Elden Ring

Raging Wolf Gauntlets Stats and How to Get

This is a page for Raging Wolf Gauntlets, a type of Arms equipment in Elden Ring. Read on to learn Raging Wolf Gauntlets's stats, lore description, and where to get it!

Raging Wolf Armor Set
Raging Wolf HelmHelm Raging Wolf Armor Elden RingArmor Raging Wolf Gauntlets Elden RingGauntlets Raging Wolf GreavesGreaves

Raging Wolf Gauntlets Overview

Raging Wolf Gauntlets Stats

Raging Wolf GauntletsRaging Wolf Gauntlets Basic Information
Type: Arms
Buy Price: ---
Sell Price: ---
Weight: 3.4
Gauntlets worn by Vargram the Raging Wolf, one of the first Tarnished to visit the Roundtable Hold.

According to the old legends, wolves are the shadows of the Empyrean, and this is what Vargram aspired to be.

Base Stats

VS STR 2.8 FIR DEF 2.7
VS PRC 3.1 HLY DEF 2.2
POISE 3 - -

How to Get Raging Wolf Gauntlets

Obtained by Defeating Vargram the Raging Wolf

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Raging Wolf Set can be obtained by defeating Vargram the Raging Wolf and Sorcerer Wilhelm inside the Leyndell Fortified Manor. Both tarnished can be fought by progressing through Bernahl's Questline.

Bernahl Questline and Location

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