Diablo Immortal

How to Get Beryl

Beryls are a type of Upgrade Material found in Diablo Immortal. Read on to know more about Beryls including how to get them, how to use them, and which Vessels they upgrade!

Beryl Basic Info

Item Description
BerylBeryl Used to upgrade the Vessels of the Horadrim.
Each Culling Stone is the runoff of a long-forgotten ritual used to store the essence of the founding Horadrim.
How to Get
CheckmarkAcquired by opening chests in Iben Fahd's Sanctum.

How to Get Beryl

Unlock the Legacy of the Horadrim

In order to start getting Beryl, players will first need to unlock the Legacy of the Horadrim game mechanic in Diablo Immortal. To do so, acquire any of the Vessels of the Horadrim and complete the questline it unlocks for you.

What Is the Legacy of the Horadrim?

Use Aspirant's Keys to Open Iben Fahd's Chests

Diablo Immortal - Use Aspirant

In order to get Beryl (along with any of the other Culling Stones) players will need to use Aspirant's Keys - a special currency used to open Iben Fahd's chests. Do note, when opened, chests in the Sanctum will drop a random amount of Culling Stones.

How to Use Beryl

Used Beryl to Upgrade Vessels of the Horadrim

Upgraded Vessels of the Horadrim
Diablo Immortal - CathanCathan's Piety Diablo Immortal - Guilt of the NamelessGuilt of the Nameless Diablo Immortal - Nor TirajNor Tiraj's Knowledge

Beryl can be used to upgrade Vessels of the Horadrim. Cathan's Piety, Nor Tiraj's Knowledge, and the Guilt of the Nameless will all use Beryl for their respective upgrades.

All Vessels of the Horadrim

Diablo Immortal Related Guides

Diablo Immortal - Upgrade Materials Partial

All Upgrade Materials & Reforge Stones

All Item Categories

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