Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Zani Character InfoComment

Showing 1-20 of 21 entries


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    21 Anonymous1 dayReport


    20 Da Wei4 daysReport

    Can't wait to get a mature Phoebe

    19 Anonymous6 daysReport

    They dont look the same at all. Her color scheme does remind me of Arlecchino from Genshin tho, but I can acknowledge how different they look

    18 Anonymous7 daysReport

    then you make a character lol

    17 Anonymous7 daysReport

    i know ur ass is blind cuz they do not look the same... are you color blind or what.

    16 anon7 daysReport

    shut the fuck up you gooner lol

    15 Anonymous7 daysReport

    they do NOT look the same are you fucking blind or retarded

    14 Anonymous10 daysReport

    Why are people so fucking cringe? Go outside for once in your life, jesus fucking christ.

    13 Anonymous22 daysReport

    MOMMY ❤️❤️❤️

    12 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    Doesn't look all that similar, just give off the same vibe. It's the classic "Mommy" build, like the Makima, Kafka, etc. LMAO (Also, I couldn't find a different word to describe it, so I used the phrase 'Mommy')

    11 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

    artists borrow or steal ideas from each other. Look at ML Illynac from Epic Seven then look at Evelyn

    10 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    Looks sooo much like Evelyn from Zenless Zone Zero.. She wears her jacket the same way as Evelyn, has black latex-like pants, the white shirt, even the necktie, her jacket is attached to her body with suspenders, just like Eve... Definitely inspired by Evelyn

    9 Anon2 monthsReport

    or she could be aero sub dps who knows

    8 Anonymous2 monthsReport

    zani would most likely a 5 star version of yuanwu since we dont have a 2.0 electro character that can use empyrean anthem set +we have the nightmare:tempest effect that increases a electro dmg + resonance skill damge

    7 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Brant is definitely Fusion (unfortunately?)

    6 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Roccia is definitely Havoc Brant will be either Havoc/electro (his gunshots are purple) so far, Rinascita only has 3 bosses (Sentry (Ice), Skull Dragon(Fire), and giant Ranni (Havoc) ) Skull dragon is Resistant to Fusion, but it doesn't drop Molten Rift category, only tidebreaker which lead Zani might be a Fusion-Energy Regen character

    5 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    Makes no sense for her to be havoc. Either electro or fusion.

    4 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    is this another dps?

    3 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    yeah....thats why you dont build before even having the character

    2 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    please let her be Havoc .. lost my pull on Cam

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