Diablo Immortal

Ravager Stone: Effects, Attribute Rerolls and Set Bonus

The Ravager Stone is a Reforge Stone upgrade material found in Diablo Immortal. Read on to learn more about the Ravager Stone including its effects, set bonuses, and how to get it!

Ravager Stone Info & Description

Reforge Stone Attribute Tree
Ravager StoneRavager Stone
Ravager Attributes Ravager Family Attributes
Family Set Bonus
You have a 2% chance when you defeat an enemy to cause the corpse to explode, damaging all nearby enemies.
Used to reforge Bonus Attributes from the Ravager family. All random outcomes (bonus attributes and stats within the range) have equal probability.
Ravager Attribute Rerolls
・Healing Potion cooldown reduces (1-2%)
・Life Regeneration increased by (1-2%)
・Damage to elite enemies increased (3-6%)
・Damage done by your summons increased (2-4%)
・Damage taken by your summons decreased by (2-4%)

How to Get the Ravager Stone

Purchased from the In-Game Store

Diablo Immortal Reforge Stones - In-Game Store

The Ravager Stone can be purchased from the in-game store using Eternal Orbs. In order to get Eternal Orbs, players will need to buy them from the same store using real currency.

Eternal Orbs Guide: Prices and How to Use

Earned from the Battle Pass

Diablo Immortal Reforge Stones - Battle Pass

Reforge Stones can be earned from the free track of Diablo Immortal's Battle Pass. However, the Ravager Stone will not be a guaranteed drop as the Reforge Stone reward will be random.

Battle Pass Guide: Rewards and How to Buy

Purchased from the Smithing Materials Vendor

Diablo Immortal Reforge Stones - Smithing Materials Vendor

The Ravager Stone can also be bought at the Smithing Materials Vendor in Westmarch. He can be found standing next to Charsi the Blacksmith. To purchase the stone, players will need to spend Eternal Orbs.

How to Use the Ravager Stone

Used to Reroll Related Family Attributes

Diablo Immortals - How to Use Reforge Stones

The Ravager Stone is used to reroll equipment attributes under the Ravager family of attributes. To reroll your equipment's associated attribute, head over to any Blacksmith and choose the option to Reforge. Do note, only Rank 6 items and above may be reforged.

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