Wuthering Waves Walkthrough Comments

Changli Builds and Best Teams(Page 2)Comment

Showing 3-22 of 84 entries


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    64 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I see, actual her gameplay are good, she's stay between main and sub dps with 2 stacks of skill. Simple just make quick rotation when her skill finish cool down. Need lot more Energy Regen for her to works flawlessly. With good Energy Regen I will not say she's weak than Jinhsi or maybe just a little. Last update on 18 May, 2024. But probably we need more stacks to strip her down completely. Add 4 more stacks and let her goes naked, haha. I will need more time to decide to pull or not.

    63 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Haha, it's just a way to using words. You can predict almost everything by logic.

    62 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    you see the future and the earth is flat of course🤡

    61 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I have a long test for second time to make sure and this time results are different. While she's doesn't have nuke damage like Jinhsi, her power are not lower than Jinhsi. Actual, she's truly main DPS, Jinhsi are not. Jinhsi need only few seconds on field. Characters in this version are worth to pull for, I can see the future man, we likely will not have good characters after this version, maybe after few versions. She worth a single penny just like Jinhsi.

    60 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Wait for Scar, everything ll change for her then :)

    59 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    No matter where you go there are haters. Haters who like to talk trash without anything to back it up, losers. If you like to use her as main dps then you should, cuz she is fun to use especially she is way more fun to use than jinshi imo. Thats my preference, lasd update on 18 May, 2024, and everyone has their own preferences, its a fact.

    58 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    She is mid tbh at least for now.. untill kuro released a new character for changli team, even encore can beat her in terms of total dps

    57 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    very disapointed , when jinshi hit 200k dammage on skill , changli 10k 🤡 when ur not oneshoted 🤡

    56 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Her outro skill alone is gonna make her a staple for any fire team. Her damage might not be as much as jinshi’s, but she’s still gonna be doing respectable damage, last update on 18 May, 2024,and your still gonna be able to clear content. And when a busted fire character comes out your gonna want her.

    55 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Sad, I have no hope in upcoming characters either, Zhezhi & Xiangli Yao. If the characters kits doesn't change, they're disappointed. While Xiangli Yao look like Calcharo upgrade, Zhezhi are not going to help Jinhsi in damage. For now, her kits are just bad. Coordinate atk are count as Basic Atk, outro buff skill for only...1 second. Who the hell benefits from that? Need change before release.

    54 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Finally, I have to decided after long test in Tactical Simulacra. Disappointed, yeah, haha. Bring both Jinhsi & Changli with my S6 Taoqi and Changli do her works poorly while Jinhsi instant kill without using her Illuminous Epiphany. Jinhsi truly a killing machine, that's little too much for her appearance, haha. I read somewhere that says Changli can't lead the team, it's true. She's missing something, good teammates maybe.

    53 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Her outro skill alone is gonna make her a staple for any fire team. Her damage might not be as much as jinshi’s, but she’s still gonna be doing respectable damage, last update on 6 June, 2024,and your still gonna be able to clear content. And when a busted fire character comes out your gonna want her.

    52 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I see, actual her gameplay are good, she's stay between main and sub dps with 2 stacks of skill. Simple just make quick rotation when her skill finish cool down. Need lot more Energy Regen for her to works flawlessly. With good Energy Regen I will not say she's weak than Jinhsi or maybe just a little. But probably we need more stacks to strip her down completely. Add 4 more stacks and let her goes naked, haha. I will need more time to decide to pull or not.

    51 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    She doesn't feel as powerfull as Jinshi, yes. And she is quite squishy and doesnt have a perfect fusion teammate yet. But she is way more fun then Jinshi imo. Combo oriented gameplay and not 30% is watching dragon lasor cutscenes. And i like her animations more. In the end its a matter of taste. Let the tryhards have their spreadsheets, but dont let them tell you who to pull.

    50 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Can you please tell what you dislikes of Changli, or what the character disappointed you? The trail test doesn't satisfied me because mobs are too weak, also they're give weak Danjin & Taoqi to trick people about the character power. I want what I pay for must be worth it. Free to play or pay, it's still money and money is money after all.

    49 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    lmao kiddos said 0/10 rage bait and then raging over it

    48 Onsen Tamago8 monthsReport

    I'm so happy that there is someone sane in these comments. Couldn't agree more that people should play however they prefer (meta or not). It is a game after all and its supposed to be fun!

    46 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Got her and weapon, tested her with a build I've been preparing for her. Comparing it to Jinhsi... I feel robbed now :(

    45 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    I have both Jinhsi and Changli so I don't get what these ppl are arguing about.

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