FF7 Rebirth

Dranabarga Hard Mode Guide

FF7 Rebirth - Dranabarga Hard Mode Guide

Dranabarga is a boss in the Lament of the Damned side quest of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (FF7 Rebirth). Learn how to beat Dranabarga in Hard Mode and normal difficulties, its weaknesses and resistances, and a list of its moves and attack patterns in this guide!

Dranabarga Weaknesses and Stats


Dranabarga Image
Easy Normal Hard
HP ? 18101 47802

Weakness and Resistances

Weaknesses Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances
Ice Icon Ice
Fire Icon Fire
Lightning Icon Lightning
Magic Icon Magic
Proportional Damage Icon Proportional Damage
Sleep Icon Sleep
Absorbed Elements Immunities
Poison Icon Poison
Silence Icon Silence
Stone Icon Stone

Changes When Staggered

Weakness / Effective Resistance
None None

How to Pressure Dranabarga

How to Pressure

CheckmarkDeal enough damage when Dranabarga uses Subdue.

The only way to Pressure Dranabarga is to deal enough damage to it while it uses Subdue. Equip an Ice Materia or use a ranged character with powerful ATB abilities to quickly pressure Dranabarga as it charges at you.

Note: Dranabarga is immune to physical attacks if you hit its armored back. The only way to deal enough damage to pressure it while it uses Subdue is to face it head on during the attack.

How to Pressure and Stagger Enemies

Dranabarga Best Party and Builds

Recommended Party Setup

Recommended Party Setup
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud 【Physical DPS】
・Main source of damage when Dranabarga gets staggered.
FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie 【Elemental DPS / Stagger Buildup】
・Mainly used to build pressure with Ice Ninjutsu during Subdue.
・Can safely deal damage from a distance.
FF7 Rebirth - Aerith Aerith 【Support】
・High magic damage with her Ice spells.
・Can focus on healing all allies using Pray and Limit Break.

Best Materia to Use Against Dranabarga

Materia Effect
Ice Image Ice ・Deal Ice Elemental Damage
・Best equipped on Yuffie or Aerith.
Magnify Image Magnify ・Heal all allies in battle when linked to Healing Materia.
・Best equipped on Aerith.
Healing Image Healing ・Heal a single ally in battle.
・Best equipped on Aerith.
Prayer Image Prayer ・Heal all allies in battle (alternative for Healing Materia if you do not have Magnify Materia).
・Best equipped on a character that can generate 2 ATB easily.
HP Up  Image HP Up ・Increase the HP of a character.
・Can be equipped to all characters.

How to Beat Dranabarga (Normal)

Dranabarga Boss Fight Tips

Use Yuffie's Ice Ninjutsu to Deal Bonus Damage From a Distance

FF7 Rebirth - Ice Ninjutsu

Dranabarga is dangerous to fight up close. Maintain your distance and utilize Yuffie's Ice Ninjutsu to deal damage from afar. After casting Ice Ninjutsu, throw your shuriken using Triangle and spam basic attacks (Square) to deal ranged elemental damage.

Yuffie Best Builds and Weapons

Attack from the Side or Front of Dranabarga

FF7 Rebirth - Attack from Side

Dranabarga is immune to Physical attacks if you target its armored back. If you're fighting up close, attack Dranabarga's side or front to deal damage. This is highly risky though as it can use its Subdue and bind your current character.

Maintain Distance and Use Ranged Attacks to Avoid Subdue

FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Ranged Attack

Subdue is a dangerous ability as it will bind your character, preventing them from moving or taking actions. Avoid it by using Yuffie's Ninjutsu, Cloud's ranged attacks, or Aerith's basic attacks + Radiant Ward since these all do ranged magic damage.

Summon Yuffie's Doppelganger to Increase the Stagger Meter

FF7 Rebirth - Doppelganger

To fully exploit Dranabarga's weakness to Ice, have Yuffie cast Doppelganger to conjure a copy that mimics all of Yuffie's attacks and spell casts. This will drastically speed up the stagger meter build up during the fight.

Additionally, with Doppelganger active, Yuffie will be able to fill up her ATB gauge twice as fast because of the double attacks. Use this to your advantage and spam Ice elemental damage to build up stagger.

Learn Doppelganger From Bird of Prey

You can learn the Doppelganger ability from the Bird of Prey weapon you get in Chapter 9. Maxing out its proficiency will allow Yuffie to use Doppelganger even when she has a different weapon equipped.

How to Get Bird of Prey

Use Strong Abilities Like Infinity's End or Use Limit Once Staggered

FF7 Rebirth - Infinity

Once you manage to stagger Dranabarga, use all the offensive abilities and Ice Spells at your disposal to quickly chunk away at its HP. Have Cloud go into Punisher Mode and use Infinity's End to make the most out of the Stagger phase's increased damage.

Learn Infinity's End From Crystal Sword

You can learn the Infinity's End ability from the Crystal Sword weapon you get in Chapter 9. Maxing out its proficiency will allow Cloud to use Infinity's End even when he has a different weapon equipped.

