Screen skill modified into a damaging gas bomb. Read on to learn how to play this Demon Hunter PvP Build, best gear, skills, and preferred gems!

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Smoke Screen PvP Build Profile

Build Profile and Rating

Smoke Screen PvP
Class Demon HunterDemon Hunter
Build Rating A Rank Icon
Preference Solo and Party
Build Focus PvP
Stat Priorities Strength
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage

Build Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses
・Extremely mobile
・Can stop groups from pushing objectives
・Breaks enemy formations easily
・Low HP
・Needs to take a risk for a properly placed gas bomb

Build Gear and Skill Summary

Main Hand Off Hand
Embermist The HungererThe Hungerer
Head Shoulder Chest Legs
Boundless Ingenuity Chillwrath Mantle Heart of Vengeance Master AlchemistMaster Alchemist's Faulds
Set (Untouchable Mountebank + War Rags of Shal'baas)
Neck Ring 1 Ring 2 Waist
Mountebank's Flourish Resting Fangs of ShalResting Fangs of Shal'baas Braided Serpent of ShalBraided Serpent of Shal'baas MountebankMountebank's Bravado
Hands Feet
Mountebank's Shirking Mountebank's Slyness
Paragon Trees
Survivor > Gladiator > Soldier
Crossbow ShotCrossbow Shot (Primary)
VengeanceVengeance Smoke ScreenSmoke Screen
Daring SwingDaring Swing EscapeEscape
Charm Priority

Gem Setup

Normal Gems
Legendary Gems
Gem Name Effect
AquamarineAquamarine x2+ 8 Armor
RubyRuby x3+ 80 Life
SapphireSapphire x2+ 8 Armor Penetration
TopazTopaz x4+ 8 Resistance
TourmalineTourmaline x3+ 8 Damage
Gem Name Effect
Blood-Soaked JadeBlood-Soaked Jade Increases all damage you deal by up to 8% while at full Life, with a minimum bonus of 4% while at low Life. Increases your Movement Speed by 10%.
Take 2% decreased damage while below 50% Life.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Bloody ReachBloody Reach Increases all damage you deal by 2.00% for every 2 yards between you and the enemy hit. Maximum increase of 8% at 8 yards.
Your attacks have a 0.3% chance to decrease enemy attack and movement speeds by 35% for 3 seconds.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Everlasting TormentEverlasting Torment Your critical hits inflict agony, dealing 16.7% Base damage + 202 every second for 3 seconds. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every 6 seconds.
Each nearby enemy afflicted with agony increases your Attack Speed by 1%. Each enemy can only be affected by this once every 6 seconds.
Unlocks at Rank 3
Fervent FangFervent Fang Each time you deal damage to an enemy, that enemy now takes 0.80% increased from your attacks, up to a maximum increase of 8% at 10 stacks.
All damage you deal to Elite monsters increased by 1.5%
Unlocks at Rank 3
Seeping BileSeeping Bile Your attacks 4% chance to poison enemies, inflicting 25% base damage + 263 every second for 6 seconds. This poison spreads to nearby enemies if the victim dies. Cannot affect the same target more often than once every 20 seconds.
This poison also decreases enemy movement speed by 6%
Unlocks at Rank 3
The Black RoseThe Black Rose Each time you are attacked, you have a 10% chance to summon vines that Immobilize the attacker for 1.5 seconds. Each enemy cannot be affected by this more than once every 12 seconds.
Chance to summon vines increased to 12%.
Unlocks at Rank 3

Indicated gem effects only display their base effect. Values will be higher depending on the gem's upgrade level.

Diving Gas Bomb

This Demon Hunter PvP build focuses on diving into enemy groups to place a gas bomb—a Smoke Screen modified by Master Alchemist's Faulds. This will likely break their formations, or even make them retreat, allowing your team to push objectives.

Since you'll be taking a risky move, you need both Daring Swing and Escape to get in and out of danger.

Legendary Gear Setup

Master Alchemist's Faulds is the core equipment for this build as it completely changes Smoke Screen's effect, and Embermist to reduce the skill's cooldown. Boundless Ingenuity and Chillwrath Mantle enhances your Daring Swing with another charge and a Chill effect to improve your mobility.

Set Gear Setup

You'll need the shield proc from the Untouchable Mountebank set if you want to increase your survivability when placing gas bombs next to your enemies. Since the explosion damage from the 6-piece set bonus won't be that high due to Demon Hunters naturally having low max health, you can save those last two slots for War Rags of Shal'baas' 2-piece set bonus, which increases your Primary Attack damage.

Legendary Gem Setup

The Legendary gems for this build relies on the continuous damage from Vengeance and the gas bomb to trigger their effects. Ramp up the damage boost from Fervent Fang then try to proc the effects of Everlasting Torment and Seeping Bile for maximum damage.

Since you will most likely be at least one Daring Swing away from your targets after using Smoke Screen, the DoT from the two Legendary gems and the gas bomb's damage will be further increased by Bloody Reach.

Stats and Paragon Priorities

Attribute Priorities

Strength Increases both Damage and Combat Rating, making it the main stat for Demon Hunters.
Vitality Compared to PvE, survivability plays a bigger role in PvP, especially for a build that requires you to dive into enemy groups.
Willpower Everyone uses Control skills in PvP so make sure to get this stat as high as possible to reduce the duration of their CCs on you.
Critical Hit Chance Take advantage of your rapid attacks by increasing the chances of landing double damage hits.
Critical Hit Damage Once you have enough Critical Hit Chance, increase your Critical Hit Damage stat to boost your damage further.

Paragon Priorities

Survivor > Gladiator > Soldier

Invest your Paragon points on the Survivor tree first if you want to focus on a PvP build as the Vanquisher tree specialization skills only work against monsters.

Unlock Stalwart to get block chance increase for your dives, then spend your next points to unlock Precognition to reduce Stalwart's cooldown. You'll likely take heavy damage when diving, so getting Escape Artist for the movement speed bonus will allow you to retreat behind your allies and recover your health.

After unlocking the Gladiator Paragon tree at lv50, immediately unlock Uncontrollable then spend your next points on getting Quick Witted and its pre-requisites to gain more resistance to CCs. Next specialization skill in line should be Cheat Death as this basically gives you a second life with a 2-minute cooldown, followed by Rapid Recovery as the last specialization skill. Don't forget to switch the active Paragon Tree to Gladiator after unlocking any of these!

How to Play

Dive in and Place a Gas Bomb

DI - Gas Bomb

This build's main playstyle is to dive in using a charge of Daring Swing and using Smoke Screen in the middle of an enemy group. Doing this will most likely scatter the group to avoid getting damaged by the gas bomb, which will stop them from advancing and pushing objectives.

Use Escape to Create Gaps

DI - Escape

After placing a gas bomb, use Escape on the nearest enemy to slow them down and have them stay longer inside the gas bomb's AoE. Using Escape also lets you dash backwards to avoid immediate aggro from other enemies.

Retreat with Daring Swing

DI - Daring Swing

Using Escape won't be enough to stay out of your enemies' range most of the time. For these instances, use another charge of Daring Swing to get behind your allies and recover your health if necessary. If you have Chillwrath Mantle equipped, the chilled trail of Daring Swing will make it more difficult for your pursuers to reach you.

Activate Vengeance for Head-On Combat

DI - Vengeance

Pop your Vengeance whenever you get opportunities to throw in free hits, especially in team fights, or when you get caught in a duel. You can also use this skill against enemies retreating from your gas bomb or those who are stubborn enough to stay.

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