Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments


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    9 Kirugo Sarpan2 monthsReport

    Here are the max stats for the missing levels

    8 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    rank up

    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    lvl 90 stats

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Lvl 70: ATK 255, Energy Regen 42.8%

    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Lvl 60: ATK 215, Energy Regen 38.3%

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    on lvl 40 it has 133 ATK and 29.4% Energy Regen

    3 WuWa Walkthrough Team@Game83 monthsReport

    Thank you for the submission! We appreciate it very much!

    1 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Level 80/80 - ATK 296; ER 47.3%

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