Diablo Immortal

Leveling Guide: The Fastest Ways to Get XP and Level Up

Diablo Immortal Fastest Way to Level Up

Get lots of experience points and level up fast in Diablo Immortal by completing dungeons, progressing through the Battle Pass, completing Activities and Quests, and filling out your Bestiary. Read on to learn the fastest ways to level up quickly and the best xp farming spots for each zone!

Level Guides
What Is the Max Level Cap? Leveling Guide: The Fastest Ways to Level Up

The Fastest Ways to Level Up

Tips for Leveling Up Fast
Check Icon Level Up Your Battle Pass

Check Icon Grind Out Dungeons and Elder Rifts

Check Icon Complete Bounties

Check Icon Fill Out the Bestiary

Check Icon Hunt Down Elite Enemies

Check Icon Gain Bonus Experience Points from Pools of Reflection

You may encounter various level hurdles while playing Diablo Immortal which will slow down your progress and prevent you from continuing the main story until you've reached a certain level. Follow these tips to help you push onward and level up fast so you can get back in the action quickly!

Level Up Your Battle Pass

Diablo Immortal - Battle Pass

The fastest way to get XP and level up in Diablo Immortal is to level up your Battle Pass by clearing Activities and Quests for Battle Points. Leveling up your Battle Pass gives a huge chunk of XP and the XP reward becomes larger each time your character levels up.

It is also recommended that you get to rank 10 of the Battle Pass as fast as you can to unlock a free legendary weapon for your character, which will make grinding dungeons a bit easier.

Taking our first tip into account, you can kill two birds with one stone by completing dungeons and Elder Rifts and earning Battle Points when they appear under the daily Activities list. Pay attention to the featured Activity, as this will give you double Battle Points.

Battle Pass Guide

Grind Out Dungeons and Elder Rifts

Diablo Immortal - Mad King

Dungeons are also one of the best ways to level up fast in Diablo Immortal. You'll complete them as part of the main story, but you'll want to repeat them over and over from the Activities tab in the Codex to farm XP and Set gear. There is one dungeon for most major zones (and two in Bilefen).

Dungeon Average Time to Complete Average EXP
Mad King's Breach 3:20 134,280
Forgotten Tower 3:40 167,728
Tomb of Fahir 4:15 166,161
Temple of Namari 3:45 144,983
Kikuras Rapids 4:20 131,006
Destruction's End 4:30 168,315
Cavern of Echoes 4:50 165,128
Pit of Anguish 4:50 132,946

Data for average time to complete and experience points was gathered over multiple runs in a party of 4 on Hell II difficulty, with all players between the levels of Paragon 70 and 85. Experience points were calculated at Paragon level with no bonus or penalty taken into account.

When farming purely for experience points, the most efficient dungeons are as follows:

  1. Forgotten Tower
  2. Mad King's Breach
  3. Tomb of Fahir

Examples of EXP Gained at Level 45

Elder Rift Mad King's Breach
81,234 100,683

Both were completed in solo mode. There may be some variation due to the kill streak bonus.

Even though the time to complete the Elder Rift and Mad King's Breach are approximately the same, you can see that the dungeon grants more experience points.

String Together Kills for a Massacre Bonus

One key tip is that the bigger your kill streak combo, the more experience points you will get, so make sure you have a good AoE (area of effect) skill equipped to clear out groups of enemies quickly. Instead of taking weaker enemies on one at a time, give them a few seconds to group up, then wipe them out all at once.

If you manage to kill 100 monsters in a short amount of time, you can get a Massacre Bonus, which will earn you bonus XP.

Complete Bounties

Diablo Immortal - Bounty Board

Bounties can be undertaken at the board in the Palace Courtyard of Westmarch up to 8 per day. If you fail to complete a bounty for 1 day, they can carry over to the next days with a full limit of 24 bounties. However, this is the max limit so make sure to do your bounties before three days have passed to avoid missed EXP!

List of Bounties

Fill Out the Bestiary

Diablo Immortal - Bestiary Entry

You can get a good amount of experience points by unlocking Monster pages in the Bestiary. If you defeat the monsters in the field (excluding Rifts), you can fill out one entry for every 10 Monstrous Essence that occasionally drop from defeated Monsters, and each entry you complete nets you huge amounts of experience points as well as an increased chance to get Legendary Gear.

You can only carry 10 Mounstrous Essence at a time, so make sure to return to any of the Horadric Altars and turn them in to unlock another page in the Bestiary.

How to Complete the Bestiary

Hunt Down Elite Enemies

Blue Glowing Monsters.png

Monsters that you enounter in the overworld and in dungeons sometimes have a differently colored name and glowing aura. These are Elite Enemies and are stronger than their regular counterparts, but they give out lots more experience points! Make sure to pick up the Experience Orbs that drop after defeating them.

These enemies also have an increased chance of dropping Legendary Gear, so keep an eye on your minimap and take them quickly!

List of Elite Bosses

Gain Bonus Experience Points from Pools of Reflection

Occasionally, you may see these pools pop up randomly on the map. These Pools of Reflection grant a temporary exp boost which can make the process for completing Bounties and filling out the Bestiary a bit more rewarding. You'll know it's having an effect when your character has a gold exp icon above their head. To make the most of these, make sure you're killing as many monsters as possible after activating them. As you can't control when Pools of Reflection appear, treat this as a nice bonus rather than a reliable method to farm XP.

