Diablo Immortal

All Reforge Stones and Upgrade Materials

Diablo Immortal - List of All Upgrade Materials

Use Reforge Stones and Upgrade Materials to strengthen your gear, weapons, and gems in Diablo Immortal. For a complete list of all Reforge Stones and Upgrade Materials, what they upgrade, and how to get them, read on!

List of All Reforge Stones

Unlike regular upgrade materials, Reforge Stones are used to reroll the attributes of your upgraded items. The type of attribute corresponds to the type of Reforge Stone you will need to reroll it.

Item Description How to Get
Diablo Immortal - Barrier StoneBarrier Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Barrier family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal - Jolt StoneJolt Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Jolt family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal - Ravager StoneRavager Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Ravager family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal - Reforge StoneReforge Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from any family. All random outcomes have an equal probability. Earn from the Battle Pass.
Bought from the Hilts Trader in a limited amount.
Diablo Immortal - Tremor StoneTremor Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Tremor family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal - Vengeance StoneVengeance Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Vengeance family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.
Diablo Immortal - Wildfire StoneWildfire Stone Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Wildfire family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability. Bought from the in-game store using real money.
Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Earn from the Battle Pass.

List of All Upgrade Materials

Item Description How to Get
Diablo Immortal - Alchemical PowderAlchemical Powder Used to upgrade Charms. Obtained by salvaging Level 1 Charms at the Charm Craftsman in Westmarch.
Diablo Immortal - BerylBeryl Used to upgrade the Vessels of the Horadrim.
Each Culling Stone is the runoff of a long-forgotten ritual used to store the essence of the founding Horadrim.
Acquired by opening Ibehn Fahd's treasure chests.
Diablo Immortal - Dawning EchoDawning Echo Used to awaken Legendary Gear with Level 10 Legendary Gems slotted in. Bought from the Smithing Materials Vendor using Eternal Orbs.
Diablo Immortal - Echo CrystalEcho Crystal Used to upgrade Normal Gems above Rank 5. Purchase from the Crystal Merchant using Platinum.
Random reward from the Cycle's Turn Chest.
Diablo Immortal - Enchanted DustEnchanted Dust Used to upgrade weapons and primary equipment. Defeat Enemies and Loot Chests.
Purchase from the Smithing Materials Vendor.
Salvage Rare Equipment and Complete Side Quests.
Diablo Immortal - Enigmatic CrystalEnigmatic Crystal Used to upgrade secondary slot items. Complete Challenge Rifts
Purchase from the Smithing Materials Vendor
Diablo Immortal - GarnetGarnet Used to upgrade the Vessels of the Horadrim.
Each Culling Stone is the runoff of a long-forgotten ritual used to store the essence of the founding Horadrim.
Acquired by opening Ibehn Fahd's treasure chests.
Diablo Immortal - Gem FragmentGem Fragment Used to upgrade Legendary Gems. Obtained as excess material when an upgraded Legendary Gem is used to upgrade a lower level Legendary Gem.
5 are given during the Diamond in the Rough Main Quest.
Diablo Immortal - Glowing ShardGlowing Shard Used to upgrade equipment. Complete Dungeons.
Salvage Legendary or Set Equipment.
Earned from the Free Daily Rewards Chest.
Diablo Immortal - Hellfire ScoriaHellfire Scoria Used to upgrade your Helliquary. Refined from Scoria at a Blacksmith.
Diablo Immortal - SapphireSapphire Used to upgrade the Vessels of the Horadrim.
Each Culling Stone is the runoff of a long-forgotten ritual used to store the essence of the founding Horadrim.
Acquired by opening Ibehn Fahd's treasure chests.
Diablo Immortal - ScoriaScoria Visit a blacksmith to refine into Hellfire Scoria and upgrade your Helliquary. Earn from the Battlepass.
Defeat Helliquary Bosses.
Diablo Immortal - Scrap MaterialScrap Material Used to upgrade equipment. Earn from Battle Pass.
Salvage Normal Equipment.
Diablo Immortal - Skill StoneSkill Stone Used to imbue new skill bonuses onto charms. Extracted from Level 5 Charms at the Charms Craftsman.

This list is still under construction. Stay tuned as we update it with more upgrade materials!

How to Get Upgrade Materials

Sources of Materials & Reforge Stones
Check Icon Salvage Normal & Rare Equipment
Check Icon Defeat Enemies and Loot Chests
Check Icon Purchase from the Smithing Materials Vendor
Check Icon Complete Challenge Rifts
Check Icon Free via the Battlepass

Salvage Normal & Rare Equipment

Diablo Immortal - Salvage Equipment

The main source of Upgrade Materials for most players will be via the Salvage system. To salvage your unwanted equipment and turn them in to Upgrade Materials, head over to any Blacksmith and offer up your low tier items for scrapping.

Defeat Enemies and Loot Chests

Although it isn't guaranteed, one of the easiest ways to acquire Upgrade Materials is by fighting enemies and looting chests. In particular, pay attention to New Event prompts while exploring as the rewards for defeating the enemies are usually in the form of gold and upgrade materials.

Purchase from the Smithing Materials Vendor

Diablo Immortal - Buy Upgrade Materials from Vendor

Alternatively, players can trade up their Scrap Material for higher tiers of upgrade materials. The Smithing Materials Vendor next to Charsi in Westmarch will be one of the easiest to get to. Additionally, you can also purchase Reforge Stones from this vendor using Eternal Orbs.

Complete Challenge Rifts

Diablo Immortal - Complete Challenge Rifts

One of the easiest methods for getting higher tier Upgrade Materials such as Enigmatic Crystals and Enchanted Dust is via the Challenge Rift system. Take on a Challenge Rift at any difficulty level and you will be rewarded for completing the encounter.

What are Challenge Rifts?

Free via the Battlepass

Diablo Immortal - Battle Pass Upgrade Materials

Like with most games that have this system, Diablo Immortal's Battle Pass will have a free track that you can progress by playing the game. Make sure you don't miss out on it as the free version rewards players with a lot of Scrap Material and a few random Reforge Stones as they go up in levels.

Battle Pass Guide: Tracks, Rewards, and How to Buy

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