Diablo Immortal

PC Release Date Countdown: When Does Diablo Immortal Come Out?

Diablo Immortal - Release Date Countdown

Diablo Immortal will launch worldwide on June 2, 2022 on PC, June 1 on Mobile, and on July 7, 2022 for Asia Pacific regions. Read on to know all about Diablo Immortal's release date, a full countdown to the game's release time, and all the countries that will have a delayed release as well as countries where the game is blocked!

Release Date and Pre-Registration Guides
Diablo Immortal - How to Pre-Register.pngHow to Pre-Register Diablo Immortal - Release Date Countdown.pngRelease Date Diablo Immortal - How to Preload.pngHow to Preload

Diablo Immortal Release Date Countdown

PC Release Date Countdown

Release Date Countdown*
Game is Out Now!

Diablo Immortal launches for PC worldwide on June 2, and on July 7 for Asia Pacific regions. Currently, Diablo Immortal is out on mobile platforms.

Mobile Has Been Released

Diablo Immortal's mobile platform gets a day earlier in launch and is currently out now! If you're concerned about progress and wanted to start your journey in hell, Cross-Progression is available in the game so you can still transfer everything to PC when it releases!

Is Cross-Play and Cross-Progression Available?

Diablo Immortal Worldwide Launch Schedule

We have confirmed the global release time for the game in all regions! Refer to the list below to know what time Diablo Immortal launches in your region!

Region Date Time
Los Angeles June 2 10 AM PDT
New York June 2 1 PM EDT
Santos June 2 2PM BRT
London June 2 6 PM BST
Paris June 2 7 PM CEST
Seoul June 3 2 AM KST
Sydney June 3 3 AM AEST

June 2, 2022 Mobile Release

As we prepare to launch Diablo Immortal on June 2 at 10 a.m. PDT for iOS, Android, and PC in Open Beta, some players will see Immortal propagate on the Apple App Store and Google Play beginning the morning of June 1 PDT. This is in part due to the nature of how mobile games rollout and to ensure a smooth full launch for the mobile version of Immortal.

This early propagation means that players in certain regions will be able to play Diablo Immortal as early as the morning of June 1 PDT. To confirm when Immortal will be fully launched for your region on all platforms, please reference the time map above.

Diablo Immortal is currently out on mobile platforms.

PC Open Beta Available on June 2

Diablo Immortal - PC Crossplay

Alongside the mobile release on June 2 will be the launch of Diablo Immortal's PC Open Beta. Sign-up for testing via Battle.net to check out new features such as cross-play and cross-progression between mobile and PC.

Additionally, Blizzard has confirmed that all Open Beta progress will carry over once the PC client reaches full release. This includes all progress and purchases made using your Battle.net account.

July 7, 2022 Release for Asia-Pacific Regions

Diablo Immortal will have a delayed release date for the following Asia-Pacific regions: Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macao, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. The game is expected to launch on July 7, 2022 for these areas. Note that Diablo Immortal will also be available in Vietnam on PC only during the same time.

Blocked Country List

Diablo Immortal - Blocked Countries.png

Since Diablo Immortal have some IAPs involved in the game, some countries have Diablo Immortal blocked. The game will be unavailable for download if you reside in these countries.

Countries that blocked Diablo Immortal

Country Block List

Diablo Immortal Available Platforms

Available for Pre-Registration on iOS, Android, & PC

AppStore LogoiOS App Store Play Store LogoGoogle Play Store Battlenet LogoBattle.net

Diablo Immortal is set to release on iOS, Android, and PC. Players can now Pre-Register for their desired platform using any of the links above. Additionally, in celebration of 30 million pre-registrations for Diablo Immortal, you will receive the Horadrim Cosmetic Set if you pre-register before launch day.

How to Pre-Register

For Windows® PC:

If you haven’t already, download and install the Battle.net desktop application and launch it. Register to create a Battle.net account, or log in with an existing account.
Open your Battle.net app and allow it to download any pending updates.
Select “Games” > “Diablo Immortal” and click “Install”. Once installation is complete, simply click “Play” to launch the game.

For Android:

Launch the Google Play Store app on your device. In the search bar, type “Diablo Immortal.”
Once you’re on the Diablo Immortal store page, click the “Install” button and allow the game to download.

For iOS:

Launch the App Store on your device. In the search bar, type “Diablo Immortal.”
Once you’re on the Diablo Immortal store page, click the “Get” button then click the “Install” button and allow the game to download.

Available for Mobile and PC

PC BattleNet Client

Diablo Immortal will be available for both mobile devices and Windows PCs. While some devices on Android will not be supported, both mobile and PC are confirmed to be supported by the game.

What Consoles Will Diablo Immortal Be On? Available Platforms List

Unavailable for Mac

Unavailable for Mac - Diablo Immortal
Despite being available for PC, the game will not be available for the Mac. There is still no word on Blizzard whether the Mac will have access to the game in the future so stay tuned for updates!

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