Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Dim Forest Map and 100% Exploration GuideComment

Showing 1-12 of 12 entries


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    12 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    i just wana add this screenshot for the viewpoint after side quest for the moons

    11 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    thank you, I love you so much

    10 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    i went through the entire zone twice to each location before my dumbass decided to finally check the comments....i could've saved myself hours. I wish you eternal gacha luck, friend.

    9 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Holy shit you just saved me after looking througly for 2 hours and still couldn't find it

    8 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    for the people stuck at 99% chests i thought i had gotten this golden marker but apparently the mob here can be killed by other monsters in the area, making the marker not spawn. Was stuck at 99% even though i had done all the dig, flowers and pot secret chests lol can't believe it was this.

    7 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    same problem, I had to recheck 4 times but it looks like I'm not the only one

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    but why all maps give 99 or 98 on supply chests i took all the chests from the guide

    5 InsertNameHere10 monthsReport

    Done this, only gives 99 % on supply chests. 100% on exploration of dim forest though. kinda hurt the eyes to see the 99% supply chest

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    So you get next to the big purple tree on the ground, if you go north (maybe a bit to the right) of it you'll see there's a path which leads into a cave. Inside the cave there are a few paths like left, right, forward. The one that counts for dim forest is located on the right inside that cave, you have to destroy one of those walls with the yellow crystal thingie.

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    i dont get the violet banyan one...wdym by hugging the wall to the right...and which underground is it? pleease help...stuck at 98%

    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Left coast above the cliff you have to break spheres and vases for it to pop, a gold one at the top of the big tree (go up again yet again), one to the top left of lollo warehouse which is a purple heritage, exactly to the west of the chest of thorny passage you have to break vases-spheres again, once again north of this location there's a defense sound, along this road (north) there's a dog you help for a chest, and north of violet banyan you enter the underground and hug the wall to the right

    1 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Can you guys please also map the square chest that gives mats and some coins? I think they contribute to the exploration percentage since I got all the chest but i'm still at 96% (only missing percent is the supply chest) and those square chest also contributes to chest opening achivement

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