Diablo Immortal

Gold Farming Guide: How to Get Gold Fast

Diablo Immortal - How to Farm Gold
In Diablo Immortal, Gold is one of the most common yet most important currencies you will find. Read on to learn more about the best ways to farm and use Gold!

How to Farm Gold Fast

Gold Farming Strategies

Slay Enemies

Diablo Immortal - Slay Enemies
In Diablo Immortal, Gold is the most common currency you will find in the whole game.

You can obtain Gold as drops from monsters and chests or as rewards from Quests, Bounties, and numerous other in-game activities. Fighting against enemies will be one of the most common activities that players can do in-game – anytime you see an enemy, just snuff them out for quick cash!

Complete Bounties

Diablo Immortal - Bounty Boards

Unlocked when you reach Westmarch and complete the Blacksmith Chari's tutorial, Bounties are an excellent source of Gold for players in a pinch. Each bounty provides some Gold to the player upon completion, with some bounties providing more Gold for the player than others.

With only eight to accomplish within a day, these are quick and easy bite-sized objectives that players can do daily to earn as much Gold as they can get.

List of Bounties

Run Through Rifts

Diablo Immortal - Enter the Rifts

Rifts (both Elder and Challenge ones) provide a player with a nice and linear path filled to the brim with enemies that can each drop large amounts of Gold for the player to pick up. The best part about these Rifts is that they're free to use, with the only hindrance to a player within them being the player's own power and skill.

Take on the Rifts and repeat them as you wish to earn good amounts of Gold per run!

Elder Rift Guide Challenge Rift Guide

Repeat Dungeons

Diablo Immortal - Repeat Dungeons

Similar to running through Rifts multiple times, players can also select one of the many dungeons they come across in-game to run through. Choosing a single Dungeon to repeat again and again is one good way of ensuring that you have one dungeon that can act as a cash cow for you as you slay all the enemies within.

Dungeons Guide | List of All Dungeons

Best Ways to Use Gold

Best Ways to Use Gold
Check Icon Prioritize Upgrading Your Gear

Check Icon Use Spare Gold to Gamble

Check Icon Save Up to Create a Clan

Prioritize Upgrading Your Gear

Diablo Immortal - Gear Upgrade Screen
Before using it for anything else, prioritize spending Gold on upgrading your gear.

Upgrading and increasing your gear ranks is vital as it is the primary way to increase your ORDR and improve your character's power.

In addition, Legendary gear also obtains Bonus Attributes at certain gear ranks, making upgrading them an even higher priority.

How to Upgrade Gear Ranks

Use Spare Gold to Gamble

Diablo Immortal - Gambling Loot
If you have Gold to spare after upgrading and want to try for a chance to get high-quality gear, gambling in Westmarch is the next best thing to do.

Gambling allows you to purchase Mystery Items that reveal themselves in your inventory to be items of random quality, sockets, and attributes.

If you're particularly lucky with gambling, you may find yourself with Legendary items for just a small sum of Gold.

Gambling Guide

Save Up to Create a Clan

Diablo Immortal - Multiplayer Gameplay
If you have plenty of Gold saved up and want to create a large group of fellow players, consider creating a Clan.

Clans are a great way to group up and coordinate with like-minded players for Dungeons, Helliquary Raids, and other forms of group content in Diablo Immortal.

To form a Clan, you will need 100,000 Gold, so make sure you have plenty of extra Gold for yourself before investing in one.

How to Play Multiplayer

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