Best XP Farming Spots and Routes

If you know the right spot, farming the overworld for xp can be just as effective as grinding dungeons (especially in a party of 4). Certain areas in the overworld spawn tons of monsters, making them prime locations to farm experiences points. Enemies respawn infinitely (unlike dungeons), and tend to do so at a higher rate in these spots. Farming in the overworld has the added benefit of being the best way to gather Monstrous Essence.

Just remember that the more popular a certain location is, the more players you'll be competing with, so try farming XP at off-peak times for your server.

Mount Zavain Realm of Damnation Library of Zoltun Kulle
Shassar Sea Bilefen Ashwold Cemetery

Mount Zavain

Zakarum Graveyard

The graveyard just south of Zakarum Cemetery Waypoint is an excellent spot for farming XP. You can stick to the figure-8 path if you just want to rack up easy kills, or you can branch out to the two areas to the east (up the steps to the north of the figure-8 and the dead-end on the right) if you want to include checking on Hidden Lairs to your farming routine.

This route has an abundance of blue Elite monsters (and sometimes yellow), and shrines that can give you speed and other power-ups to spice things up and make the grind go down smoother.

Moon Clan Encampment

Enemies tend to spawn in dense packs in the Moon Clan Encampment. The area is also relatively narrow, making it easier to group up enemies and eliminate them more efficiently.

Two shrines (including an xp boost) have a chance of spawning on this route, so make sure to work them into your xp farming routine.

In a recent update, the frequency of enemy spawns was significantly reduced in this area, making it a less-viable option than before.

If you know of any other good xp farming spots, leave them in the comments below!

Realm of Damnation

Plains of Torment

Plains of Torment, north of the Last Vestige Waypoint in Realm of Damnation, is easily the best farming route in Diablo Immortal currently.

This spot is ideal for xp farming for many reasons: Monsters spawn faster than can be killed, the rate of Elite monster spawns is extremely high, the area features several shrine spawns, and this route can be easily adjusted to cover a smaller aread if needed. Furthermore, you should be able to get a Pool of Reflection to spawn every few laps in the bottom left corner of this route.

As with most other farming spots, Plains of Torment is best done in a party of 4 players, as this route covers a large area. In this case, follow the pink line as indicated on the map above. In a party with fewer players (or when spawns slow down in the larger route), consider focusing on the lower section of the loop, making circles around the piles of bones.

Citadel of the Damned Waypoint

The western area just south of the Citadel of the Damned Waypoint is packed with disposable monsters and perhaps the most dense spot in the Realm of Damnation. Lure enemies to the narrow bridges and use your favorite AoE skill to wipe them out easily.

As this route covers a relatively wide area, it's best to do this one with a team if you hope to string together kills for a Massacre bonus. You can even spread out and cover the opposite wing on the east side as well if enemy spawns dry up in the west wing.

Library of Zoltun Kulle

Hidden Alcove

This room is perhaps one of the most efficienct spots for farming xp. Enemies constantly respawn here, so circling the room again and again will grant endless experience points.

To sweeten the deal, there's a hidden lair in the east side of the room, as well as two possible spawn points for lost pages to activate Kulle's Hidden Chamber Zone Event. You can farm xp here while waiting for either the Fleshcraft Hydra or Sandstone Golem to spawn (which will provide more xp and Enchanted Dust).

In a recent update, the frequency of enemy spawns was significantly reduced in this area, making it a less-viable option than before.

Shassar Sea

The Oasis Waypoint

There are two spots nearby that can make for good farming locations - the circular area directly north of the Oasis Waypoint, and the water fountain up the steps and to the northwest of the waypoint.

The area north of the Oasis Waypoint is a good spot as it's small and can spawn a shrine and several treasure chests. With a party, it's easy to control the area and keep your kill streak going.

The water fountain near the Oasis Waypoint is another excellent location for farming xp. The enemies here don't have much hp, so it's easy to string kills together for a Massacre Bonus, especially in a party with other players. There's also a hidden lair on the steps leading to the fountain, as well as several chests that can spawn with gold or items.


Crimsonblade Haven

Located on an old pirate ship, there's a nice and cozy spot in Bilefen called Crimsonblade Haven that's perfect for farming Monstrous Essence and xp. There are four pack spawns, with respawn timers of around 8-10 seconds each - perfect for party farming, too. The real selling point here is how small the area is

Elite and Unique monster pack spawn rates seem to be higher than usual here too, giving you a good chunk of Experience Globes and a chance at rare and legendary drops at the same time.

Ashwold Cemetery

Lords' Rest

If you've ever ended up in the far north end of the map in Lords' Rest for your daily Bounties, you've probably noticed an obscene amount of spiders in this area.There are multiple Purple Elite spawns, as well as a chance to spawn Duskbringer, so it's worth going out of your way if you need more Enchanted Dust.

Other areas of Ashwold Cemetery are filled with enemies that have shields or attacks that can interrupt your skills, making Lords' Rest the least-frustrating area to farm xp in this zone.

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