Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Yinlin Best Builds and TeamsComment

Showing 1-20 of 32 entries


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    32 Anonymous7 daysReport

    "waifus" i know ur in ur 40s lol.

    31 Anonymous7 daysReport

    gooner here guys

    30 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Maybe graphics problem, go to graphics setting and set effects to high and see if it is visible.

    29 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Yinlin are hard to play at first but one get into her gameplay you will see how strong she is. I'm dealing around 5k per hit with skill, forte and ulti. Both on & off field with 3 stars weapon. Will get her sig later.

    28 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Why sometime punishment mark doesn't show up

    27 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    She won't , Xiangli Yao will be perfect with her, he ll be stroger Calcharo + everything he touch is considered resonance liberation dmg so Yinlin outro ll be perfect for him ;)

    26 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Yinlin fall hard from meta after Zhezhi. Good bye

    25 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    still cope on Calcharo-Yinlin? cope more!!!

    24 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    That's not true. Lingyang dps still higher than Yinlin. Yinlin is hidden greedy dps onfield in term of concerto regen.

    23 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Liangyang is worst main dps you can have. If you can't think for yourself, use site tierlist

    22 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Nah Jinhsi is currently meta. pls use your brain more

    21 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Haha delusional. Calcharo is just better than Lingyang, same trash tier dps.

    20 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Last update on 18 May, 2024

    19 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Probably the best character for meta you can currently get

    18 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    What do you mean non meta character, she is SS and works very well with calcharo which is also SS main dps.

    17 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Yinlin has no physics on open world. haha what a waifu quality u have.

    16 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    In term of waifu, Jinhsi and Changli is even better. check mate dude!

    15 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    Fuck meta!! I always pull waifus over meta

    14 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    non meta character; ez skip.

    13 Anonymous10 monthsReport

    Last update 2 June, 2024

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