Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Lingyang Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 20 entries


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    20 Anonymous7 daysReport

    erm... they look completely different except from the tiger, but the colors and everything better and tbh lingyangs design is much better

    19 Anonymous21 daysReport

    He C to D rank for DPS, useless against groups and for.mobile bosses yet I had to get Sn1 when im trying to get SN1 Changli

    18 Anonymous5 monthsReport

    Whoever gets all 6 sequences first becomes the master.

    17 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    I love to full chain this one for a 50 50 pulls. He's a very fun character to build

    16 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Lingyang the Ice dmg tower GOAT! XD

    15 wbj8 monthsReport

    I'm still lv70. My mech echo can dish around 10k aoe + 16k crit from outro. Lingyang slaps hard if built and used correctly.

    14 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last update on 24 May, 2024

    13 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Calcs have shown that 3 cost being 1 attack 1 glacio is a damage improvement, please update

    12 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Imagine if this guy is like bennett the first release everyones hates him and put it on a shit tier list and then ended up to be around A-S Tier lol will he age like milk or wine? we'll never know for now 1.0 patch

    11 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    I just got him am i cooked? he lowkey looked like gaming from genshin

    10 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last update on 20 May, 2024

    9 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Literally the worst 5 star character

    8 LingyanEnjoyer10 monthsReport

    I think it isn't mentioned here, but using the intro skill and the resonance liberation is enough to fully recharge his forte.

    7 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Just because he takes more skill to play well doesn't mean he deserves a B tier rating. This guys rocks if played well!

    6 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    People who can't play him well are just suffering from a huge skill issue 🙏😞

    5 zolum10 monthsReport

    im the biggest lingyang fan!

    4 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    idc abt meta i like lingyang!!

    3 Anonymous10 monthsReport


    2 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Got this epic fail from my 50 pull in the newb banner :(. Worst one I could have gotten.

    1 sunshine10 monthsReport

    day 1 and i am the #1 linyang fan.

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