How to Get Crystal Sword

Dranabarga Hard Mode Guide

Dranabarga Hard Mode Tips
★ Best Hard Mode Builds for Dranabarga ★

Dranabarga Hard Mode Builds

Notice Table IconNotice from Game8 The builds featured in this Hard Mode section are at Weapon Levels 7~8. If you find that you don't have enough Materia slots to complete the setup, consider getting all the possible Manuscripts on Normal, first.
FF7 Rebirth - Yuffie Yuffie
Magic DPS
Weapon Armor
Crescent Sickle Cetran Bracer
Accessory Summon Materia
Corsair's Compass Gilgamesh
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
Opening ATB BonusOpening ATB Bonus
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Limit Break Damage +10%Limit Break Damage +10%
Synergy Damage UpSynergy Damage Up
FF7 Rebirth - Cloud Cloud
Physical DPS / Healer
Weapon Armor
Slipstream Saber Valkyrian Bangle
Accessory Summon Materia
Enhanced Malboro Orb Odin
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
MP Recovery Rate UpMP Recovery Rate Up
Max MP +3Max MP +3
Stagger RecoveryStagger Recovery
FF7 Rebirth - Barret Barret
Weapon Armor
Battle Cry Cetran Armlet
Accessory Summon Materia
Chocoking's Cape Phoenix
Weapon Materia Armor Materia
Weapon Skills
Overload OverchargeOverload Overcharge
ATB Charge Rate UpATB Charge Rate Up
Attack Power +20Attack Power +20

Tank the Hits with Barret

At the start of the battle, immediately use Barret's Lifesaver and Steelskin back-to-back to increase the party's survivability by having him tank a portion of the damage intended for his allies.

A maxed out First Strike materia and the Chocoking's Cape will make this setup possible very early in the fight.

Use Yuffie's Ice Ninjutsu to Deal Damage

Dranabarga's weakness to Ice can be easily exploited by Yuffie's Ice Ninjutsu. Be sure to switch elements after setting her up with Haste and Doppelganger!

Due to Dranabarga's lesser resistance to Magic and immunity to rear Physical attacks, using Ice Ninjutsu is a safe choice even if it deals slightly reduced damage.

Dodge Attacks with Brumal Form

As your main attacker, Yuffie will surely draw more aggro than her two allies. Fortunately, Dranabarga's attacks are slow and can be easily dodged with Brumal Form.

Successfully dodging attacks with Brumal Form fills a bit of the ATB gauge, allowing frequent uses of abilities to damage the boss and charge Banishment.

Burst with Icy Banishment III

Keep on using ATB commands with Yuffie to ramp Icy Banishment up to level 3 before unleashing it for a massive damage burst. Make sure to change its element with Ice Ninjutsu first or it won't do much!

By triggering the Corsair's Compass' effect, you can spam abilities easier (especially with the Haste buff up) to upgrade Banishment.

Use Magnified Poisona to Remove the Poison

All of Dranabarga's attacks will inflict Poison once its health drops to a critical level. Your non-active party members are more likely to take hits from these attacks that will rapidly chip their HP bar.

Have Cloud cast the magnified Poisona to purge the poison from your party immediately.

If you need ATB charges for Cloud, you can do so by having Yuffie trigger Skill Master or ATB Assist so she can continue dealing damage while also giving ATB charges to her allies. No switching needed!

Dranabarga Rewards and Details


Dranabarga Rewards
Easy/Normal Hard Mode
854 EXP
3 AP
413 Gil
10692 EXP
9 AP
740 Gil
Items Dropped Rare Items Dropped
・Beast Talon ・Exquisite Beast Spine
Stealable Items Morphable Items
・Beast Talon ・Exquisite Beast Spine

Drops Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. XIV on Hard Mode

You can obtain the Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. XIV for Barret by defeating the Dranabarga on Hard Mode.

List of All Manuscripts Guide

Basic Information and Details

Location Chapter Unlocked
Shinra Manor Chapter 12
Species Movement
Artificial Grounded
An experimental specimen kept in the basement of Shinra Manor. It had long laid dormant, but was awoken when the facility's systems came online. Now, its lonely cries echo through the halls, imbuing the building with an even eerier aura.
Impervious to physical attacks from the rear. Inflicting enough damage during Subdue will pressure it. When its HP is low, all its attacks will inflict Poison.

Dranabarga Location and Side Quest

Encountered During Lament of the Damned Side Quest

Dranabarga Fight

You can encounter Dranabarga during the Lament of the Damned side quest. Dranabarga will appear as the final battle of the quest after defeating all Combat Simulator challenges in the side quest.

Lament of the Damned Walkthrough

FF7 Rebirth Related Guides

FF7 Rebirth - List of All Bosses

Boss Fight Guide and List of All Bosses

Story Bosses

All Major Story Bosses
Chapter 1 Materia Guardian
Chapter 2 Midgardsormr
Chapter 3 Rude and Elena
Mythril Golem
Chapter 4 Terror of the Deep
Chapter 5 Jenova Emergent
Chapter 6 Grasptropod
Chapter 7 Custom Valkyrie
Chapter 8 Dyne
Anuran Suppressor
Chapter 9 Specimen H1024
Crimson Mare Mk. II
Chapter 10 Gi Nattak
Chapter 11 Diabolic Variant
Yin and Yang
Forgotten Specimen
Galian Beast
Chapter 12 Abzu
Rude and Elena
Chapter 13 Red Dragon
Reno and Rude
Tseng and Elena
Moss-Grown Adamantoise
Demon Gate
Chapter 14 Jenova Lifeclinger
Sephiroth Reborn

Optional Bosses

Summon Titan
Classified Intel Quetzalcoatl
Side Quests White Terror
Summon Phoenix
Classified Intel Mindflayer
Side Quests White Mousse
Hell Rider II
Sandstorm Drake
Summon Alexander
Classified Intel Tonberry King
Side Quests Dark Claw
Minigame Test 0
Summon Kujata
Classified Intel Great Malboro
Side Quests Levridon
Gorgon Mane
Cosmo Canyon
Summon Bahamut Arisen
Classified Intel Jabberwock
Side Quests Irasceros
Summon Odin
Classified Intel King Zu
Side Quests Queen Bee
Meridian Ocean
Gilgamesh's Island Gilgamesh
Titan and Bahamut Arisen
Phoenix and Kujata
Alexander and Odin
Pirate King's Treasure Ogre Raider
Brineborn Demon
Sea Dragon


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