Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Changli Builds and Best Teams(Page 3)Comment

Showing 4-23 of 84 entries


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    43 Monochroma8 monthsReport

    Dang these comments are scary 😰. If you like Changli, you don't NEED any other justification to pull for her. And for some reason people are acting like meta is the only reason to pull for characters? But it's just not... What about her design? Her character? Her playstyle? Do you want her?? Then pull for her!! And if not? Then don't, but why flame people who do? It's fine if you like meta but it's no fun if that's all you focus on, that's a good way to get burnt out. Relax a little.

    42 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I don't know, man. But naming after a Genshin impact character and start talking shit on another game seem pretty much a work of an anti for me, lol.

    41 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Ofcourse a dude with a genshin char name will talk a lot of shit, brother there's a lot of people soloing holo and clearing toa with 4 star char, nobody cares about meta goofball

    40 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    lmao i like your respond

    39 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    It's funny how some people end their comment with " No one gonna pull her if she have no boobs". Well, she have boobs, so what are you gonna do ? Crying ?

    38 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    If you think Jinhsi is more stronger than Changli (which she is) then fine, but don't get us all here trying to tell us we "have no brain to play" bc we like to play what we like. We are not u lil bro. Why tf are u even here? U a rage baiter or sum?

    37 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    get a life holy

    36 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    i doesn't change my point and no and no you`re not teaching any sht if anything you do is trying to force other to pull a specific character you wanted grow tf up and stop forcing other to play the game the way you wanted

    35 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Her outro skill alone is gonna make her a staple for any fire team. Her damage might not be as much as jinshi’s, but she’s still gonna be doing respectable damage, and your still gonna be able to clear content. And when a busted fire character comes out your gonna want her.

    34 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    bc u have no brain to play

    32 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    brother this is the teaching how to play website

    31 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I like, I play. No matter strong or meta. Stop fking teach me how to play.

    30 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    calcharo is better than encore and yet people still pull encore do you know why? because they want to, its that simple why you people couldnt understand that

    29 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    calling someone addict to something while deep throating meta and defending his pull is crazy do i need to repeat myself? mind your own fkin business omg

    27 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    only pulling for meta is such a stupid way to tell people to not pull for a specific character because they`re not "meta" ,meta will always change and eventually there gonna be a new character that also gonna overshadow jinshi

    26 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    holy shit does your parent didn`t teach you all to mind your own business and let other people do what they want?

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