Diablo Immortal

How to Farm Enchanted Dust

Enchanted Dust is a type of Upgrade Material you can get from Side Quests, Pop-Up Side Quests (like Cursed Chests), Zone Events, and more and is used to improve your Primary equipment in Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn more about Enchanted Dust, including how to farm it and how to use it to upgrade Primary equipment!

How to Farm Enchanted Dust

Item Description
Enchanted DustEnchanted Dust Used to upgrade weapons and primary equipment.
How to Get

Complete Side Quests

Side Quest - Wounded Warrior
Completing Side Quests that are given from various NPCs throughout the world will get you 3 Enchanted Dust per quest. These can pop up if you're in the vicinity or can be accepted from the Adventure Seeker and can usually be completed in a minute or two.

List of Side Quests

Complete Pop-Up Side Quests

While roaming around any of the zones, a Pop-Up Side Quest may randomly appear and give you a small task to complete. Doing so will grant you 3 Enchanted Dust.

Break the Curse

Cursed Chest
Cursed Chests may pop up occasionally, and you'll have to defeat the monsters protecting them within the time limit before opening the chest. A second bonus chest can even spawn with more Enchanted Dust and other rewards, making Cursed Chests one of the best ways to farm Enchanted Dust!


A unique (Purple) Elite monster spawns suddenly. Taking these enemies down provides a challenge, as they have several health bars and additional affixes to watch out for.

Cleansing the Rot

Defeat all 20 enemies that appear in the highlighted area on your mini map to get a chest with Enchanted Dust and other rewards.

Complete Zone Events

Zone Events, which are repeatable activities found in each of Diablo Immortal's zones, are an excellent source of Enchanted Dust. Most Zone Events provide 6 Enchanted Dust for your efforts, making them one of the best ways to farm this upgrade material.

List of Zone Events

Purchase from the Smithing Materials Vendor

You can purchase Enchanted Dust from the Smithing Materials Vendor with Scrap Materials at a rate of 10 Scrap for 1 Enchanted Dust. You probably won't need to do this until later on when the Enchanted Dust required for gear upgrades becomes a roadblock to better gear (around Hell II for most players).

Salvage Rare Equipment

Diablo Immortal - Blacksmith Salvage Button.png

Salvaging your extra rare (yellow) equipment at the Blacksmith is a reliable way to get more Enchanted Dust to upgrade your better gear (and the only thing you can do with extra gear, aside from trashing it!). Salvaging 1 rare piece of gear will get you 1 Enchanted Dust in return.

Purchase from the Hilts Trader

If you're in a pinch, you can grab Enchanted Dust from the Hilts Trader in Westmarch at 15 Hilts a pop. This isn't the best deal, as Enchanted Dust is relatively farmable, whereas Hilts are not, so only make this exchange if you really need to upgrade your gear.

Hilts Trader Guide: What to Spend Hilts On

How to Use Enchanted Dust

Used to Upgrade Primary Equipment

Diablo Immortal - Gear Upgrade Screen

Enchanted Dust is used to upgrade the Gear Ranks of your character's primary equipment. This includes Head, Shoulders, Chest, and Leg Armor, as well as your Main and Off-Hand Weapons.

How to Upgrade Gear Ranks

Used to Purchase Enigmatic Crystals

Diablo Immortal - Purchase Enigmatic Crystals Using Enchanted Dust

Much like Scrap Material and Glowing Shards, Enchanted Dust can also be used to purchase Enigmatic Crystals from the Smithing Materials Vendor. This is an endgame option as Enigmatic Crystals are harder to come by than any of the upgrade materials used for the primary equipment slots. That said, we generally do not recommend purchasing Enigmatic Crystals from the Smithing Materials Vendor, as these can be earned for free by completing Challenge Rifts.

Challenge Rift Guide

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